Fat and Females *Image Warning*

I'm 6 foot even 160 lbs and probably would be taller if I didn't stunt my own growth through lack of sleep, smoking, caffeine and other shenanigans, I love girls of all sizes but if shes short with an appropriate build I go crazy

also i don't need a girl to be super thin or short but (and im sorry if this offends) if you are more than 30-40 lbs heavier than I am I lose interest
Surely the people who have accused me of putting this thread up for the sake of a confidence boost have never read any of my previous posts. My ego is not in need of boosting. Mary Poppins has nothing on me. I am perfectly perfect in every way (not practically, like Poppins. Perfectly.)

Also thought i'd add that if I just wanted a bunch of men to oogle my pictures, there are plenty of threads I could throw pictures up on without even having to make a statement.
Crypt you're not going to hurt my feelings calling me fat. If 99 lb girls are what you think is hot, do as many as will have you.
You are among the most self-centered people I have ever had the pleasure to meet! =D Even when nobody is even talking to you, about you, at you, around you, above you, or even slightly to the side of you, you make it your mission to vocalize your opinion that they are talking about you. =)
OK you haven't MET me. You've smarted off to me randomly on a forum board. I vocalize opinions often, but no, not always about myself. I have opinions about a lot of things. Then again, so do you. But since you're a man I guess you're just conversing and i'm a woman so i'm self centered.
short girls are the shiznit! i like the compact packages

I just put the short girls on my shoulders at concerts
LOL silly girls don't even question why u have them face to cunt ;) lmfao smooth dizzle, smooth :)

I'm pretty sure April told me once in a thread her height and it was short because I remember making a comment about carrying her away.
I am 5"1, about 95-100lbs, not sure i don't really weigh myself these days, i luv food , and my body :)

Crypt you're not going to hurt my feelings calling me fat. If 99 lb girls are what you think is hot, do as many as will have you.
It does and he will, but only me ;)
OK you haven't MET me. You've smarted off to me randomly on a forum board. I vocalize opinions often, but no, not always about myself. I have opinions about a lot of things. Then again, so do you. But since you're a man I guess you're just conversing and i'm a woman so i'm self centered.
Have I? Well that's interesting. You've insulted me regularly and constantly assert your feminist views. Perhaps that's why. :p
Crypt...I didn't even start recognizing your prescence until you started in on me when I was talking to Meta. And I will spend my entire life asserting my feminist views. It's just the way I am.

Godspeed. :)
Actually Crypt, I stand corrected. I just noticed you added Wednesday as a friend a while back. I guess I did formerly recognize your presense.
what do you consider skinny..is it , the models view... the medias view on skinny...
skinny is what you make it in my opinion up to a size 10 is skinny... sizes like todays models like 0-3 are too thin...
what is fat..well fat to me is someone who is obese and unhealthy..
if you honestly think youre fat i think you need some help, int he mental department and to stop reading todays magazines...your causing yourself to be unhealthyView attachment 2133830View attachment 2133834 im my opinion im thin..im curvy...am i fat...well thats up to anyone else ot decide.

wait is that u? lol. cuz u r hot and the dog is also cute. lol.
did i miss a picture of rainbowbright in the beginning? posts says there was a pic but i wasnt seeing it.

people r assholes ladies. its just how it is. i on the otherhand am not shallow. granted if a woman is 400 pounds its gonna be a turnoff. but im 6'4 215 pounds and have dated a girl that weighed as much as me but was like 8 inches shorter. the curves were very awesome if i must say and it was some of the best sex of my life. lmao. skinny girls suck and they are way to fuckin full of themselves most of the time if u ask me. crazy skinny bitches. thick women r awesome. lol. u just gotta be ok with urself and tell all the others to go fuck themselves.