Fentanyl extraction from gel patches.

I think the reason why is the dose recurve..fades away with the good effect,but levels stay high in the body longer(hence the tolerance buildup)so you hit it again,but too soon..plop.
Im sure heroin with this occurrence cant do anything but speed up this mistake..
Or you can get say "stage 2" 25% pure fent powder or stage 1 50% pure fent. Or nasal spray. Basically stage 1 mixed with 30ml or 1oz of water and it becomes 600mcg per ml. The stuff is everywhere. Only one or two sprays does it and for its potency is quite cheap. Just my two pennies...
Was bestowed some fet, been clean for close to a year for any painkillers . . What are some street prices for a half g?

Can you smoke this shitttttt?
Was bestowed some fet, been clean for close to a year for any painkillers . . What are some street prices for a half g?

Can you smoke this shitttttt?

The gel can be smoked. I doubt it is good for you.

If you have no tolerance then be very very careful. If you have never used it be aware that it comes on very strong and you really can just stop breathing if you use too much.

And it is easy to use too much.
Yeah im just going to get rid of it. . Its powder already I was thinking about tossing some on a bowl before it got out of my hands but I'll refrain..

Thanks for the info tho
Was bestowed some fet, been clean for close to a year for any painkillers . . What are some street prices for a half g?

Can you smoke this shitttttt?
Half a gram is a lot if it's pure one grain of dust is about as strong as 1 mg Oxy very dangerous shit it can absorb into your pores, eyes and obviously mouth. I would not even touch that shit personally the patches are somewhat safe but not that pure powder.
Hey Guys/Gals.....Question...
Id say Im an Experienced Opie user...When I have done patches in the past I have always sought after the solid plastic ones...100mcg. My ROA was always cutting patch in 4 equal parts and begin to chew and suck on it. I always felt as if i maintained the same level of affect....my question is what amount of the gel would equal the same as a quarter of a 100 mcg patch (solid plastic) and would the method mentioned here on extraction be beneficial for intranasal consumption? I dont inject. I have before ( Dilaudid N Oxycotin) But after a close family member was taken...I just cant. Im Very cautious and do my homework...always have. I like to get high...NOT dead.
This is why im here. Thanks guys, i appreciate any input
the only way to properly dose would be volumetrically in liquid... for example a duragesic transdermal 100mcg patch actually contains 16.8mg of fentanyl so if you dissolve it in 168ML of liquid, you can evaporate 10ML at a time to obtain 1mg of fentanyl powder
This is where moderation and Responsibility come into play. IMO.
no such thing when your an addict ... will power and self control are null and void with that dope demon sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear telling you to do a little more, little more...lol.... I quit shootin dope 8-9 years ago and I like to think I have control but I can feel the ground fall from beneath my feet with just the slight feeling from acational poppy tea use..
Do you dopeheads even know what you are "extracting" from questionable patches? There is more than one analog of Fentanyl and they all have different potencies. There is no such thing as "responsibility" with these compounds unless you have an extensive background in chemistry, pharmacology & toxicology - in which case you're more than likely not doing Fentanyl recreationally... Even if you have an accurate scale and an opiate test kit to ensure what you are ingesting is actually what you think it is, you still might die. There are simply far too many variables.

I tend not to judge people but in this case, I disagree with the whole "I'm not hurting anybody but myself" argument. This isn't Cannabis, it's a powerful opiate that can kill in just trace amounts. There are already cases of children dying in the United States from what appears to be simply coming into contact with the drug in their environment.


I thought this website was for Cannabis and maybe some Psychadelics here in the "hallucinatory substances" thread, but I'm honestly surprised to see Fent users here. Isn't that what bluelight is for?