Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

No, its growing balls, not hermie bananas. You should read the post properly before throwing in your opinion. It's the same result as any other method used. It somehow changes sex, plant is totally undressed. In my opinion colloidal silver causes more stress than this method. You know what they say, don't knock it until you try it.
Alright I get it, you want to be congratulated for your amazing new discovery.
Ok congratulations and welcome to my ignore list.
So you have learnt another way to take a healthy female and stress it so much it grows balls all over, basically ruining a good plant.
This is not a good alternative to collodial silver.
And it doesn't grow balls all over. There are as many hairs as there are balls. You should really go back and read the original post. And then read it again. It's all explained in detail. I give up on trying to respond to your inaccurate replies.
If this works, you could take a cutting and put it in water and seal it up till it throws pollen and not need any chemicals. Cool!
If this works, you could take a cutting and put it in water and seal it up till it throws pollen and not need any chemicals. Cool!
Lol. No, I'd recommend you stop the high humidity after the balls show. And yes, it does create viable pollen. What is it with scepticism on this site?
And it doesn't grow balls all over. There are as many hairs as there are balls. You should really go back and read the original post. And then read it again. It's all explained in detail. I give up on trying to respond to your inaccurate replies.

If you have pistils and balls you have a hermie.

A reversed plant will have just male parts and no female parts.
I’m not skeptical, but maybe you don’t want to stress the whole plant, it’s worth trying
I've used colloidal silver a lot. I believe that it stresses the plant more than this method. The leaves harden and shrivel up. Some leaves die and drop off. There is no sign of stress using this method. Just because I'm new on this site doesn't mean I'm a newbie. I've been growing indoors and out for over 25 years. And I don't smoke my product... unlike the many obvious drug fucked kooks here. Belittling and lack of open mindedness is very common here. Maybe you should try it before you knock it. They are only put in the humid environment 12 hours a day for 10-15 days. The same period that colloidal is administered. And they haven't even proved how colloidal works. It is all based on theories. My theory is that it stresses it.
I've used colloidal silver a lot. I believe that it stresses the plant more than this method. The leaves harden and shrivel up. Some leaves die and drop off. There is no sign of stress using this method. Just because I'm new on this site doesn't mean I'm a newbie. I've been growing indoors and out for over 25 years. And I don't smoke my product... unlike the many obvious drug fucked kooks here. Belittling and lack of open mindedness is very common here. Maybe you should try it before you knock it. They are only put in the humid environment 12 hours a day for 10-15 days. The same period that colloidal is administered. And they haven't even proved how colloidal works. It is all based on theories. My theory is that it stresses it.
Lol I know, you have to ignore the trolls
If this is the case. Why not setup a garbage can as a grow space to run a small solo cup or 1qt plant in. And develop seeds in a separate grow environment?
Yeah that'd work. But I'd still need a separate light. Once the balls develop I've been using the sun and putting them in a dark wardrobe for 12 hours so they are no longer being subject to the humidity. I like making the most out of the natural rays.
No, its growing balls, not hermie bananas. You should read the post properly before throwing in your opinion. It's the same result as any other method used. It somehow changes sex, plant is totally undressed. In my opinion colloidal silver causes more stress than this method. You know what they say, don't knock it until you try it.
Are you trolling? The balls and hermie is the same and if you are limiting oxygen and raising your humidity you are stressing the plants into throwing nuts if you were in a air tight container all night you would be pretty stressed