First DIY stealth aeroponic cabinet grow, SOG


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Day 24 flowering, almost halfway :) The buds are really podding and fattening up. I don't think i'm going to get very much downward coverage on my very large plants though, they do not seem to be producing buds in the nodes lower then their very tops. The other shorter plants, however are covering themselves nicely down their stems, and i think that my whole systems height will not be an issue once im on perpetual. I think it will actually be almost ideal. The taller plants are however developing trichs earlier. Most of the plants are lightly frosted now, but the larger ones are much more developed. So i think the buds on the larger plants will have more time and be better developed at harvest. We shall see.

Day 3 flowering for the DWC plants. I speng about three hours untagling the roots of the lower chamber DWC plants. They are now in little root balls inside of individual ziplocks with large holes cut in them submerged in the res. They lost a few roots, but mostly i managed to get them all untagled. They don't seem shocked this morning, so im glad i did it now instead of when they get trasfered to the aero tub. Next grow ill have the ziplocks from the beginning to help encourage them to not grow together.

The vegging plants are looking a little pale, although most show good root production. Ive given em bout 300ppm of nutes to start em off now that i see roots from all of them, and i think that will put some color back in em. I could foliar feed i suppose... but i've never done that.

I fed the potted soil plants some 20/20/20 the other day, they have loved it and exploded with growth. They are all becoming real little plants, all have recovered from the multiple toppings i gave them. Im training one into an X in one pot so that it will produce clones straight up off the horizontal branches. It is working really well :). Cant wait to get some of these in the ground outdoors.

Pics on wednesday hopefuly. Or thursday.

All in all, looking good.


Well-Known Member
Day 26 flowering of the aero plants, over that halfway mark i hope. Day 5 flowering for the DWC plants, they are still looking great. No shock yet from the root detanglement, so i think im lucky and in the clear.

The tallest plants are not really covering their stems in bud, in fact im seeing very little internode budding :(. On the other hand, those plants are developping thier main colas much quicker and the trichome production is clearl superior on the tallest plants. So potentially, while their height is essentially wasted, their bud might be best in the end :) Some of the shorter plants are showing excellent coverage from the top down, and luckily they are of a size that my lower chamber will allow in terms of starting their flowering in the bottom. So the perpetual cycled plants should be ideal. I think i have said that in just about every post lol.

Im gonna be planting some outdoor this weekend i hope :) Grab some dead fish and get ur shovel :P


Well-Known Member
Day 28 flowering, day 8 flowering for the bubbler plants. All looking great essentially. I'll try and post some pics.


Well-Known Member
Day 29/9 flowering. The DWC plants are starting to show their flowers and their stretch. The stretch seems to happen a lot faster in large plants, but i guess that might be because they have more potential height in them but will spend the same time stretching.
The vegging clones look good finally, they were pale and looked slightly sickly for a while, but they are now vegging happily, although they do need more cfls if i can get them, they are currently under a measly 26 watter:(
Friend and i went and planted 10 outdoor yesterday. It's early in the season, but we are going to try and get as many in the ground as possible. If i harvest even one of them it will all be worth it to me :P.


Well-Known Member
happy 420 everyone.

day 30/10 of flowering, the plants are looking great, covered in trichs and becoming more and more solid. The largest two plant colas are really becoming huge balls of bud at the top of the plant. It's pretty unexpected; i expected internodal bud development down the plant, instead the plant has grown a bunch of top branches during the stretch and is becoming a huge ball cola at the top. Watever, the buds are fattening up and the whole thing looks great. The DWC plants are flowering well, showing the change and stretching. I hate cfl's though, i dropped one 3 inches today and it shattered, they are fucking expensive and fragile. I need more light for my vegging DWC plants too, they don't have enough right now, and they have to be big in twenty days.

More pics tommorow hopefully. It's hard to take good ones inside the cupboard, and the plants are only coming out one more time in a week and a half when i swap the res to plain water and flush.


Well-Known Member
wow so it's technically 32/12 although just the start of it. 18 days to go! The DWC plants look great, they are starting to really show flowers. Im avoiding snipping any of the grow tips off this time arround now that im in flowering, because my strain seems to flower primarily in the branch internodes. The aero plants look good, really fattening up. The proximity of the light clearly has a lot to do with the bud size. After a couple grows i'm seeing it as inevitable that i'll want to move to a 1000w light, the light intensity is clearly a huge factor. Guess i'll get everything else dialed in permanently first though.
The vegging plants look good, they all put out one set of leaves with curl and some discolouration due to stress, but their new growth is looking great. Stems are purpling as they do at the beginning and they are all looking much more substantial then before.
My gf and i got some great bud this 420- Budder Kush, Purple Kush and Lemon Deisel. I have pics ill post of the purple kush. All in all, i'd say that the LD was the best; although both the kushes were earthy and looked andsmelled beautiful, they failed to deliver on potency to the same degree the LD did, and with a nice citrus flavor too. It's funny- i'd never pay the extra for Purple Kush on a day to day basis, because even though it looks amazing it's not the very best stone (although midblowingly past standard m39 hydro). I'm trying to decide what strain i want to grow next as i move past bagseed and then Shishkaberry. More and more i'm thinking of getting a strain i've actually tried; White Lotus and Blue Domino are two favorites arround here, and at 200$ an O they aint cheap.


Active Member
Dude, you could borrow my light panel from my cab for now if you want, I have those big bulbs too. I'm going to start working on it again but I don't need that part basically until I'm ready to go (I'm making a duplicate for the other side anyway). Hopefully it fits, I think it will.

I got to try out some BC weed this 420: Lemon Juice, Grapefruit, AK-47 and good ol M-13

I think - no, I know my favorite was the grapefruit. Just WAM and you're really high. I wonder if Lemon Juice is the same as (or related to) Lemon Diesel...


Well-Known Member
cool man! I think lemon deisel is a cross between diesel and lemon haze, but it could be anything :). Grapefruit sounds pretty nice... i think im leaning more and more towards getting a blueberry mix eventually, because all the growers say its best. The ld was definetly the best for us, although the earthy smell and taste of kush is very nice.
I'd be super happy to use your lights :P that will help quite a bit, and CFL's are STUPIDLY expensive. Fucking things...

So 33/13 for the ploints. They are looking awesome, the aero ones are starting to "pod up" and get fatter everyday. The DWC ones are showing good transition to flowering. I moved them arroun yesterday so that the smaller plants are on one side with all the light and the taller ones are farther away. However, one of my plants is allready stretched almost to the top of the chamber. Fucking plants, always growing bigger then i want lol! It shouldn't be too much of a problem. i guess.

Vegging plants looking good, the soil plants and the mother look good, and with a few more cfl's the vegging plants will really go nuts. Im going to have to start running the ac in that room though; this firday is suppose to be 20C, ten degress above where it's ben since the op started. But, if i keep that room at arround 20C give or take a few degees, it will all run fine.


Well-Known Member
34/14 for the ploints, they all look great. The aero are starting to pull themselves over as their tops get heavier. There isn't really space for them to fall over so i don't need to tie em up, im just happy they are so covered in weed. The DWC plants look great, finally starting to see pistils from the flowers, soon they wil be little buds as well. Im surprised; i thought they would develop slower under the cfl's, but they are doing great, keeping up with the progress of the previous plants vegging under HPS. I guess the plants arent as big in the same ammount of time, but i don't want em big so that suits me just fine.
The vegging plants look great. Im gonna hopefully go grab those CFL's today or tommorow, and this weekend im getting more peat pellets to do another round of cloning with, since i need clones in 16 days :). The mother is getting so overgrwon she's bending her own main stem, the poor thing.


Well-Known Member
35/15 for the ploints, all is well and good. Had to run the a/c yesterday night, but it kept em at 18C so when it goes up to 30 im expecting them to be arround 25C with the ac during the day, maybe a bit lower at night.


Well-Known Member
36/16 for the plants. The aero plants got their res changed yesterday, as it was the hottest day so far and i forgot to add ice in the morning, the res was at 80F when i checked it! NOT GOOD. So full res change, and they are on flush now anyway, so pure water and nothing else for the last 14 days. The dwc plants look great, the way i moved the lighting around is helping to even out their height. They are just showing multiple pistils now, with lots of buds developping.
I cut 40 clones last night off of my overgrown mother. They are under the dome rooting in peat pellets. Some are destined for outdoor, some are going to be the next round of plants. Let's hope i can keep up the 7 day soil root :).

Pictures will be forthcoming.


Well-Known Member
day 37/17. The plants look great, substantially frostier then before. They frosted over with trichs a while ago, but i guess the trichs are now starting to swell as resin is stored. I am more and more happy with this grow; the plants are certainly too big but i don't think it's going to take away from my yeild overall, because the taller plants have the most developped bud, and they look delicious. I honestly can't wait, so much of me just wants to chop em now and see what they look like trimmed :P. Patience! Two more weeks arrrrrrg!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully pictures...woot it's working today!



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Day 38/18. Buds fattening up, some of the ones that are closest to the light are amazing looking, but all look really nice. Swapped the res water yesterday to maintain the flush. The soil plant in the corner is clearly a bit behind, having buds that are as dense as the aero, just smaller and still developing. I'm going to let that plant stay in flower through part of my next cycle i think, to get an idea of what the potential is if i flowered longer then 50 days, which is short aas hell i know. I was surprised too when my previousplants were ready in 50 days. The DWC plants look great, they are evening out in height, but it still seems like the clones that started growing big first still take off like a rocket during stretch. I have one plant clearly winning the height war, and a few that are competing it out for medium size. Either way i'll be happy to have them in the aero system, im getting tired of these huge plants and my inability to lift the res lid without taking the whole thing out of the closet. Shorter plants is what i need, and the next cycle shall provide :).

The vegging plants look good, they will definetly have enough growth by the time they need to be flowered in 12 days. The 40 clones i took look amazing, no mold or wilt yet, ive watered them once under the humidity dome but they have been mostly left alone.

All in all looking good. I have no idea what my yeild will be, but as long as it's over 100 grams ill be good to go until the next harvest 30 days hence.


Well-Known Member
39/19. All is well. The smaller aero plants are really starting to crystal up, and their lower buds are swelling too. The three taller plants have huge ball shaped colas at the very top of the plant. I can't WAIT to harvest these, im going to enjoy it so much to see all this weed trimmed and glowing with crystal :).


Well-Known Member
40/20 and all is well for the plants. They are certainly fattening up and becoming much denser to the touch. I WANT THEM! NOW!
I killed a few of the clones last night by leaving the top of the humidity dome off for a few hours. Much wilting ensued. I blame it on the gram of Budder we smoked. Most of them will pull through fine i think, but it's really annoying to have done that. The wilting leaves now all have to be removed to avoid rot... feck.

Watever, i'll be harvesting in 10 days :) GLEE


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day 41/21. Can't beleive im 9 days from harvest. Plants look great. 6 more days until three days of darkness. Harvest not this coming monday, but next monday. I can't wait!