SSDD #4, just trimming this up a bit it was super sticky and a really nice sour/tart smell:
Here are the two that I'm hoping to reveg (well, I'm also trying to reveg that SSDD mama that had a lot of similar characteristics):
SB #1 and SSDD #6 both were solid producers of pretty dense buds too. I have a clone going of SSDD #6 in the other tent... though the pics aren't that interesting at the moment.
Here's the other tent... I may have started a bit too much, but I'm looking towards growing outside for the first time, and getting some things ready and sorted... lets see, what do we have here. Back left is that other SSDD that I'm looking to reveg (maybe shouldn't have left that one bigger bud on there, but wanted to give it a good chance), the other two in the back that are looking a bit cramped are Copa's Ancient Lights (NL x Ancient OG) which are looking really nice, and are the ones in the tent that I'm most excited about. The two sort of pale ones kitty corner from each other in the middle are Seattle Chronic Helioz, which is supposed to be a full spectrum (THC, CBD, CBG) which I thought might be worth a try for pain. The other two healthier looking ones kitty corner from each other in the middle are the two from Kera seeds one is Cherry Grapefruit the other Cali Nugget, both looking really good at this point (and from feminized seed). That little one in the party cup to the left is a PSBC Texada Skunk, I started two of those as possible outdoor candidates, but only one popped (Texada is supposed to be fast and good in rainy environments). The bottom two all the way on the left are clones, the one in the corner is a bit of a mystery... I didn't label it, or at least not clearly, the cup says SS on it, so I'm assuming it's a SSDD, but not sure which cut. The one directly above it is a clone of SSDD #6. The bottom right was a random seed at the bottom of my seed storage container, nut sure what, but it's showing male and will be culled. The one right above that and in the bigger pot to left are both Bad Dawg Ortega x 3 Headed Dragon, I started 4 of them and was a bit excited, they all came up, one of them damped off, one of them couldn't get free from its shell, and the other two have had weird growth patterns, the one in the front row has looked healthy all along, but immediately started growing in a v shape, like it self topped or really wants to spread out like ground cover, the other one was just stunted and twisted for a long time and is finally coming around.
In addition to all that I started 3 Copa Turkish Twist which are a landrace Turkish x Ancient OG and supposed to finish by mid September outdoors. I ordered those from DCSE and I also got a Copa First Cut freebie which is Project 25 x Ancient OG, which I'm actually more excited about and which should also finish early, but I want to try those indoors I think. Anyway, too many projects, too many seeds, and too little space, ain't that always the way.
I guess it's about time to start a new journal...