Fascism and the Republican Party

The media at last has started to report on this topic since Biden spoke but we're still moving toward fascism.

It seems we've given up as a nation in attempting to have TFG supporters see reality. Even the FL Dem gubernatorial candidate said he didn't want Trump supporters, he wasn't seeking their votes. I hear pundits and moderators resigned to it. That's a bad sign and a good sign. It demonstrates how serious the matter is but also that the media might finally be awakening to the absurdity of the "both sides" dance.

We're at the stage of fighting violence and terrorism. The fascists are even attacking "librarians and filing cabinets" as Maddow put it. All GOP candidates are very busy stirring up as much hate as possible so we're left trying to protect and recruit teachers, election workers, school board members.

At this stage ordinary citizens aren't threatened by ordinary crimes as much as they are by politically motivated violence. Teachers, librarians, school board members, election officials, doctors and nurses, scientists, academicians, IRS employees, federal LEO, Congressmen, LGBTQ, Asians, Jews, immigrants...all threatened with violence.

The fascists naturally will attack the institutions tasked with law and order and accountability, the FBI (& gov't in general) and the media.

We must stop fascism somehow.

I wonder if it's going to be worth the $600 for mobile dish and $110/monthly for Starlink?
Keep up with the pressure, Joe,

White House: Lindsey Graham's Riot Threat Proves Biden's 'Semi-Fascism' Remark
Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the senator's remarks are exactly "what the president was referring to" when he made the "semi-fascism" comment.

Biden got many members of the GOP in a tizzy, such as New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R), who, on Sunday, demanded the president apologize for “trying to stir up this anti-Republican sentiment right before the election.”

But Biden got some unintentional support from Graham, his former friend-turned-Trump-sycophant.
The South Carolina Republican helped Biden’s cause by ominously threatening “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted for taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago.

On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Graham’s remarks on Sunday proved the point Biden said last week.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu's response to Joe calling out Republicans as fascists be like:

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President Biden acts quickly and with strength.

And the GOP?

On September 26, 2020, Trump nominated Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States.[7][8][9] Her nomination was controversial because the 2020 presidential election was only 38 days away and Senate Republicans had refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland during an election year in 2016.[10] The next month, the U.S. Senate voted 52–48 to confirm her nomination, with all Democrats and one Republican in opposition.[11]


Assumed office October 27, 2020; less than 30 days after nomination..btw-Roe is settled law:fire:
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The media at last has started to report on this topic since Biden spoke but we're still moving toward fascism.

It seems we've given up as a nation in attempting to have TFG supporters see reality. Even the FL Dem gubernatorial candidate said he didn't want Trump supporters, he wasn't seeking their votes. I hear pundits and moderators resigned to it. That's a bad sign and a good sign. It demonstrates how serious the matter is but also that the media might finally be awakening to the absurdity of the "both sides" dance.

We're at the stage of fighting violence and terrorism. The fascists are even attacking "librarians and filing cabinets" as Maddow put it. All GOP candidates are very busy stirring up as much hate as possible so we're left trying to protect and recruit teachers, election workers, school board members.

At this stage ordinary citizens aren't threatened by ordinary crimes as much as they are by politically motivated violence. Teachers, librarians, school board members, election officials, doctors and nurses, scientists, academicians, IRS employees, federal LEO, Congressmen, LGBTQ, Asians, Jews, immigrants...all threatened with violence.

The fascists naturally will attack the institutions tasked with law and order and accountability, the FBI (& gov't in general) and the media.

We must stop fascism somehow.

I'm happy to see Biden in Pennsylvania step it up..you can fight fire with fire and not break the law. Biden is far from mealy-mouthed..he's oratorical and he needs to starts using it (like he did) to wake people the fuck up. When people jump from remarks..you've gotten to them.

A Nightmare Scenario If Trump Gets A Second Term: The Atlantic
30,693 views Aug 31, 2022 In a new piece for The Atlantic, Jonathan Rauch sounds the alarm on a second term for Trump and why it would look like Viktor Orbán's Hungary.
The media at last has started to report on this topic since Biden spoke but we're still moving toward fascism.

It seems we've given up as a nation in attempting to have TFG supporters see reality. Even the FL Dem gubernatorial candidate said he didn't want Trump supporters, he wasn't seeking their votes. I hear pundits and moderators resigned to it. That's a bad sign and a good sign. It demonstrates how serious the matter is but also that the media might finally be awakening to the absurdity of the "both sides" dance.

We're at the stage of fighting violence and terrorism. The fascists are even attacking "librarians and filing cabinets" as Maddow put it. All GOP candidates are very busy stirring up as much hate as possible so we're left trying to protect and recruit teachers, election workers, school board members.

At this stage ordinary citizens aren't threatened by ordinary crimes as much as they are by politically motivated violence. Teachers, librarians, school board members, election officials, doctors and nurses, scientists, academicians, IRS employees, federal LEO, Congressmen, LGBTQ, Asians, Jews, immigrants...all threatened with violence.

The fascists naturally will attack the institutions tasked with law and order and accountability, the FBI (& gov't in general) and the media.

We must stop fascism somehow.
voting should be held at federal buildings, with federal security present, whether it's a state or national election. there should be bathroom facilities and water available to anyone...no matter what the fascist state legislatures try to do to intimidate and suppress minorities. it's time to step in and tell the states "you had your chance and you all fucked up, so now you all get to play by the same rules, and we make those rules. deal with it."
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Brownstein: Overwhelming evidence Trump is leading un-Democratic faction of GOP
70,811 views Sep 4, 2022 CNN senior political analyst Ron Brownstein and University of California, San Diego professor Barbara Walter join CNN’s Jim Acosta to discuss Trump’s verbiage in a speech made to support GOP candidates in Pennsylvania, and the response.
Attacking the FBI is never a good idea, especially when they have him by the balls. Defund the FBI should be an excellent slogan for the GOP. Patriots should be printing up some Trump Tee shirts with DEFUND THE FBI on them and give them away at Trump rallies to the morons for the benefit of the TV cameras... ;-)

Yep a wave of domestic terrorism and Defund the FBI as the GOP slogan, pass the DEFUND THE FBI Tee shirts out (dressed as Trumpers) at republican congressional events too! The fans will eat them up and wear them for the news cameras.

Ex-FBI adviser: I'm more concerned going to my home now than when I was chasing ISIS
58,171 views Sep 5, 2022 Former CIA counterterrorism official and adviser to the FBI Phil Mudd discusses the increased danger to FBI agents and their families as former President Trump ramps up the rhetoric over the investigation into classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago.
The first trumper that attacks an FBI or any other federal LEO should lead right back to shithead and charges of conspiracy or something. Add more to the pile. This is getting so fucking outrageous.
Winning is the most important thing, if they win a useful majority a lot of this domestic terrorism bullshit can be cleared up pretty quick. I dunno when Trump will go down, but not likely before the election, word is just after. They can't pass any anti terrorism legislation until after the new year with a new congressional session, provided they win enough. If the democrats win, it will be a whole new ballgame.
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The problem with all of this, on both sides, is that you has jagoffs who run this country, on the left and right, pitting people against each other by using broad generalizations to characterize everyone in the other party. What a bunch of bullshit this is. Americans have more in common than they dont. The asshole politicians on the left and right, as well as cable pricks, who could give a fuck about normal people and would sell you out faster than shit if it means covering their ass, its these bastards who create this situation.
Americans have more in common than they dont, but you wouldnt know it listening to this crap.
The problem with all of this, on both sides, is that you has jagoffs who run this country, on the left and right, pitting people against each other by using broad generalizations to characterize everyone in the other party. What a bunch of bullshit this is. Americans have more in common than they dont. The asshole politicians on the left and right, as well as cable pricks, who could give a fuck about normal people and would sell you out faster than shit if it means covering their ass, its these bastards who create this situation.
Americans have more in common than they dont, but you wouldnt know it listening to this crap.
Both sides are not the same, patriots defend and protect the constitution, others seek to destroy it, know the difference. Trump broke the law and tried to overthrow the government after losing an election with republican support, it ain't hard to figure out, unless something is blinding you. 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power ended on J6 and Trump is responsible.
I guess you missed that whole summer of 2020 when your peace-loving Democrats were burning down entire city blocks in several cities not to mention the people they murdered you are a perfect Democrat your too damn dumb to see what's right in front of you and I missed the part in any of this thread where I was defending anyone including Republicans you need to go smoke one and get some of your anger out.
Hey, what were you doing in the ten years between posts? I'll bet you were in college, right?
"Democrats are as bad as Republicans" Laughing at that trite bit of propaganda.

This crowd came to the capitol building at the urging of their leader, Donald Trump, Republican President who was using them as muscle in an attempted coup. "Democrats are as bad as Republicans", my ass.

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MAGA is a fascist ideology.
I know tons of people who supported Trump and they hate his stupid tweets, and they hate his in your face 8th grade shit, and they cetainly are not fascists and nazi loving cocksuckers.
They just believe in things like strong borders, anti rioting, anti crime, low taxes, a right to choose (all republicans that i know could give a shit if you abort a fetus, thats your business), states rights, right to have guns. Yes, most normal people think the capitol riots were shit and arrest all, just as they said arrest all during the BLM rioting and burning bullshit, same as they say legal immigration is just fine, close the border so its legal, not a free for all. They just dont agree with some of the policies on the left and wont vote that way, it doesnt make them any more nazi fasist than than anyone else. They get lumped in there by people who want a country divided.
I know tons of people who supported Trump and they hate his stupid tweets, and they hate his in your face 8th grade shit, and they cetainly are not fascists and nazi loving cocksuckers.
They just believe in things like strong borders, anti rioting, anti crime, low taxes, a right to choose (all republicans that i know could give a shit if you abort a fetus, thats your business), states rights, right to have guns. Yes, most normal people think the capitol riots were shit and arrest all, just as they said arrest all during the BLM rioting and burning bullshit, same as they say legal immigration is just fine, close the border so its legal, not a free for all. They just dont agree with some of the policies on the left and wont vote that way, it doesnt make them any more nazi fasist than than anyone else. They get lumped in there by people who want a country divided.