Extreme vetting do it now!

Yes the average Afghan public will murder you for being a Westerner. No joke. If you are with the military that's another story.

Some soldier actually made a YouTube video about it that went viral recently. I think it was Fox news that covered it but I believe the guy who asked the Afghan soldiers and was told the public will kill you.

Now maybe if you can speak Arabic fluently and dress like an Afghan you might be fine.
One video huh. Well that's proof. Jeesh
So you get your info from Fox and Youtube, believe that Afghanis speak Arabic and would have us convinced that you know what the fuck you're talking about. Remarkable! I thought Twostroke was the dumbest person on RIU. You've clearly got him beat for that honor.
I get my news from all the mainstream media and other news outlets RT is actually alright for some shit Alex Jones is a complete nut but sometimes entertaining. I can't stand the Young Turks they are fucking pussies.
I get my news from all the mainstream media and other news outlets RT is actually alright for some shit Alex Jones is a complete nut but sometimes entertaining. I can't stand the Young Turks they are fucking pussies.

so retarded youtube videos and russian state propaganda are your outlets for news, whenever you are not busy looking up child porn?
you said you were on websites with child pornography.
With links to child porn for fuck sake! Everything is on the darknet I have no control of people on Tor if it was in person I would beat someone down for child porn and probably call the cops.
Dude why are you always talking about child porn ? Why is everyone saying that you look at it
Uncle Buck accuses me of being a pedophile and watching child porn every post he quotes of mine. Because of one post I was ranting about prohibition and in my argument about whorehouses I used the fact their will be less child molesters, sex slavery, and mentioned they have child porn and sell sex slaves on the darknet. Then Buck asked me how I know I replied I seen like 2 links to child porn on Hidden Wiki and I heard about the sex slaves from the news.

But now he doctored up my quotes just had one in his signature that said I was on a site with a bunch of links to child porn and every time I correct him because other people started talking to me like I was a piece of shit pedophile until I tell them to actually follow his links to see what I said! I even reported him several times but it does no use.

I don't want to talk about child porn at all Buck is the one who keeps calling me a pedophile and saying I watch child porn because he is a washed up racist troll.
Uncle Buck accuses me of being a pedophile and watching child porn every post he quotes of mine. Because of one post I was ranting about prohibition and in my argument about whorehouses I used the fact their will be less child molesters, sex slavery, and mentioned they have child porn and sell sex slaves on the darknet. Then Buck asked me how I know I replied I seen like 2 links to child porn on Hidden Wiki and I heard about the sex slaves from the news.

But now he doctored up my quotes just had one in his signature that said I was on a site with a bunch of links to child porn and every time I correct him because other people started talking to me like I was a piece of shit pedophile until I tell them to actually follow his links to see what I said! I even reported him several times but it does no use.

I don't want to talk about child porn at all Buck is the one who keeps calling me a pedophile and saying I watch child porn because he is a washed up racist troll.
why would you want to look at child porn. Why even look at the links and talk about them to everyone ?
Uncle Buck accuses me of being a pedophile and watching child porn every post he quotes of mine. Because of one post I was ranting about prohibition and in my argument about whorehouses I used the fact their will be less child molesters, sex slavery, and mentioned they have child porn and sell sex slaves on the darknet. Then Buck asked me how I know I replied I seen like 2 links to child porn on Hidden Wiki and I heard about the sex slaves from the news.

But now he doctored up my quotes just had one in his signature that said I was on a site with a bunch of links to child porn and every time I correct him because other people started talking to me like I was a piece of shit pedophile until I tell them to actually follow his links to see what I said! I even reported him several times but it does no use.

I don't want to talk about child porn at all Buck is the one who keeps calling me a pedophile and saying I watch child porn because he is a washed up racist troll.
Why do you lurk on sites with a bunch of child porn?