AW SHIT!! Looks who's online and he's got a camera too!! GIT DOWN!!View attachment 2866194 nirvana northern lights auto 28 days. small but I used an inappropriate seed mix and the first two weeks was cloudy and/or rainy. starting to take off now though with better weather. The sand layer on top is to keep the gnats out. will transplant to 10litres Friday.
My lips are sealed!! Just don't go on Stew or Dank's threads...haha...check out my new grow when you can!! I've stepped up my game a littlehey girl! noo. don't tell me what happens on breaking badI've got 4 to watch!!! I only have the camera on my pc and I only got 1gb with the start up modem, but ill buy 4or 5 gb on Friday! yep these are outdoors, currently 25-27c and sunny days
hey thanks bro, is there someone on here by the name of chronic masterbaker or similar lolSubbed looking good buddy
Whats all this talk about masturbation?? That's on the OTHER forum!!yeah I know blu but I swear I saw another member by the name chronic masterbakor or masterbaker earlier?.... wtf, maybe I have gone mad?