Fascism and the Republican Party

I'm finding it difficult to believe that terrorism can work in this country today. It's here and I've made posts that contained reports about the attempts to terrorize election workers in Coos Bay Oregon and a rural county in CA. So, it's here and its a threat. It's probably worse in deep red states. But I don't see support for MAGA and the GOP go deep enough into our population, our government, or military and police to say that they are winning through terrorism. The only polls that matter are election polls and the trends are against MAGA GOP in the polls that matter.

If Trump has won in 2020, then, yes, with his support and the support of voters for other fascist leaders in government, then things would be very different. But he didn't win. I don't think he can win in 2024. Of course, we need people to get out and vote. Given how each election since 2016 HAS shown increased turnout AND decreased power of the MAGA GOP, I don't know why one would think turnout will decline in 2024.

As I said before to people who complained about how long it was taking to bring charges against Trump and others. I said "You have the patience of a child". We are slowly winning against fascism. It would be a mistake to act quickly. I guess how I drive is an indication of how I feel about addressing the fascist threat. Keep it legal. Go as fast as legally allowed and stay safe while making progress. I see the other side getting fearful and acting reckless. Reckless drivers end up in wrecks. Their top leader will be incarcerated or at least in home detention and unable to prosecute his war on democracy. Many of their other leaders will be disqualified from holding an elected office. We will see how that goes for the Republican base. They will threaten violence but will the really carry out that threat? Will they land a lucky punch and win?

I don't think they can win through terrorism because, as we are seeing from the backlash against Jan 6, their acts of terrorism are acts of desperation and in reality were weak. In boxing they would say the GOP had a puncher's chance. They might have won if they had landed a lucky blow at the November '2020 polls but they didn't. They might have won on Jan 6 if they managed to get support from the military. But they didn't land those blows. We were stronger and more capable than they were. Ever since, it's been body blow after body blow by a stronger and better opponent. We still need to keep our guard up but their acts of terrorism indicate weakness, not strength. As the fight continues, they are getting weaker, not stronger.
They can't win against law and order, with just laws designed to address the problem of radicalism, political, religious or otherwise, it will be an easier problem to crack. The problem is violence, threats and cheating, legal or otherwise, we have seen a lot of republicans all over America busted for election cheating. It is the tyranny of the shrinking minority bullshit alone no longer works and they can't cheat enough to win in many places so it's down to threats and violence. Winners do not engage in this type of behavior, they don't need cheating, threats or violence to win. The minority has a lot of power in America, built right into the system and then added to by gerrymandering and packing the bench. The house is the only truly democratic part of the federal government, that's why gerrymandering has such an impact on policy. Senate seats represent geography, but are statewide offices, so are governors and secretaries of state etc. The presidency is not democratic, with just another 100K votes in the swing states Trump could have won, even losing by 10 million on the popular. HR1 on steroids and voting rights laws can help to address some of these issues and so can other initiatives at the state level about the electoral college.
Demographic change happens faster when young people vote and if women want to amplify their voice on reproductive rights, they will help register and get young people to the polls, young women will bring young men along too. Tell them unless shit happens there will be vasectomies in their future! :lol:

Let's talk about Missouri, change, and elections....
Ban and burn books, make people believe absurdities, pick on minorities, use violence and threats, the standard formula of fascism.

Burning Books: The latest front in the GOP’s war on free speech

48,395 views Sep 21, 2023 #GOP #Republicans #Freespeech
As some Republicans vow to bring flamethrowers to their latest culture war, Mehdi asks: “If this is what they want to do to books that they disagree with, how do you think they will treat the people that they disagree with?”

More magat jealousy. Most would struggle to get through a grade 2 Dick and Jane book so think anything with all those indecipherable 'werds' must be woke and bad for kids so must be destroyed.

Sometimes I wish I were as ignorant as people like that so I wouldn't be subjected to the torment of being concerned about all the crap these ignoramuses are up to. It's really trying sometimes.

Free speech. Burning that one to the ground. Freedom of choice. As long as you sport a penis. Right to vote. Ok if your tan isn't any darker than orange.

If ignorance is bliss then these sub-humans must be the happiest clowns on any planet you could imagine. :(

The worst part is that a lot of them are actually in charge of the rest of us!

to the bold.....the catholic church has a monopoly on that one

No shit man! I am just about finished reading, Dark History of the Catholic Church, Schisms, Wars, Inquisitions, Scandals, Corruptions by Michael Kerrigan and the things I'm learning totally agree with my previous thoughts about all organized religions.

I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I don't believe at all that there is this omnipotent being that sees a simple sparrow fall keeping track of all our 'sins' that will judge us upon our demise and send us to heaven or hell. Heaven or hell is what we get during our lifetime depending on circumstances plus how we conduct ourselves as it progresses. Should Jesus reappear upon the earth and do real stuff then I may have to adjust my beliefs.

I do feel tho that there must have been some being that caused our universe as we know it to come into existence but other than lighting the fire they have no interest on what goes on with our individual lives. We are born from darkness without knowledge of any prior life and will return to darkness with no expectation of further light. I believe it was Samuel Clemens who stated, 'I suffered no pain before I was born and expect the same once I pass' or something to that effect. In other words we are born of biological necessity and once expired are just gone. Game over, do not put another quarter in the slot.

I do however believe in karma. If you are a d-bag to people all your life it will eventually bite you in the ass somewhere down the line. I'm no angel but I never deliberately set out to hurt anyone. I was a 'bad kid' or 'wild child' as I grew up and did all sorts of shitty stuff and those kind of things went on all my life. After spending a couple of years seeing a therapist 7 years ago he explained to me that I was what is now considered an ADHD child with severe anti-authoritative impulses. When I was about 13 and been busted for B&Es, arson etc I was sent to shrinks and had my IQ tested at well over 160 but they can't put a definitive number on it when the graph gets so steep. Genius level maybe, smartness level well below par. My mind to this day is all over the map so I never could stay on track to accomplish much. I know so may people that are definitely average mentally that have done very well financially and live lives in the upper middle class range where I have always struggled to keep a steady job and manage my finances to my benefit. I'm doing much better at that these days now that I'm retired and have a steady income tho still on the low end of the scale. Cash poor, credit rich but own my own home with just another year on the mortgage. $250/mth on that.

No criminal record other than an impaired driving conviction in 1993. Never even been charged with a drug offence or any other offence since then. Got a speeding ticket in 2001 so my driver's abstract is clear as a bell.

Over stimulated and tired so rambling on again. :)

Edit: When you look at most established reigions and the power and wealth they have while the vast majority of their 'subjects' live in abject poverty it is so obvious how f'ing hypocritical and controlling they really are. If the Vatican sold off all their holdings they could lift a couple of billion Catholics out of poverty into the lower middle class at least. Such is the power of the Lord! lol

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Chutkan is gonna lock up Trump, she is not gonna put up with this shit and an appeal will go nowhere, he will be in jail until his early trial in January. Trump is out of control, and she has a hearing over it soon, she is getting plenty of death threats now, so nothing is lost by locking the fucker up in her DC jail until she tries him early. She has every right and reason to do this, no other defendant could get away with this kind of shit, they would be in jail until trial. He breeched his conditions of release on multiple occasions, including possession of a handgun. If he bitches about his election campaign, she can tell him, as far as she is concerned, he is disqualified from running and she will await the decision of the SCOTUS to change her mind about it.

'Something terrible is going to happen': Weissmann reacts to threats against Fulton DA

202,690 views Sep 27, 2023 #Trump #FaniWillis #Georgia
Former Senator Claire McCaskill and former top DOJ official Andrew Weissmann join Nicolle Wallace to discuss the shocking level of racially charged threats and hatred Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her loved ones have faced as she pursues her criminal election interference case against Donald Trump and his 18 co-defendants.
Chutkan is gonna lock up Trump, she is not gonna put up with this shit and an appeal will go nowhere, he will be in jail until his early trial in January. Trump is out of control, and she has a hearing over it soon, she is getting plenty of death threats now, so nothing is lost by locking the fucker up in her DC jail until she tries him early. She has every right and reason to do this, no other defendant could get away with this kind of shit, they would be in jail until trial. He breeched his conditions of release on multiple occasions, including possession of a handgun. If he bitches about his election campaign, she can tell him, as far as she is concerned, he is disqualified from running and she will await the decision of the SCOTUS to change her mind about it.

'Something terrible is going to happen': Weissmann reacts to threats against Fulton DA

202,690 views Sep 27, 2023 #Trump #FaniWillis #Georgia
Former Senator Claire McCaskill and former top DOJ official Andrew Weissmann join Nicolle Wallace to discuss the shocking level of racially charged threats and hatred Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her loved ones have faced as she pursues her criminal election interference case against Donald Trump and his 18 co-defendants.

So . . . the MagaRats doing all the threatening are the cause of tRump getting checked in at the Greybar Hotel eh.

How are they going to spin this so it's all Biden's fault? :D


'Authoritarian party': Expert calls GOP ‘dependent on violence and corruption for its identity’

64,997 views Sep 29, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #biden
President Biden delivered a speech defending democracy on Thursday in Arizona, which is a state known as a hotbed of right-wing extremism. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, New York University professor of history, and author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present,” joins Joy Reid to discuss saying, "We only have these two parties, and one of them has become an authoritarian party that is dependent on violence and on corruption for its identity."
So . . . the MagaRats doing all the threatening are the cause of tRump getting checked in at the Greybar Hotel eh.

How are they going to spin this so it's all Biden's fault? :D

Not to worry, Dark Brandon will be pulling the strings of the deep state to bring our hero down, a true man of the people, like Stalin!
Not to worry, Dark Brandon will be pulling the strings of the deep state to bring our hero down, a true man of the people, like Stalin!


Confronting lies about Trump and Jan. 6th - My PBD podcast appearance - The Warning w/ Steve Schmidt

53,863 views Sep 30, 2023 The Warning
I appeared on the PBD podcast where we discussed how Donald Trump came to power, the con that he is not part of the establishment, & I confront lies and conspiracy theories on the January 6th insurrection.
I've had a FB account since it started and set up a page with some pics and history at the beginning then became more aware of how they capture and abuse our personal info for profit so for years have rarely gone on there to the chagrin of family and friends. Lately I've been checking in more to keep in touch with old friends before none of us are left.

My mom's side of the family live down in Cardston, AB and are frequent flyers at the huge Mormon temple there and very conservative. One cousin at least is an elder in the church and they are all devote practitioners of that strain of religious fantasy.

Another cousin is a frequent poster of inane memes and recently posted one showing two maps of the US with coloured dots showing cities across the country that experienced higher than 100F in 1936 and 2023. Of course the '36 one had 3X the dots as the '23 one. Neither mention duration of those high temps so otherwise skewed to make it look like '36 was way worse and climate change was false.

I left a comment last night that said, ' So does this mean you deny the existence of of the climate disaster befalling our planet? That's only fair I guess as I deny the existence of an invisible spirit in the sky that will condemn me to eternal fire for denying it's existence.

Thinking myself a pretty smart cookie I had a toke and a good chuckle over that then started to think about the unintended consequences of such a statement. More like tossing a bucket of gas on a smouldering fire than a hearty laugh for all and my dear old, 96, mom would likely catch a lot of negative feedback. As I am basically a rookie on FB it took me a while to track that down and delete it but I managed. As it was 2am when I posted it I'm hoping all were safely tucked away in their beds dreaming of golden pages and not getting outraged on FuckBook. lol

This all started when my mom's parents came to Canada from Switzerland about 1925 and joined the Mormon church as it was the only church available and the only way to get to know the locals as they began a new life living in a soddy on two full sections of wide open prairie gifted to them by our gov't for farming.

Mom moved away to Vancouver at about 19 years old where she eventually met and married my dad who was raised Presbyterian. Those f'ers used to show up at our door in Richmond imploring her to return to the iron grip of the LDS church. They'd be told to get off the lawn and have the door slammed in their face then stand out there singing hymns like Xmas Carols. Finally mom enticed her little devil of a son to toss a bucket of ice water over them from their upper bedroom window while they held them in the target zone by politely chatting with them at the door. Worked a treat and they finally stopped harassing her.

They took us to the local Presbyterian church and Sunday school until I was about 6 or 7 then we stopped going at all. They told us that they thought it was best that we decide for ourselves when we grew up if we wanted religion in our lives. Neither myself or my two younger sisters ever became involved with organized religion tho I sent in $5 to the Universal Life Church and became ordained on my B-day in 1978 then was re-ordained Jan 2020 to get the cool ministerial package with Press credentials, official ID card, bumper sticker and shiny new Credentials of Ministry hanging in a frame on my wall. Still in Canada we are not allowed to do marriages, baptisms or other clergy functions which kind of sucks as I wanted to make a little coin doing off the grid marriages etc. Here in Alberta anyone can get a permit to officiate a marriage but is not allowed to charge for it.

As for myself I was adopted and never baptized so I guess it's straight to hell for me when I step off this mortal coil. All the cool people will be there too so should be a great eternity! :)

Added bonus is I'm a ginger and we are born without souls! Bwahahahahaha!

Is he gonna start seizing kid's cellphones? There is plenty of easily accessed porn on Google videos and going after libraries and schools is just politics pandering to morons. It's finding "problems" where none exist and ignores plenty of others. The same people "concerned" about books harming kids, are not at all concerned about guns as the leading cause of death among kids. If these people were serious about porn and kids, then they need to go after Google and media companies who own their politicians, so nothing will happen except talk. Every perversion know to humans is on Google videos and all they have to do is speak the sin into their phone and it appears before their innocent eyes.

He confessed, charge him with theft, convict him and then fire him. New laws passed by a democratic government can deal with assholes like this and constitutional violations over personal beliefs.

I've had a FB account since it started and set up a page with some pics and history at the beginning then became more aware of how they capture and abuse our personal info for profit so for years have rarely gone on there to the chagrin of family and friends. Lately I've been checking in more to keep in touch with old friends before none of us are left.

My mom's side of the family live down in Cardston, AB and are frequent flyers at the huge Mormon temple there and very conservative. One cousin at least is an elder in the church and they are all devote practitioners of that strain of religious fantasy.

Another cousin is a frequent poster of inane memes and recently posted one showing two maps of the US with coloured dots showing cities across the country that experienced higher than 100F in 1936 and 2023. Of course the '36 one had 3X the dots as the '23 one. Neither mention duration of those high temps so otherwise skewed to make it look like '36 was way worse and climate change was false.

I left a comment last night that said, ' So does this mean you deny the existence of of the climate disaster befalling our planet? That's only fair I guess as I deny the existence of an invisible spirit in the sky that will condemn me to eternal fire for denying it's existence.

Thinking myself a pretty smart cookie I had a toke and a good chuckle over that then started to think about the unintended consequences of such a statement. More like tossing a bucket of gas on a smouldering fire than a hearty laugh for all and my dear old, 96, mom would likely catch a lot of negative feedback. As I am basically a rookie on FB it took me a while to track that down and delete it but I managed. As it was 2am when I posted it I'm hoping all were safely tucked away in their beds dreaming of golden pages and not getting outraged on FuckBook. lol

This all started when my mom's parents came to Canada from Switzerland about 1925 and joined the Mormon church as it was the only church available and the only way to get to know the locals as they began a new life living in a soddy on two full sections of wide open prairie gifted to them by our gov't for farming.

Mom moved away to Vancouver at about 19 years old where she eventually met and married my dad who was raised Presbyterian. Those f'ers used to show up at our door in Richmond imploring her to return to the iron grip of the LDS church. They'd be told to get off the lawn and have the door slammed in their face then stand out there singing hymns like Xmas Carols. Finally mom enticed her little devil of a son to toss a bucket of ice water over them from their upper bedroom window while they held them in the target zone by politely chatting with them at the door. Worked a treat and they finally stopped harassing her.

They took us to the local Presbyterian church and Sunday school until I was about 6 or 7 then we stopped going at all. They told us that they thought it was best that we decide for ourselves when we grew up if we wanted religion in our lives. Neither myself or my two younger sisters ever became involved with organized religion tho I sent in $5 to the Universal Life Church and became ordained on my B-day in 1978 then was re-ordained Jan 2020 to get the cool ministerial package with Press credentials, official ID card, bumper sticker and shiny new Credentials of Ministry hanging in a frame on my wall. Still in Canada we are not allowed to do marriages, baptisms or other clergy functions which kind of sucks as I wanted to make a little coin doing off the grid marriages etc. Here in Alberta anyone can get a permit to officiate a marriage but is not allowed to charge for it.

As for myself I was adopted and never baptized so I guess it's straight to hell for me when I step off this mortal coil. All the cool people will be there too so should be a great eternity! :)

Added bonus is I'm a ginger and we are born without souls! Bwahahahahaha!

Ya can't carry the world on your shoulders or save some people from their own folly and believing bullshit is a major modern folly. Best to post climate change stuff to your own FB thread and leave the commenting to others, then defend yer turf to the DEATH! :lol: