Farmhouse Berry Pink, Bodhi SSDD (F2) and PeakSeedsBC SB journal...

Only been a couple days since my last post.

SSDD #4 (back right) starting to pick up frost more than #6:


I didn't take clones of that one, but maybe a reveg candidate.

I did hit it pretty hard with some FH pollen collected from the two Berry Pink males, that should make some interesting offspring. And then I have the other SSDD and SB fems that have been open pollinated by the two FH males. I also hit one of the SBs with some SSDD pollen on a few of the lower buds.

Should have some cool stuff to work with. But should also probably just keep it a bit simpler... there are suddenly a lot of moving parts.
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A week, more or less, on.

I put the two fems that co-habited with the FH boys into the flower tent. They're looking a bit pale, but carrying seeds. They're no back on the same feeding schedule as the rest of the plants in there, so they should perk up, I'd hope.


SSDD #4, top middle, is looking really nice still, way frostier than her sister. Also has a much more interesting smell. #6 (top left ), smells kind like some basic weed, #4 has kind of a much funkier sour fermenting fruit smell on the rub. I'm now even more curious about how she'll cross with that FH with a double sour diesel papa that I hit her lower bud sites with.

Oh, since I have the veg tent up and running anyway, I started some more seeds... why not? There were a few things that i was particularly interested in starting, and some others that i wasn't, but started anyway.

Anyway, I'm a Northern Lights fan, and have been sitting on a few Bad Dawg Ortega x 3 Headed Dragon freebies... so, on learning that Ortega is a NL mix, I started a couple of them.

I also decided to start some of the oldest seeds I have, among which are some Kera seeds. I tried to start one of them before, and it didn't pop, so, being 5 years old, I didn't have much expectation. Nevertheless, I started 2 fem Kera Cali Nugget (sour diesel x white widow) seeds and 1 fem Cherry Grapefruit (chemdawg x sour diesel x OG Kush x White Widow... that's what it says, don't know exactly how that parses out). Anyway, several years ago, before I started buying too many seeds, I bought these ones, and tried previously to start a Cherry Grapefruit, which didn't germinate. This time, the Cali Nuggets popped with a vengeance, having noticeable tails within not much more than 12 hours, and the Cherry Grapefruit was close behind. So I've got those. Being a diesel fan too, I thought they might cross well with the FH with, again, the double sour diesel papa. But, really, I have so many seeds anyway, i really should be thinking about growing what I want to vape/smoke, rather than worrying about more breeding projects that I probably won't follow through on.

There was also one loose seed on the bottom of the container that I keep my seed packs in, I'm fairly sure it's a Peak Seeds BC seed, because they seem the most likely to come loose given the little plastic tube things they show up in. So, I started that too... I think it's either another Skunk Berry or maybe a Texada Skunk, but I'm not really sure.

And then I also started a couple of Seattle Chronic Helioz which are supposed to be about a 1:1 (THC:CBG) with a high Cannabigerol content. I don't have any experience with such things, and I'm curious. Hoping that the non THC cannabinoids will help take the edge off my back pain when it gets really bad.
Being as cool as it is in the basement, things are definitely progressing a little on the slow side. But still looking pretty decent at this point.


SSDD #4 still the frost queen. Lots of makings of a keeper at this point. Wish I had taken cuttings, #6 looked more promising early on. But, in addition to being nice and frosty #4 has a really perfumey, sweet over-rip fruit smell going on.

Things are progressing, starting to put on some bulk and frost, though not catching up to the frost queen yet... the two pale mommas on the right are actually both looking decently frosty too.


SSDD #6, starting to look bulky:


SSDD #4, still the frost queen:

So, we're right about 7 weeks from showing sex on these, and there's definitely a few more to go. I took a little time to trim today. The tent is definitely over-crowded, and I've been getting some condensation on the walls (warmish interior, colder exterior, etc.) and wanted to provide a bit of space between plants and create some more room for airflow. I'll be wasting a bit of light, but I can live with that.

This is not going to be a massive yield grow, but it's really more of a project grow than a product grow.

while I had them pulled out, I took some shots.

Here's the SkunkBerry mama that I hit with SSDD pollen, probably won't yield a ton of seeds, but likely something worthwhile in there. Frosty and resilient. Nice little plant that got a bit neglected early on and then jammed in a corner:


Here's the SSDD mamma carrying seeds crossed with the Farmhouse Berry Pink (as is SSDD #4), I'm hoping (expecting) some fire from those. Another nice little plant that dealt well with adverse conditions. Classic shape, might have been a star if I gave her a chance:


Here's SkunkBerry #3 after a haircut. She and SSDD #4 are shooting it out for stinkiest right now. Fruity, dank, a bit sour. Those buds are getting dense, the hardest buds of the lot right now:

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This is SB #1. She's solid, but not spectacular right now, not quite as loud or dense as her sister. A nice easy going plant. We'll see how she finishes out:


Here's SSDD #6. A beautiful, easy going plant. Slightly outshined by her sister's frost production and smell, but still a few weeks to go, so we'll see:


And here's SSDD #4. Some of the sweetness of the smell has started to turn more to a sour funk:


Here's a slightly out of focus closeup of that apical cola:

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And all together back in the tent with a bit more room to breathe:

About week 8... definitely seems to be slowed down by the cool temps.

Getting a little bleaching on one of the SBs (the tallest plant), and starting to pick up a bit of color on the SB mamma.




And, not quite another week on... about week 9 since showing sex, definitely getting to the end stage. The tent smells delicious, not much funk, mostly just sweetness.

The two put upon mammas, the SB picking up some more color while her sisters aren't, suggesting more of a blueberry leaner, and she's carrying SSDD cross seeds... my thought has always been that the SSDD blueberry scone pheno might play very well here... might be some fire in her belly:


SB #1 doing her thing and putting on some weight and starting to fade a touch:


SB #3 still with the densest nugs and starting to put on some more frost:


SSDD #6 putting on weight:


SSDD #4 Fading a bit:

Been about 11 days. Which puts us at about week 10 since showing sex, but still pushing white pistils.

Ran into a bit of a problem. Didn't look in on them in about 3 days and came to find that one of the colas on SB #3 had gone brown. I looked very closely but didn't see any mold or white fuzzy bits, but the nugs and sugar leaves were pulling away from the stem very easily. So I cut that cola off. It's a bit of a bummer, but I kind of saw it coming, I guess, I had periodically been getting a bit of condensation on the inside of the tent. And, this being the plant with the densest buds, it makes sense. I finally added the exhaust fan, which I don't really need for odor control, but to increase the airflow and reduce the danger of condensation.

Getting a fair amount of late flower fading, though I'm still feeding a bit of N.

Here's that SB #3:

SB #1:


SSDD #6:


SSDD #4:


The mamas:

Well, something like 15 weeks since showing sex, and I finally chopped these girls (I cut the two smaller mamas about a week ago).

This will definitely make me reconsider growing in a cold basement in the middle of winter in the future. Anyway.

The tent with some seriously faded fan leaves:

Some closeups of SB #3 and SSDD #6 respectively... finally got enough amber in there to make the cut:



I did a light trim, just cutting off most of the fan leaves and a few of the sugar leaves. Hear's the SB #3, probably the densest nugs that I've grown, I cut most of it, but found that there were still some really dense buds near the bottom, no larf here... hopefully I left enough for it to reveg, though I might not have. Kinda bummed that none of the SB clones took... I'll have to try again with cloning hormone if this revegs:


SSDD #4, just trimming this up a bit it was super sticky and a really nice sour/tart smell:


Here are the two that I'm hoping to reveg (well, I'm also trying to reveg that SSDD mama that had a lot of similar characteristics):

SB #1 and SSDD #6 both were solid producers of pretty dense buds too. I have a clone going of SSDD #6 in the other tent... though the pics aren't that interesting at the moment.

Here's the other tent... I may have started a bit too much, but I'm looking towards growing outside for the first time, and getting some things ready and sorted... lets see, what do we have here. Back left is that other SSDD that I'm looking to reveg (maybe shouldn't have left that one bigger bud on there, but wanted to give it a good chance), the other two in the back that are looking a bit cramped are Copa's Ancient Lights (NL x Ancient OG) which are looking really nice, and are the ones in the tent that I'm most excited about. The two sort of pale ones kitty corner from each other in the middle are Seattle Chronic Helioz, which is supposed to be a full spectrum (THC, CBD, CBG) which I thought might be worth a try for pain. The other two healthier looking ones kitty corner from each other in the middle are the two from Kera seeds one is Cherry Grapefruit the other Cali Nugget, both looking really good at this point (and from feminized seed). That little one in the party cup to the left is a PSBC Texada Skunk, I started two of those as possible outdoor candidates, but only one popped (Texada is supposed to be fast and good in rainy environments). The bottom two all the way on the left are clones, the one in the corner is a bit of a mystery... I didn't label it, or at least not clearly, the cup says SS on it, so I'm assuming it's a SSDD, but not sure which cut. The one directly above it is a clone of SSDD #6. The bottom right was a random seed at the bottom of my seed storage container, nut sure what, but it's showing male and will be culled. The one right above that and in the bigger pot to left are both Bad Dawg Ortega x 3 Headed Dragon, I started 4 of them and was a bit excited, they all came up, one of them damped off, one of them couldn't get free from its shell, and the other two have had weird growth patterns, the one in the front row has looked healthy all along, but immediately started growing in a v shape, like it self topped or really wants to spread out like ground cover, the other one was just stunted and twisted for a long time and is finally coming around.

In addition to all that I started 3 Copa Turkish Twist which are a landrace Turkish x Ancient OG and supposed to finish by mid September outdoors. I ordered those from DCSE and I also got a Copa First Cut freebie which is Project 25 x Ancient OG, which I'm actually more excited about and which should also finish early, but I want to try those indoors I think. Anyway, too many projects, too many seeds, and too little space, ain't that always the way.

I guess it's about time to start a new journal...

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