Fascism and the Republican Party

Public Service Agencies, Large And Small, Chilled By Violent Threats From Trump Supporters
34,263 views Aug 30, 2022 Rachel Maddow remarks on the unlikelihood of turning something as benign as the National Archives into a villain, and rounds up the litany of public service agencies, from the FBI to local election workers, that have drawn the ire of Donald Trump and incurred threats of violence from his supporters, noting the deleterious effect of such threats on democracy in the United States.
Some of the MAGA folks are definitely leaning toward fascism but I think the best explanation for GOP philosophy is that their ideas no longer appeal to a majority of Americans. So, majority rule is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. Democracy itself is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. That's why GOP strategists and propagandists try to equate "majority rule" with "mob rule". And that's why the GOP has their internet geniuses asserting that "America is not a democracy" because nothing scares the GOP more than voters. Every opportunity they have, they will try to make it harder to vote so that the folks who are most desperate in life will not take the time to stand in line for half a day to vote. Because those folks usually do not vote GOP so they make it harder for them to vote. Until the GOP supports democracy and majority rule, they should not be trusted with the levers of power. And since the GOP no longer supports majority rule and democracy, it's easier for their followers to believe that political violence is appropriate to protect themselves from voters (the mob). The GOP culture war plays into that violence as well. It's easier for the radicals to commit political violence when they think they are saving America from "libtards, communists, pedophiles, groomers, and RINOs".
Some of the MAGA folks are definitely leaning toward fascism but I think the best explanation for GOP philosophy is that their ideas no longer appeal to a majority of Americans. So, majority rule is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. Democracy itself is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. That's why GOP strategists and propagandists try to equate "majority rule" with "mob rule". And that's why the GOP has their internet geniuses asserting that "America is not a democracy" because nothing scares the GOP more than voters. Every opportunity they have, they will try to make it harder to vote so that the folks who are most desperate in life will not take the time to stand in line for half a day to vote. Because those folks usually do not vote GOP so they make it harder for them to vote. Until the GOP supports democracy and majority rule, they should not be trusted with the levers of power. And since the GOP no longer supports majority rule and democracy, it's easier for their followers to believe that political violence is appropriate to protect themselves from voters (the mob). The GOP culture war plays into that violence as well. It's easier for the radicals to commit political violence when they think they are saving America from "libtards, communists, pedophiles, groomers, and RINOs".
The way the employment situation is today, if someone said they needed to take a half day off to vote, the manager wouldn't say a fucking word, good help is hard to find! The republicans are in trouble in several states over abortion issues and Texas might have a democratic governor, if that happens, the republicans in Texas will go nuts!

Joe: This Should Be A Landslide Year For GOP, But It's Not Working That Way
159,956 views Aug 30, 2022 The Morning Joe panel discusses why 2022 should be a landslide year for the Republicans, but clunky Trump-backed candidates appear to be hurting the party.
Some of the MAGA folks are definitely leaning toward fascism but I think the best explanation for GOP philosophy is that their ideas no longer appeal to a majority of Americans. So, majority rule is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. Democracy itself is inconsistent with GOP election strategies. That's why GOP strategists and propagandists try to equate "majority rule" with "mob rule". And that's why the GOP has their internet geniuses asserting that "America is not a democracy" because nothing scares the GOP more than voters. Every opportunity they have, they will try to make it harder to vote so that the folks who are most desperate in life will not take the time to stand in line for half a day to vote. Because those folks usually do not vote GOP so they make it harder for them to vote. Until the GOP supports democracy and majority rule, they should not be trusted with the levers of power. And since the GOP no longer supports majority rule and democracy, it's easier for their followers to believe that political violence is appropriate to protect themselves from voters (the mob). The GOP culture war plays into that violence as well. It's easier for the radicals to commit political violence when they think they are saving America from "libtards, communists, pedophiles, groomers, and RINOs".
good points all

Republicans are helped along in their drive toward minority fascist rule by the Constitution itself, which was written to defeat rule by the unwashed masses.

Democracy is not just the enemy of the Republican Party. It is also the enemy of the Constitution. Americans associate the Constitution with popular liberties such as due process and freedom of speech. They overlook its architecture of state power, which erects formidable barriers to equal representation and majority rule in all three branches of government. The Republicans are not struggling to overturn a long and storied history of democratic rules and norms. They’re walking through an open door.

In unicameral legislatures, the democratic majority — described by James Madison as those who “labor under all the hardships of life and secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings” — has too much power to pursue its “leveling” designs. If the legislature is divided in two, however, with an upper chamber reflecting the interests of the wealthy minority “who are placed above the feelings of indigence,” the majority’s designs will be frustrated.

It was, after all, written by wealthy men for wealthy men. Labor have been fighting to get the bourgeoise's un-calloused hands off their throats for generations.

It's an interesting idea that I hadn't considered before. Liberals/Democrats aren't fighting to defend the Constitution as it stands, we are fighting to change it and it is Republicans who by opposing democracy and majority rule are simply fighting for the status quo of Constitutional law before the Warren court brought a higher level of democracy and a glimmer of majority rule. This makes the current stack of right wing SCOTUS judges more ominous. They will argue for a return to the founder's form of Constitutional law and sweep away rulings made by earlier courts.

Joe: This Should Be A Landslide Year For GOP, But It's Not Working That Way
159,956 views Aug 30, 2022 The Morning Joe panel discusses why 2022 should be a landslide year for the Republicans, but clunky Trump-backed candidates appear to be hurting the party.
who the fuck is that opposite mrs. lindsey that looks like a burn victim?...i don't watch faux enough to know all their fucked up talking skeleton heads

Joe: This Should Be A Landslide Year For GOP, But It's Not Working That Way
159,956 views Aug 30, 2022 The Morning Joe panel discusses why 2022 should be a landslide year for the Republicans, but clunky Trump-backed candidates appear to be hurting the party.
mrs. lindsey keeps saying "after what happened with Hillary."...what happened with Hillary? she set up a private server to get some shit done, got called on it, and shut it down...the fbi investigated...after republicunts forced them to, and didn't find anything to charge her with...so just exactly how is that justification for trump's fucknut followers rioting in the street because trump is charged with taking top secret papers? the possession of one single one of which would have anyone else on the entire fucking planet in a cell already?
i suspect it's because they're spoiled, entitled little cocksucking, whining, cunty karens, but i could be wrong. but i'm not.
Reichstag is next..not one but as many as they can.

It just occurred to me that guy in the f150, raced around the corner only to sit in front of the library with him texting (waiting for the order?). Never left the truck. Never went into the library.

No security, no bullet proof doors/glass.

The true seat of Democracy- where the books are stored.20220829_100532_HDR.jpg

He's reading and has his hand on his mouth.
Reichstag is next..not one but as many as they can.

It just occurred to me that guy in the f150, raced around the corner only to sit in front of the library with him texting (waiting for the order?). Never left the truck. Never went into the library.

No security, no bullet proof doors/glass.

The true seat of Democracy- where the books are stored.View attachment 5190192
View attachment 5190193

He's reading and has his hand on his mouth.
probably the only way he can keep his lips from moving while he struggles through the enormous task of texting

Lindsey Graham says there will be riots if DOJ charges Donald Trump for his crimes
27,279 views Aug 30, 2022 Senator Lindsey Graham stated - without equivocation and without condemnation - that if the Department of Justice indicts Donald Trump for his crimes there "will be riots in the street."

Graham's proclamation is reminiscent of Donald Trump saying, "come to DC on January 6, will be wild." These statements by Trump and Graham sound less like warnings and more like recruitment calls.

Why is Graham saying and doing everything he can to try to keep Trump from being held accountable for his crimes? Perhaps because Graham is also at risk of being held accountable for assisting Trump in his efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election. As the Washington post reported, Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said that Lindsey Graham "urged him to toss out lawfully cast ballots." So it stands to reason that if Trump goes down for his crimes, that increases the likelihood that Graham will be dragged down with him.

Note: apologies for the audio problem on this video. It will be remedied tomorrow.
Reichstag is next..not one but as many as they can.

It just occurred to me that guy in the f150, raced around the corner only to sit in front of the library with him texting (waiting for the order?). Never left the truck. Never went into the library.

No security, no bullet proof doors/glass.

The true seat of Democracy- where the books are stored.View attachment 5190192
View attachment 5190193

He's reading and has his hand on his mouth.
He’s probably never stepped foot in a library.

I think it’s convenient when people openly show who they are. It’s like wearing a sign that says “I’m stupid”. I appreciate their openness.

Canada’s version. I love these assholes.
Reichstag is next..not one but as many as they can.

It just occurred to me that guy in the f150, raced around the corner only to sit in front of the library with him texting (waiting for the order?). Never left the truck. Never went into the library.

No security, no bullet proof doors/glass.

The true seat of Democracy- where the books are stored.View attachment 5190192
View attachment 5190193

He's reading and has his hand on his mouth.
We already had our Reichstag-analogous event.

Unlike the original, the recent one crashed at the end of the runway.
Keep up with the pressure, Joe,

White House: Lindsey Graham's Riot Threat Proves Biden's 'Semi-Fascism' Remark
Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the senator's remarks are exactly "what the president was referring to" when he made the "semi-fascism" comment.

Biden got many members of the GOP in a tizzy, such as New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R), who, on Sunday, demanded the president apologize for “trying to stir up this anti-Republican sentiment right before the election.”

But Biden got some unintentional support from Graham, his former friend-turned-Trump-sycophant.
The South Carolina Republican helped Biden’s cause by ominously threatening “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted for taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago.

On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Graham’s remarks on Sunday proved the point Biden said last week.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu's response to Joe calling out Republicans as fascists be like:

The media at last has started to report on this topic since Biden spoke but we're still moving toward fascism.

It seems we've given up as a nation in attempting to have TFG supporters see reality. Even the FL Dem gubernatorial candidate said he didn't want Trump supporters, he wasn't seeking their votes. I hear pundits and moderators resigned to it. That's a bad sign and a good sign. It demonstrates how serious the matter is but also that the media might finally be awakening to the absurdity of the "both sides" dance.

We're at the stage of fighting violence and terrorism. The fascists are even attacking "librarians and filing cabinets" as Maddow put it. All GOP candidates are very busy stirring up as much hate as possible so we're left trying to protect and recruit teachers, election workers, school board members.

At this stage ordinary citizens aren't threatened by ordinary crimes as much as they are by politically motivated violence. Teachers, librarians, school board members, election officials, doctors and nurses, scientists, academicians, IRS employees, federal LEO, Congressmen, LGBTQ, Asians, Jews, immigrants...all threatened with violence.

The fascists naturally will attack the institutions tasked with law and order and accountability, the FBI (& gov't in general) and the media.

We must stop fascism somehow.