First Ever Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Yeah, I been busy trying to find a used Toyota truck to take to the lake this year. Last year I bottomed out my BMW getting up there.
killofkali gave you good info on ballasts, I didn't know you could use a smaller bulb on a dimable ballast though. I usually veg with floros to save on the juice.

600w huh? now your steppin up to the plate man. A 400w will do but 600 and 1000 will get you the hard rock nugs.


Active Member
Hey dude thanks for the message. It's only a 400w Sunmaster dual spectrum i got. But i got 2 by mistake so as i am financially emabarresed one will have to go back. Pay day is 2 weeks away so i'm gonna have to start the flowerin under cfl's. You think that'll be ok? I'll let you know what transpires when i get my ballast and reflector when i get then i'll hopefully have some photos of my present nuggets and a final dry weight much to look at so little money....
peace bro,Frag!
Ps reason i didnt get a shot of the 600 is the guy expected half my yield.....from 2 plants? I told him to get fucked......

pps this really does become a bit of an obsession dorsn't it? I'd be as well selling my decks and mixer cos i ain't touched em since i started studying botany! hehe
Hey guys, Yeah, I been busy trying to find a used Toyota truck to take to the lake this year. Last year I bottomed out my BMW getting up there.
killofkali gave you good info on ballasts, I didn't know you could use a smaller bulb on a dimable ballast though. I usually veg with floros to save on the juice.

600w huh? now your steppin up to the plate man. A 400w will do but 600 and 1000 will get you the hard rock nugs.
i think i was a bit unclear with how i typed my reply about dimable ballasts and the bulb. i didnt mean u can run a 250w bulb with a 400w ballast dimmed down to 250w setting,ive never personally tried it and havent heard of any1 else attempting it. I ment that u can run a dimable ballast at 250w with the same 400w bulb. sorry 4 any confusion created folks.
ye ul b ok with cfls while u wait, u done flowering with cfls b4 didnt u? ul c a marked difference when u get ya 400w up n running tho mate. peace


Active Member
i think i was a bit unclear with how i typed my reply about dimable ballasts and the bulb. i didnt mean u can run a 250w bulb with a 400w ballast dimmed down to 250w setting,ive never personally tried it and havent heard of any1 else attempting it. I ment that u can run a dimable ballast at 250w with the same 400w bulb. sorry 4 any confusion created folks
it's cool thanks for takin the time to come back and explain. I had one of my insomniac nights last night and just read and searched for decent priced they be pricey.....saw one for 65 nicker but my mum wouldn't let me use her card and me and the missus are scoofed till 2 weeks only had 2 days left as well and no bids!!!!! Patience as they say is a virtue.......Any thoughts on what shape of reflector or am i as well stickin to the conventional shape? Fancied somethin a bit exotic......

theres a link 4 some decent priced ballasts. had a look round 4 u n those are the cheapest ive seen so far. when ur looking at reflectors what is the most important factor 4 u? i.e.- light distribution, size, heat control? with a cooltube ud have ability to control heat emited from the bulb but could loose out on reflected light. the alternative is a air cooled hood that sucks air through the hood via an extractor fan but does not sacrifice light distribution. id say 1 ov the best none air cooled reflectors for light spreading would be a parabolic reflector although this may not be 2 good for smaller grow spaces. all depends what factors are most important 2 u mate
haha i know what u mean bout patience mate, it can be a killer. but another good saying to remember is "all good things come to he who waits". will all be worth it in the end bro. peace.


Active Member

theres a link 4 some decent priced ballasts. had a look round 4 u n those are the cheapest ive seen so far. when ur looking at reflectors what is the most important factor 4 u? i.e.- light distribution, size, heat control? with a cooltube ud have ability to control heat emited from the bulb but could loose out on reflected light. the alternative is a air cooled hood that sucks air through the hood via an extractor fan but does not sacrifice light distribution. id say 1 ov the best none air cooled reflectors for light spreading would be a parabolic reflector although this may not be 2 good for smaller grow spaces. all depends what factors are most important 2 u mate
Kali man thats above and beyond any advice/help i was expecting,that is a damn good price.....thanks bro! Muchos Grassy Arse! I swear this is the friendliest forum i've ever been on. All the Dj ones i use are full off tossers with egos that are so big they have a gravitational effect on the earth and fuck with the tides!
As for the reflector it's only 2 plants but i wanna make the most of my lumens and not waste too many........Here how come you know so much yet are still listed as a stranger on here? Plus it won't let me give you any rep points. I'll have a Gander at the parabolic ones. Again mate many thanks.


hey fraggle, just read the whole thread, its a good one, i'm exactly the same (1st time grower) with a similar set up, started at about the same time, but i only just changed to 12/12 last week. looks like a brilliant cola, cant really tell scale, how big is she? brilliant to see UK growing alive
Here how come you know so much yet are still listed as a stranger on here? Plus it won't let me give you any rep points. I'll have a Gander at the parabolic ones. Again mate many thanks.
dunno mate. i aint got a clue how to change it, i would if i knew how.
if its for 2 plants and heat is likely to be a problem id say go with the cooltube. it will give u plenty of light for 2 plants plus will alllow u 2 get the lamp closer 2 the canopy without burning them. you will need to get an extroctor fan if u opt 4 an air cooled reflector tho mate.
i think this site is more frendly because every1 is in the same boat more or less. there isnt a person out there that can say they are the perfect grower and know everything there is to know( in my humble opinion). so when the chance comes along to learn from others mistakes and success for free then every1 is apriciative and willing to pass their experiences on. all in all an EXCELLENT site! peace


Active Member
The way all forums should you say nobody (except maybe Neville from the greenhouse and formerly Ben Dronkers right hand man at Sensi seeds) will ever know everythin,same with dj'ing,power kiting and all the other forums i been on.Most of em are just folks bragging. I'll tell ya i woulda struggled without you and cruzer,just found out theres a hydro shop in my town again and their prices are comparable to the web so i might make a one stop shop in 13 days......better limit how much money i take tho......
haha i no what ya mean, ya might c aload of stuff u like n just go crazy with the cash. do u know how to change that stranger thing it keeps showing mate?


Active Member
now its just changed by itself to learning how to roll?!?! must b sumat 2 do with the amount of posts people make i guess
Yeah i be just guessin but i think it's gotta do with how many posts or how many folk give you rep for yr advice,bet thirs summat somewhere on here about it. ho cares what it says yr advice is sound as a pound anyway.


i Never even noticed this "stranger" "learning to roll" etc stuff and i joined about the same time as you fraggle,lol what a numpty, going to have to post more to change that.
Yeah i be just guessin but i think it's gotta do with how many posts or how many folk give you rep for yr advice,bet thirs summat somewhere on here about it. ho cares what it says yr advice is sound as a pound anyway.
cheers mate. a pal of mine has just showed me his grow. fuckin epic. he got 46 cheese plants going!! there only in 2nd week of flower but they looking real healthy and going along nicely, gna try n convince him to sign up 2 the site n upload sum pics.


Active Member
hey fraggle, just read the whole thread, its a good one, i'm exactly the same (1st time grower) with a similar set up, started at about the same time, but i only just changed to 12/12 last week. looks like a brilliant cola, cant really tell scale, how big is she? brilliant to see UK growing alive
sorry mate i never noticed yr post,it's just over 12". Surprised the hell outa me i can tell ya. Just had a 2nd opinion from a (former) grower,his missus winna let him now and it's ready to rock n roll,could leave it a few more days he says but its defo ready.......Oooooft! Thanks for reading the thread and for the kind words as wll. Hope yours goes as well. 14 hours and then lady shall be hung!


Active Member
Well i decapitated her yesterday and she's hanging upside down as we speak.........not much i can really post here till she's dried and cured and i can give you guys a look at the buds and the final dry weight.......if theres any emergencies i'll be on for sure tho....