Well-Known Member
The reason i didn't put dosing instructions is because fent is highly potent, and i feel as if suggesting a dose is a bad idea. The Mcg dosing is makes estimation impossible. A highly sensitive scale is needed, and due to the fact that nobody should take fent with out a tolerance to opiates its hard to say what a dose should be. My dose to get high would probably kill some, and i have met people who do amounts that i KNOW would kill me.
Also fent has a shorter half life than herion, and other opiates. And the effect is definitely noticed. In fact most street Herion cut with fent is easily identified because of its incredible potency an lack of "legs". This short duration of high often leads to redosing a common cause of OD.
Im trying to be clear on the risks of fent, the purpose of the tek is just to provide information to those who abuse fent by alternative means a purer and possibly money saving way to get their fent.
Suggesting a dose knowing this drug can, has, and will kill people would be wrong. This drug has killed many, i can name 7 i knew myself. Shit, ive had close calls. My suggestion is dont do it at all, but if you do... do it safely.
I agree 100% , posting dose levels would be absolutely deadly & depends on individual tollerance .
I also think your multiple disclaimers were spot on & should be enough warning to people their lives are at risk & should research alot more before attempting .
From what ive read this tutorial is for the hard core opiate user allready experienced in the use of Fentanyl & with extremely high tollerance levels .
People like myself , ive got a box of 75mg patches in my safe as we speak .
IMO this tutorial isnt putting anybody at risk , i find that most od's come from peoples shear ignorance concerning their own tolerance level & their ignorance of the drugs they are fuking with , ive watched guys chew on the patches with no way of knowing how much of the drug they are ingesting .
Information isnt dangerous , however the lack of information coupled with ignorance & over confidence account for the bulk of od's & deaths .
If i was a recreational user the op's disclaimers & multiple warnings would terrify me into not using the drug to begin with , or if i was dead set on using Fentanyl to do a shit ton of research before using the drug .
After the DEA's new ruling on schedule #2 narcotics that took effect this past october i think we should be concerned about the heroin epidemic thats ready to erupt any day now .