Feminized seeds discussion on how to get feminized seeds

Tree's Inc.

Active Member
So I've been reading up on colloidal silver and the effects it has on s female cannabis plant. So as I gather it this type of silver is in a liquid for and is applied to a female via spray or small paint brush two weeks before flowering and two weeks after the silver will genetically modified the plant into a male collect pollen and pollenate another female or just apply to a branch to self pollenate. Now since the male was originally a female according to my studies and the female is obviously female the majority of the seeds will come out female seeds.

Now for my questions if there's any farmers out there with the knowledge I seek. 1) Where should the ppm be on the colloidal silver for optimal effect? I was under the impression 30/50ppm
2) what is the shelf life and does it need to be stored in a fridge
3)Does separation occure?
4)how much would 12" of 16 gauge 999.99 make approximately?
5)is there a better way to feminized seeds.

Thank you in advance.
You can ignore me. I don't need your negativity. You feel better now?
Oh. Loads. Seriously, I am not trying to be an asshole. Just try the search function. These are questions that are answered almost daily. Do a little research. The amount of information on this subject already provided here is paramount.
A lot of it is old and no one is discussing anything on them so what's the harm in starting another one to get questions and answers going agian?
Nothing about your questions are new. People have been creating fem seeds since the dawn of pot growing. Why not do some research instead of begging to be spoon fed? It's all here already. Utilize the tools that have been given. :D
Nothing about your questions are new. People have been creating fem seeds since the dawn of pot growing. Why not do some research instead of begging to be spoon fed? It's all here already. Utilize the tools that have been given. :D
(sorry had to check my p.h.) you know what mister spoon fed. Learn some manners. Like I said you don't like it ignore me. No need to insult me and talk to me like a child. Does that make you feel better about yourself? Why else would you be trolling me so what if my post is redundant. Get over it. No one else is saying anything about it except you. I got my way of learning just like you do so back off. Are you even a real grower or you just full of theory and no experience or are you really just that bitter maybe you should try some of the medicine. Don't bother replying I don't want to hear it.
(sorry had to check my p.h.) you know what mister spoon fed. Learn some manners. Like I said you don't like it ignore me. No need to insult me and talk to me like a child. Does that make you feel better about yourself? Why else would you be trolling me so what if my post is redundant. Get over it. No one else is saying anything about it except you. I got my way of learning just like you do so back off. Are you even a real grower or you just full of theory and no experience or are you really just that bitter maybe you should try some of the medicine. Don't bother replying I don't want to hear it.

Yea. I grow a little. Did you think your questions were actually ground breaking? Like these are thoughts no one on earth has ever had before or something? lol. You don't want to be educated. You want to be spoonfed. Just like everyone else here who is too lazy to take the time to actually read the information this site has to offer. Use the search function and stop whining.
If everyone else here bothers you so much you know what you can do. What good are you doing trolling me right now. Your not helpful your not informative your not friendly your hostile and opinionated and you know for not trying to be an asshole you sure are being an asshole. Now let that sink in.
If everyone else here bothers you so much you know what you can do. What good are you doing trolling me right now. Your not helpful your not informative your not friendly your hostile and opinionated and you know for not trying to be an asshole you sure are being an asshole. Now let that sink in.
*You're not informative. *You're not friendly. Have you even tried using the search function yet?

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You can make your own colodial silver easily. There is a tutorial here that I've used and it works great.

15 ppm will work, and you just spray either a branch or the whole plant a couple or few times per day for a week or two and then it will produce pollen sacs.
Any silver will do, actually. Silver thiosulfate, silver nitrate, Colloidal Silver, TS. But tiresias is shit, because one bottle can barely handle one branch.

http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Path-Silver-Wings-Supplement/dp/B000BSZBHS/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1438506177&sr=1-1&keywords=colloidal silver

Get a ppm meter. Dose out your first batch at 75ppm and raise the strength slowly over 3 weeks. Start spraying your cut 2 weeks before the flip. Do it everyday at least twice. The strongest you want to go is 150ppm.

Good luck OP.
To recap:

1) Where should the ppm be on the colloidal silver for optimal effect? I was under the impression 30/50ppm
Start at 75ppm and slowly raise the strength 25ppm every week.
2) what is the shelf life and does it need to be stored in a fridge
CS doesn't require refrigeration.
3)Does separation occure?
Just shake it up.
4)how much would 12" of 16 gauge 999.99 make approximately?
Not very much.
5)is there a better way to feminized seeds
Silver is the best way.
I made a batch of CS last week,poured some into a spray bottle and stored the rest in the fridge, the stuff in the fridge has remained clear/slight grey and the stuff in the spray bottle has turned a pink/ purple color...is this solution still good?????
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Yea. I grow a little. Did you think your questions were actually ground breaking? Like these are thoughts no one on earth has ever had before or something? lol. You don't want to be educated. You want to be spoonfed. Just like everyone else here who is too lazy to take the time to actually read the information this site has to offer. Use the search function and stop whining.

about a pound?