Extreme vetting do it now!

After 9/11 I think Europe has taken more casualties then the USA by Muslim extremists.

But the Middle East has it the worst but it hardly ever makes Western media.
Spew some more lies, pedo.

Maybe cite YouTube videos like a retard too.
Pretty cool. How was that?

First stop would be somewhere in Rajasthan for me, then I'd make my way to Ranchi.

Three three-week trips in 2008. First trip -- culture shock, horror, sadness and a little homesickness. I'm a pampered American. I wasn't prepared. The second and third trips I had a couple of really good traveling companions which made things much better. We spent a couple of nights at Matheran, which was one of the most surreal experiences of my relatively sheltered life. You get dropped off at the bottom and then start hiking up. Boys with horses offer rides up for a fee. A horse-drawn cart makes its way up and down and you can hop on that for a fee too. Once you're up there, there is a "hotel", a couple of "restaurants", some "shops" and access to several vistas. From the drop off point on, no one we encountered spoke English. There were lots of things going on up there (of the WTF variety) including unexpected sitar music followed by India's answer to Wayne Newton (with a great sound system) belting out some Indian tunes late at night in the courtyard of the hotel. Lots of people came out and watched and started dancing...the sound of sitar and thumb cymbals reached a fevered crescendo at one point with bright blue flashing lights strobing out and for a second, I thought I was tripping. There was a horse stampede, encounters with trained monkey thieves and a bunch of other things that made me realize I wasn't in Kansas anymore. I LOVED that trip, but not until we were down from the hill and looking at it in the rear view mirror. I rambled like a moron. Sorry about that.
Three three-week trips in 2008. First trip -- culture shock, horror, sadness and a little homesickness. I'm a pampered American. I wasn't prepared. The second and third trips I had a couple of really good traveling companions which made things much better. We spent a couple of nights at Matheran, which was one of the most surreal experiences of my relatively sheltered life. You get dropped off at the bottom and then start hiking up. Boys with horses offer rides up for a fee. A horse-drawn cart makes its way up and down and you can hop on that for a fee too. Once you're up there, there is a "hotel", a couple of "restaurants", some "shops" and access to several vistas. From the drop off point on, no one we encountered spoke English. There were lots of things going on up there (of the WTF variety) including unexpected sitar music followed by India's answer to Wayne Newton (with a great sound system) belting out some Indian tunes late at night in the courtyard of the hotel. Lots if people came out and watched and started dancing...the sound of sitar and thumb cymbals reached a fevered crescendo at one point with bright blue flashing lights strobing out and for a second, I thought I was tripping. There was a horse stampede, encounters with trained monkey thieves and a bunch of other things that made me realize I wasn't in Kansas anymore. I LOVED that trip, but not until we were down from the hill and looking at it in the rear view mirror. I rambled like a moron. Sorry about that.
Sounds pretty fucking awesome.
I thought about hitting the Indian Hippie Trail, but it's so close to Pakistan, I'm a bit apprehensive. Getting abducted, raped, dismembered, and scattered across the Himalayas doesn't really appeal to me.
Rather absurd. There's no need for this sort of irrational fear. I was in Afghanistan around the Khyber Pass back in 2002 and I'm sure it has gotten worse since then but the only monsters I ever saw abducting, dismembering and murdering anybody were the US troops. I don't think there are any Taliban or Mujahideen in Goa.
They mine the metadata constantly looking for patterns and then drill down from there. It can be queried in an ad hoc fashion and the metadata can answer questions that haven't even been thought of to ask yet -- and quickly, thanks to Big Data/MapReduce. The metadata just sits there (growing, actually) waiting to reveal some patterns or answer some questions. It will always be there. It doesn't get cleaned up or purged...it just grows. Creepy.
Mess it up a bit. I have Facebook showing me ads that I have no interest in. One post I dislike something, then I switch up after a day or two. It's hilarious.
You claim to be black and say what the KKK did was no big deal.

Fucking pedo
It was a big deal 100 years ago today 2017 they ain't linching shit they are scared of us because they will be killed.

Aryans are tough in prison that's about it I'm more scared of MS13. Lol
...the only monsters I ever saw abducting, dismembering and murdering anybody were the US troops.
And that kind of fuckery leads to blowback. If I ever travel to that part of the world (unlikely) I'd do my best to conceal the fact I was an American. Canadian, eh?
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And that kind of fuckery leads to blowback. If I ever travel to that part of the world (unlikely) I'd do my best to conceal the fact I was an American. Canadian, eh?
They will kill you for being French, Canadian won't cut you any slack. Lol, Not even Russian.
You are scared of whoever they tell you to be scared of because you are a dumbass.
I'm not really scared of MS13 but I wouldn't fuck with them. I doubt they are going to come running out the woods to chop my arm off. LMAO, but they are scarier than the Aryans because they are actually organized on the streets.
I'm not really scared of MS13 but I wouldn't fuck with them. I doubt they are going to come running out the woods to chop my arm off. LMAO, but they are scarier than the Aryans because they are actually organized on the streets.
They would probably do a better job of governing the country than the idiot in the White House.
They will kill you for being French, Canadian won't cut you any slack. Lol, Not even Russian.
Who exactly? The average Afghani? Maybe the average Dari speaking Northern Alliance soldier? Oh, I know, you were clearly referring to Pashtune children. Those dastardly kids, they just hate French Canadians!
Who exactly? The average Afghani? Maybe the average Dari speaking Northern Alliance soldier? Oh, I know, you were clearly referring to Pashtune children. Those dastardly kids, they just hate French Canadians!
Yes the average Afghan public will murder you for being a Westerner. No joke. If you are with the military that's another story.

Some soldier actually made a YouTube video about it that went viral recently. I think it was Fox news that covered it but I believe the guy who asked the Afghan soldiers and was told the public will kill you.

Now maybe if you can speak Arabic fluently and dress like an Afghan you might be fine.
Yes the average Afghan public will murder you for being a Westerner. No joke. If you are with the military that's another story.

Some soldier actually made a YouTube video about it that went viral recently. I think it was Fox news that covered it but I believe the guy who asked the Afghan soldiers and was told the public will kill you.

Now maybe if you can speak Arabic fluently and dress like an Afghan you might be fine.
So you get your info from Fox and Youtube, believe that Afghanis speak Arabic and would have us convinced that you know what the fuck you're talking about. Remarkable! I thought Twostroke was the dumbest person on RIU. You've clearly got him beat for that honor.