first cab. cfl grow

my journal in my sig. Heads up: its slow & pics posted not offten. Its just startn to get good! But all my dominas are lstd.1 more than other.
i had started them while still flowering the mamas i took the chernobyl clones from. Then after harvest&showed lady parts,i re veged. More like 3 weeks or so veggn
sorry to pop in and kinda take it off subject but I gotta ask, where the heck did that strain come from!? Is it russian radioactive reefer? Grows like a mutant when exposed to weapons grade plutonium? or will it just grow anywhere even in nuked terrain? whats the story you piqued my curiousity.
oddest thing my plant is alreaddy starting to smell skunky..... i didnt think it could so early also when i was taking pics i accedently droped my phone in her :( it bent 2nd nodes leaf looks like it pinched it or slightly broke it so i gotta keep a eye on her tho) anyways i hope i didnt stunt her i also watered her with a little h202 so we will see how that works also i got a crazy science idea different frequencys effect humans,plant, and anaimals in different ways and ive herd before that supersonic wavelengths help with the growth prosses in plant cells speeding up growth as much as 150% ( expirment was done on raddish) so i have a few pest reppelers that give off supersonic frequencys i put one in the box so we shall see what kind of effect it will have on it ive also been trrying different audible frequencys to see if anything come of it who know i could be onto some crrazy new way of cultivation we shall see....
no it didnt snap it like pinched it it wasent the main part it was one of the leafs on the second node the middle of the 3 leafs


  • 2011-02-23120550.jpg
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i dont think mine is gonna uproot but i dont really know this is my first go at lst when and how do i do it when this grows back facking upwards?

Yeah man looks good , when u lst it that much iniatially u have a chance of uprooting ur baby, but once it starts growing upwards towards the light let it grow some then tie that one down as well to where u want ur plant growing check out some my pictures to get one ideas,
yeah the only thing is do you keep tying the main cola and let the rest of the leafs behind it just grow up? or do you need to tie down the main cola and other sets of leaves?

what i would do if u want a low profile plant, tie the main colas down let the lil stems in the middle catch up a bit in sixe then either top them if ur trying to have a brushier plant, or top then tie em and give it a really low profile, or u can just let it grow depending on growers preference