First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
D A Y 22

Well, today before light is turned on I sprayed spring water on both Blue Cheese and Aroma. I sprayed spring water again. I am hoping foliar water spraying would have some positive effect on Blue Cheese. New shoots on Blue cheese looks healthy tho, no losing color or anything... well at least for now... No pic update today since I lended my cam to a friend of mine for today.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
foliar feeding is good, and you can get some fertilizer with that spraying BUT you should always do it when it will dry out while the lights are out (before they go down I guess would be the best, so they will not be disturbed with light).
But spraying can cause a LOT of problems and you should really look out for them:
If there's light the drops can cause sun-burns.
It can cause rot and mold - spray only with more-than-proper ventilation.
Never spray when there is not enough air circulation. Never spray buds (theres not enough air circulation inside them).

Have a great week ;D


Active Member
D A Y 24

Today I cut the dried leaves so Blue Cheese wouldn't spend much effort for those. New shoots look healthy no signs of yellowish brownish spots. After pruning dead leaves my plant looks a bit naked but I am sure new shoots would fill up the space (crossing my fingers).

Aroma looks green and healthy, she liked the new home better I guess.

I gave them 200 ml water each. I set the pH to 6.5 using digital pHmeter.

Night Claptoman, thanks for your advice :) I have fan blowing towards them (fan diameter is 40 cm.) and when I check a few minutes after I spray them I find the leaves dry. So I assume it is good, no? At the moment I am not giving anything to them thru foliar spraying. It is just plain spring water. This new peat-perlite already has nutes and humus premixed so I will wait 3 more weeks before I feed them any nutes other than humic acid and that is only to promote beneficial bacteria and Mychoriza.

Sorry again, no pic update today since I stil haven't got my camera back.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
my soil says that it holds 2 months worth of fertilizer, I usually really need to feed the plants after 2 weeks.
MJ takes a lot more food than the avarage plant.

When your plants start to go pale thats the stage you need to feed them with nigh N fert.


Active Member
Yes, you mentioned that before. Now I have two options ahead of me fertilizer-wise. I have this 15-15-15 fertilizer I got from local plantshop but it is not organic. I still have some wormcastings. I also have molasseslike substance that has high P and K values. I will be going for 12/12 10-12 days later depending on how Blue cheese recuperates. I want do this organic way as stated on subject line of this journal but as far as I see my plants look underdeveloped. I read other people's grow journals and see they have such well developed plants I started to think maybe I should be considering regular fertilizers. I wonder if I chose to go for abovementioned 15-15-15 fertilizer would it cause problems. Almost everyone states to go for less N during flowering.


Active Member
D A Y 25

New shoots on Blue Cheese show no sign of yellowing thankfully but her growth slowed down.

Aroma is growing nicely. I think this plant will be short but then again during flowering she would surprise me.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
do not flower plants in a state like this. they will become very small plants.
I also see some pro-grows that develop much faster and always look good. but they usually have better conditions - temp regulation, better soil, better hang of fertilizing and experience.
Don't look too much at your neighbors grass, just make sure your not fucking up too badly and you will be fine. next time you WILL do better.

The 15\15\15 is quick release or slow release?
if its quick you should use it starting a few days before flowering. if its a slow release use it at least 3 weeks before flowering.
Plants really don't need N while late-flowering, they just try to get rid of it. My favorite organic fertilizer is by far guano. Try to get some. if you live in the states you can get it shipped from bluemountain-something (out of eBay) for cheap and it should sustain throughout the entire flowering period.
Wish I had guano available around here :<


Active Member
I will wait until Blue cheese recuperates and Aroma is developed better. So I guess it means at least 2 more weeks. Fertilizer is probably quick release because it is used by being mixed with water.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
For now you don't need a 15\15\15. you need a high N.
The blue cheese would definetly like some and the aroma would like some too.

You want to give your plants enough N during the veg period to sustain it throughout the flowering period. right now it doesn't have enough to even veg.

You don't want to feed it with much P and K for now, it doesn't need it and it will cause problems. All the fertilizers you've mentioned contains too much P and K.
There are a LOT of high N ferts, both organic and non-organic at every nursery or gardening tools. Just get whatever is quick release, with low P and high N and ment to be used with herbs\bushes\vegtables.

If you can't get any high N fert you can always use urine. Yet, it doesn't smell that good but its the cheapest fertilizer I know.
You get sterile urine (right out of the faucet), probably human urine, and dilute 1 part urine to 10 parts water.

From my experience, after the first feeding you can see major growth within a day or so.


Active Member
D A Y 26

Yesterday I gave them nutes with 250 ml water each and sprayed them with plain spring water. Today I saw Blue Cheese gathered herself and Aroma showed nice growth. Those hole like thingies at Aroma's new growth is because of my sloppy topping. On my next grow I will definitely use razor or scissors instead of my nails. Also my room started to smell... not much but hint of it. It is mixed with my yeast mix :) Speaking of which I kept emptying top part and adding sugar-water to keep yeast alive for CO2 purposes in every 3 days for last 2 weeks but maybe it is time to change it completely.

Thank you guys for useful tips :)



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T.G.I.F U P D A T E :eyesmoke:
D A Y 27

Things are getting back to normal I guess. Soil moisture levels are good. Close to dry on top. Moist in the middle and at bottom. I'll wait for 1 week to water them with nute added water. Of course if middle part of the soil gets close to dry before that I will water then.

Have a great weekend :)



Active Member
D A Y 30

Blue Cheese is showing nice improvements and Aroma is growing happily. I checked the soil moisture levels and it appears it needs water. I will be giving another dose of nutes today with water just before lights are on.

This first grow taught me lots of things to be honest.



Active Member
D A Y 31

Today I gave them nutes with water. After adding nutes water pH was 5.5 but I adjusted pH to 6.5 by using potassium Hydroxide solution I prepared before. Blue Cheese looks fine for now.

Never ever use the attached meter for pH measurements. I learned the hard way. It is good for measuring only Soil moisture levels and light intensity levels.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
No offend, but it does look crappy.
I rather stick my digital PH meter in the dirt than using this one.

Congratulations on your first feeding. A bit late but beter than nothing. To know how much to use keep an eye on the plants - if new growth is paler than the lower add more N fert. If the tips are getting burnt - use less.
Go with 1ml\liter advancement at a time to let the plants get used to the ferts.

As I'd guess you don't have much experience with thoes ferts I'd recommand trying in a week or so to up the dose up to the level that the tips START to burn a day or two after feeding and to use 1-1.5ml\liter less than that emount.

Slight overfeeding is much better than severe underfeeding.


Active Member
Indeed it is. That's why I use calibrated Hanna digital pHmeter now. One couldn't go wrong with Hanna when it comes to pH measurement.

Well this was the second feeding but I used half of the strength grow shop guy recommended with both feedings. Well I guess if I keep watering with water with 6.5 pH I would be able to keep the soil ph around 6.5 more or less. Am I right?


Active Member
D A Y 32

Well, today is the last day of vegetative stage. After lights go out I will replace MH with 250W HPS and start the famous 12/12 cycle. If what I read is gonna be in effect with my babies as well, they would almost triple their height due to stretch during flowering so the current height is the optimum point according to my calculations.

I have a question in my mind tho. I wonder if I should continue feeding them high N nutes until I see flowers forming or go for high P and K value nutes. Hmm decisions, decisions....


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you should keep on giving it N like your doing now for the next week or two and then lower the dose by 20% a week.
When you start 12\12ing you should add 20% the recommanded dose of P and K ferts and up the dose by 20% per week until you reach the recommanded dose.

Thats in a nut shell. You should always check your plants needs and adjust acordingly.


Active Member

Today towards the end of light period I gave them 20 min of Reptile light (UVB) treatment to simulate Sun's UV rays. Interesting thing is that leaves on Blue Cheese is droopy for some reason. I checked the soil moisture levels and it is close to dry on top part, moist in the middle part and bottom. Then I realized BC is getting more wind from the fan than Aroma and changed fan's location to let both get light breeze. I sprayed leaves with some spring water.


I checked a few minutes ago and saw that leaves and branches are not droopy anymore :) I prepared a weak mix of spring water and my organic molasses which has high K and P and good amount of Ca, Mg, Zinc to spray. I sprayed this mix to see what the effects will be like. 20 min to light period :)

