Fentanyl extraction from gel patches.

I tend not to judge people but in this case, I disagree with the whole "I'm not hurting anybody but myself" argument. This isn't Cannabis, it's a powerful opiate that can kill in just trace amounts.
You're never more alive then you are when right at death's door, Fent is the stupidest thing you could do... I'd rather see someone hit a meth pipe or boot herion before slapping on a fent patch..... But some people are cowboy's riding the biggest buzz they can get..... Trouble is the bull they're riding has horns and from time to time uses them....
You're never more alive then you are when right at death's door, Fent is the stupidest thing you could do... I'd rather see someone hit a meth pipe or boot herion before slapping on a fent patch..... But some people are cowboy's riding the biggest buzz they can get..... Trouble is the bull they're riding has horns and from time to time uses them....
A patch when used as intended isn't that bad. Pure fent is, it was popular when i was in st Louis. But was cut tok the extreme.
A patch when used as intended isn't that bad. Pure fent is, it was popular when i was in st Louis. But was cut tok the extreme.
IMO there isn't 1 reason to have such a potent opoid for people to use , especially in a patch form that is so easily misused or abused , It's like they did it with the intention of it killing addicts who misuse it
what's up @Budget Buds, haven't see you around in awhile, where you been hiding?
Been here hoss , Just not in this section lately, Lots of trolling in the politics section and trying to help out the newbies best I can :)
IMO there isn't 1 reason to have such a potent opoid for people to use , especially in a patch form that is so easily misused or abused , It's like they did it with the intention of it killing addicts who misuse it

Been here hoss , Just not in this section lately, Lots of trolling in the politics section and trying to help out the newbies best I can :)
You are incorrect sir. Have you ever seen a man with 3rd degree burns on 95% of his body, were his fingers melted together and had to be seperated? I have, while i was in the army. He sucked on Fent lolly pops and also had patches. Imagine if he didnt have Fent? Poor mother fucker :(
You are incorrect sir. Have you ever seen a man with 3rd degree burns on 95% of his body, were his fingers melted together and had to be seperated? I have, while i was in the army. He sucked on Fent lolly pops and also had patches. Imagine if he didnt have Fent? Poor mother fucker :(
Nope, Not alive anyways, Well for very long that is, That % is a death sentence. And Not gonna argue with you about it . I disagree with it being available , There are other drugs that work just as well with less dangers, The fact that the MO even gave it is baffling to me unless it was a waiting to die soon situation and they were not concerned with the affects it has on the various systems it interacts with...

So that being said, I see very limited use for it , But there is no reason for 75% of these people prescribed it to really be on it.. If these people were really in that much pain they wouldn't be trading and selling it to people .....
Nope, Not alive anyways, Well for very long that is, That % is a death sentence. And Not gonna argue with you about it . I disagree with it being available , There are other drugs that work just as well with less dangers, The fact that the MO even gave it is baffling to me unless it was a waiting to die soon situation and they were not concerned with the affects it has on the various systems it interacts with...

So that being said, I see very limited use for it , But there is no reason for 75% of these people prescribed it to really be on it.. If these people were really in that much pain they wouldn't be trading and selling it to people .....
True but for those that need it. The problem is the doctors. They are big pharmas drug dealers. When some one is in enough pain were even morph or oxy cant help him, thats were fent comes in. Most fent is time released, not pill form. So unless you put on 2 or 3 patches, or extract ant shoot it, not an issue. Most fent ods are from street heroin cut with it. When i was in st Louis it wasnt the opiod of choice, H addicts used it to stave of withdraw. It isnt that great a hi from what i understand.
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It isnt that great a hi from what i understand.
I had done it twice in my younger years , It fucks you up and it's a fine line, I still take hydrocodone and an occasional oxy but stay far clear of anything else, I dont abuse my scripts and never run out. I like to just barely feel my meds , I've never seen how someone could get all fucked up and nodding out and enjoy that shit...

The patches are variable in delivery it seems, I have known several people who were put on them , When they take a patch off and put a new one it they would all get very fucked up for several hours, And come back to reality until they bumped the patch or took a shower, then right back to fucked up again....

They had my dad on them and when he said fuck this and went back to norco ,he went through two weeks of pure hell that nothing would stave off, After that he said he would never do another oxy or fent patch again. He kept true on his word, Was prescribed up to 7 10 mg hydrocodone a day and he made it work.

I have never allowed myself to gain a high tolerance to pills, my highest ever was 30 mg of norco to wake up and when that started happening I quit them for almost a year till I was injured again and was forced to take them to be able to work and function..

I dont know mate, Yeah there is a purpose but not for 75% of the reasons that shit is layed upon people... Fuck big pharma......
I had done it twice in my younger years , It fucks you up and it's a fine line, I still take hydrocodone and an occasional oxy but stay far clear of anything else, I dont abuse my scripts and never run out. I like to just barely feel my meds , I've never seen how someone could get all fucked up and nodding out and enjoy that shit...

The patches are variable in delivery it seems, I have known several people who were put on them , When they take a patch off and put a new one it they would all get very fucked up for several hours, And come back to reality until they bumped the patch or took a shower, then right back to fucked up again....

They had my dad on them and when he said fuck this and went back to norco ,he went through two weeks of pure hell that nothing would stave off, After that he said he would never do another oxy or fent patch again. He kept true on his word, Was prescribed up to 7 10 mg hydrocodone a day and he made it work.

I have never allowed myself to gain a high tolerance to pills, my highest ever was 30 mg of norco to wake up and when that started happening I quit them for almost a year till I was injured again and was forced to take them to be able to work and function..

I dont know mate, Yeah there is a purpose but not for 75% of the reasons that shit is layed upon people... Fuck big pharma......
Only times i was truely fucked on opiods was a Delauden shot in the hospital(2nd degree burns), and some methadone pills i took once on a grayhound ride. Vicoden doesnt realy get me off. But opiods arnt my thing. I was a speed freak.
Someone posting tec that is off on the math by a factor or 1000 is pretty scary. You say a microgram is a one thousandth gram, when in fact a milligram is a one thousandth of a gram and a microgram is a one thousandth of a milligram.
Someone posting tec that is off on the math by a factor or 1000 is pretty scary. You say a microgram is a one thousandth gram, when in fact a milligram is a one thousandth of a gram and a microgram is a one thousandth of a milligram.
High school drop outs cooking drugs, its a scary world we live in.