FinShaggy's Religious Marijuana Grow Journal

Here are the 2 posts side by side. Tell me that we aren't saying the same exact thing.

Also, if you go Google "400W 1000W HPS LED Study" there was a study done where a few biologists and horticulturists grew in these conditions.

1000W HPS

400W HPS
100W LED surrounding it on 4 sides

And they claimed that the 400W worked the same as the 1000W, with the added benefit of better light penetration, meaning more branches getting more light making bigger nugs everywhere, instead of just mainly at the middle of the HPS like it does with HPS, they called the HPS good spot on the plant(s) the "sweet spot". But the LED/HPS combo gave more nugs, as well as more trichombes.

And I am doing a combo.

So I wouldn't say that the wattage is really important at all as long as you have enough. And I have enough, plus I will probably get a CMH soon, which is equivalent to 1000W MH, and CMH is just Ceramic Metal Halide (MH is Metal Halide for the benefit of anyone reading who does not know). And something like 315W CMH is 1000W MH because less Wattage goes to heat. And LEDs don't give off as much heat either, so it's also possible that the added wattage benefit I am seeing that is greater than actual wattage is the heat benefit. And I am just saying that it's better than actual wattage, I am not saying 1500W LED is equal to 1500W HPS, but it is higher than its actual wattage compared to HPS. I think LED 1500W is like 350 actual Watts, and I would say that 1500W LED is way better than 350W HPS.

But with Ceramic Metal Halide they are actually the same type of light, but just a different material allows the bulb to not heat up so much, which allows 315W to be 1000W, and there aren't as many haters out there disputing that.

Anyone who has spent 45 minutes researching these technologies would laugh at someone thinking 350w HPS even has a chance in comparison to 1,500w LED. Even the most seasoned veteran old head HPS grower would agree that 1,500w LED absolutely decimates 350w HPS. That's just a ludicrous statement. LED pulls power just like HPS. Its about the differences in usable light output per watt between these two technologies. The current understanding is that it is possible to match HPS with 20-25% less power draw running LED. For instance, the two lights I'll be testing in a side-by-side to determine if LED is equivalent or maybe trumps HPS would be a roughly 731w LED fixture vs a 1000w HPS DE fixture.

Let me explain this to you. Electricity was invented in the 1800s, and in the late 1800s came the light bulb. Then they created Ballasted Lights to create Higher Wattage.

Then we got to a point in history where we decided that throwing away light bulbs, and using so much electricity was not so great. So they started making light bulbs that use less "actual" wattage, for an "equivalent" wattage.

And that is where we are now. Welcome to the future.
you have no

What is the actual used W of your LED?
But the update will be update tomorrow, the mail just have to come, then I have to fill 6x 10 gallon buckets with Coco Coir, and set up the fans, and put the plants in. Then I will make an update, with pictures and videos.

After reading all this I think I should point out I said "don't worry" because I am already using 1 of the LEDs in the veg tent, and it is doing great. I am adding a whole other LED, then 2 HPSs, and 3 UVB CFLs. It will be fine, don't worry, calm down.
I understand the lights appear to be working great, and I am calm, I assure you. I'm trying to help you. I'm confused why you would be willing to spend your hard earned money on something when you don't even know what it is. You need to be more calculated to have enough awareness to understand whether what you're doing even makes any sense. Don't you want to achieve the most optimal results?
I feel like you completely misread what I said.

Are you saying that 1500W LED is better than 350W HPS, because that is exactly what I said.
No, I read it right, and I obviously agree that 1,500w LED is better than 350w HPS. What I'm saying is, that comparison is ludicrous. Obviously 1,500w LED is better than 350w HPS. The community is trying to figure out whether we can achieve the same or better results found with HPS by using LED at 20%(+/-) less power draw. You wouldn't be able to find a single person, even the most die hard HPS fan, who would claim HPS can out perform LED with 124% less power...
I just read this again, and it's like you read my earlier posts, pretended I wasn't the person that wrote them, and then tried to argue against me with all the things that I myself said.
This is your chance to get someone who knows what they're talking about to help you, after you've already been rude to them. You can take it or leave it, but I'm offering a free service to you. If you don't want other people's help, you will not evolve in a positive direction.
I do want to see what happens with your 731W LED v 1000W HPS test though. Post a link here.
I haven't physically tested the fixtures yet. I've simply designed/priced out the 731w LED fixture, and theoretically it matches, and may out perform 1000w HPS DE. I have all of the data and information required to understand the theoretical potential for this LED fixture. You're welcome to that information, which wasn't easy to acquire, if you are interested. Based off your semi-refusal to provide information on what exactly the LED you're running is, I'd say its a huge possibility that selling those lights (preferably returning them) and building out my design would help you better than running whatever it is you've purchased.

Stop pretending like you're clueless about what you bought, and at least tell me how much you paid for them.
They say a pic is worth a thousand words.....

Fin says a pic is worth....



fyi 315lec/cmh is close to 500 watts hps maybe 600 mh, certainly not 1k.

You know, actual experience and whatnot
Google "Instagram sivajapa".

That will tell you what you need to know...

Out of context, of course.....
Electricity was never invented. It was discovered and rediscovered. simple pottery based batteries have been found from as far as Inda to Egypt, dating back thousands of years.

I think you are confusing the Baghdad Battery and something else (Maybe you are thinking of the Egyptian Lotus Light Bulb Carvings, that have not actually been proven to be light bulb carvings?)

The Bagdhad Battery is like pottery with a Copper Tube that conducts electricity when the container is filled with Acid.

The closest the Egyptians ever got was Static Electricity and recognizing that the Electric Eel in the Nile was related to Lightning and they called it "The Thunderer of the Nile"

And are you serious with the "Discovered" and "Invented" thing? Do you really think that somehow you changed something by bringing semantics in here? Like, do you think I really didn't understand, but you made it clear for me by replacing the word "Invented" with "Discovered", or are you Trolling?
Update coming as soon as the mail shows up and everything is set up.
See, that's the problem homie. You engage the trolls and ignore genuine attempts at someone trying to help you. If you don't want trolls in your thread, ignore them and respond to the people trying to help you; not the other way around...

You don't want to disclose how much the lights cost. That's fine. If your 1500w light was a stack, ya fucked up and you're going to waste tons of money on extra electricity due to the light being inefficient as well as having a shit spectrum which your plants will not appreciate.

Good luck bro. I can leave now knowing I honestly tried to help and gave you the benefit of the doubt.
See, that's the problem homie. You engage the trolls and ignore genuine attempts at someone trying to help you. If you don't want trolls in your thread, ignore them and respond to the people trying to help you; not the other way around...

You don't want to disclose how much the lights cost. That's fine. If your 1500w light was a stack, ya fucked up and you're going to waste tons of money on extra electricity due to the light being inefficient as well as having a shit spectrum which your plants will not appreciate.

Good luck bro. I can leave now knowing I honestly tried to help and gave you the benefit of the doubt.

You are not genuinely trying to help, you are being an impatient loser, trying to make me "go look at your light brands right now or else you don't know anything about lights". Whatever, just go away.
You are not genuinely trying to help, you are being an impatient loser, trying to make me "go look at your light brands right now or else you don't know anything about lights". Whatever, just go away.
No, you're deflecting. I've asked you I think, 3 times, for the price you paid for the fixtures and you refuse to post that information. It takes 5 seconds to write how much you paid, but you don't want to cause you know its gonna make you look stupid.

So whatever lol. Good luck bro keep the price of your fixtures secret I don't really care.
Ok, so the update will be coming very soon and I will create a new thread.

I will post a video first, so everyone can see what is going on and you guys don't die from impatience in a similar manner to how the Where the Red Fern Grows dog died at the end. Then I will post all my old updates, with the pictures from seed to topping. Then I will go and take some pictures to do the new picture update, but the video update will basically have all the same stuff as the picture updates.
Btw, I say this because I just filled the 10 Gallon containers with Coco, and now I am just waiting for some Extra Coco to soak up some water, and I will use that to fill up the containers the rest of the way after I transplant. And I will put the other LED in there before I put the plants in there. But everything is about to happen.
Ok, so it is all set up and ready to go. Veg will go on for about 2-3 weeks, then I'll switch to flower.

In about 20 minutes I will create a new thread with the new update video, then all the old updates for this grow, then picture updates for this grow. And then from there there will be regular video and picture updates.