Fascism and the Republican Party

I guess you missed that whole summer of 2020 when your peace-loving Democrats were burning down entire city blocks in several cities not to mention the people they murdered you are a perfect Democrat your too damn dumb to see what's right in front of you and I missed the part in any of this thread where I was defending anyone including Republicans you need to go smoke one and get some of your anger out.
Are you saying the GOP MAGA Fascist Party's attempt to overthrow our democracy is justified? You have to do more than just make some unjustified claims before I'm willing to let Trump shred our Constitution.

What you are invoking is the "yeah but you do it too" logical fallacy. Tu quo est. It's a well known shitty debate tactic.

So, yeah, after a wave of police brutality that left scores of Black people dead, some of them tortured to death, there were hundreds of thousands in the streets in protest. Some property was damaged but I'm not aware of a wave of killings, you'll have to back that up. The property damage was wrong. It was covered by insurance but I'll go with the statement that it was wrong.

Summer is about over. Did that happen again in 2021 or 2022? It's over. There have been a few BLM protests over cop killings but nothing like what Trump caused to happen during his reign. Also some justice was handed out to the murderous cops. Chauvin will not live to see freedom. Meanwhile about 10,000 people are charged for what they did during the BLM riots. A lot of them are Proud Boys and other white supremacist terrorists, which puts to question -- just exactly who did the property damage? Regardless, whoever broke the law, they should face justice.

What is also wrong was the MAGA Fascist Party's assault on our Capitol Building, the horror our Capitol Police faced, some of whom died due to the action, the attempted coup and attempt to murder Trump's political enemies, And it's still going on. Republicans are still delivering hate speech, egging on the violence. Trump and other Republican fascist leaders, through their hate speech motivated a white supremacist to attack an FBI. He was shot dead during the attempt to arrest him but the blame for that event falls squarely on the shouders the Trump and other Republican fascist leaders. Their hate speech continues. They are attacking our voting systems in states they control too. Trump is still trying to establish dictatorship.

So that equivalence you established to justify Fascism. Not only is it a laughably bad debate tactic. It is entirely false.
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trump's racism goes way back to the 1980's when he took out a full page ad in the newspaper calling for the death penalty for 5 minority teens falsely accused of raping a jogger in Central Park.
it goes back further than that...he and his father bought up cheap rent controlled apartment building in the 70s and evicted or forced out all the tenants, who were old people and minorities, so that they could tear them down and build luxury condos...
trump's money came from his dad, who was a fucking slum lord who treated minorities like shit...like father, like son
it goes back further than that...he and his father bought up cheap rent controlled apartment building in the 70s and evicted or forced out all the tenants, who were old people and minorities, so that they could tear them down and build luxury condos...
trump's money came from his dad, who was a fucking slum lord who treated minorities like shit...like father, like son
And the trumps were migrants, correct?
I read Pop’s post as a rejection of agent orange.

But it does make the cardinal mistake of equating conservatism with the GQP.

That lie has been around since John Birch, and Heritage used Reagan and the landscaping twins to pervert the term into today’s fascist creed.
Fuck Conservatism. Until they do something worthwhile for actual people and not rich corporations, I'll make whatever cardinal mistake i want. Prove us wrong.
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Fuck Conservatism. Until they do something worthwhile for actual people and not rich corporations, I'll make whatever cardinal mistake i want. Prove us wrong.
I think there is value in separating conservative ideas, which are still small-r republican, from the faith-driven populism morphing into authoritarianism that we see now.

Eisenhower was a conservative. However, he left the New Deal intact and warned us about corporatocracy in the guise of the military-industrial complex.

Corporatocracy unerringly steers toward the authoritarian, with currently apparent consequences.