First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

I would wait a day or two, but I don't honestly know. Just wait and see how your plant reacts to its new home
Yeah that's a good idea... Unfortunately I wanted to get the nutrients in on the next watering cycle, but at the same time, I know I have to really water the crap out of the new pot when i transplant.. so I guess I'll wait on the nutrients until she sucks up the water from the transplant...

I was hoping I'd get away with using the pot I have now for at least a couple more weeks, but it's unreal, the plant got so wide so fast. You can't see it in the pictures of it I posted earlier in this thread, but now the 5 fingered fan leaves extend about a half inch over the edge of the pot on either side, and there is a LOT of new growth on top, she's really cruising..

I'll take some more pics of her tomorrow and post em up...
Okay guys, here's a pic update, she's grown a LOT since the last pictures (it's only been 4 days)..

Today she's 2 weeks and 3 days old (since sprouting, breaking the soil after I germinated and planted her..)
Check this out!



The growth around the nodes is going crazy now..

closeup of the center /top of the main stem:

node growth

I bumped this leaf on the side of my box picking it up and out a few days ago and put a little hole in it.. i was like NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!

And here's a comparison shot, first shot was taken on 5/6, second shot was taken this morning 5/10 :shock:
Anyone have any idea if this looks more indica or sativa?

It doesn't seem to have the big fat round leaves of an indica, but it isn't tall with skinny leaves like a sativa either
I think it's probably a little to early to tell but if I had to make a guess I would say Indica. But hey I had some plants lookin like that and then when they really started flowering they exploded and like tripled in height and looked way more like a sat. Lookin great so far man.
Looking good! I have a few stealth grows under my belt. From my trials, I found that if I LST too early in the growing process it adds too much stress to the plant. My first grow I started LSTing my three plants at about you stage of growth or maybe a little further along. All three turned out to be male. From then on I let the plants get taller and then started LSTing. To date: Cotton Candy 4 for 5 females, all bag seed grow 5 for 6 females, and my current grow 3 for 3 females, Apollo 11 seeds from the web. Knock on wood... Good luck!
Gave her her first dose of nutrients and pulled the lights up to about 5 or 6 inches away from the top of the plant this morning to encourage some upward growth...
Some definite droopy leaves going on right now.. I may have overwatered it when I transplanted.. I'll let it dry out and we'll see what happens..
Well she's definitely perked up and it's only been the night, I bet once the lights come on she'll rise and shine.. got about 30 minutes until night is over..

Man.. She already has a very distinctive smell.. I just adjusted a couple of fan leaves and i can smell it on my fingers.. Smells like Basil almost.. :)
I'm going to give it a few more days and start LSTing on Friday... You can see the garden tie wire I have in the pot already, that's for the stability tie around the base of the stem, I'll bend it in the opposite direction of that wire when i start...
Lookin good bro. subbed. FYI its normal for the girls to droop for a while after transplant, but shes lookin good now! question, what did you use for the reflective material? just finishing up my build and startin my grow prob next week and tryin to keeep the costs down. keep up the good work man. happy growing. +rep for a good journal so far. can't wait to see more
Thanks Dude! +rep to you too.

Unfortunately Mylar was simply too expensive for me, so I used Aluminum Foil, but with the matte (not shiny) side out, not the highly reflective side. I glued it down to keep it as flat as possible.. seems to be working and I'm not noticing any "hot spots" or whatever.:leaf:
Good lookin out bro! I'm right there with ya on the mylar, just too expensive right now. I actually found some old xmas wrapping paper that was more foil than paper. the back side of it was straight shiny reflective stuff. looked at the label and I'll be damned! 60% mylar! only had about 4 feet to work with though so i couldn't get the whole box just the reflector. I knew i shouldn't have given the wife so many gifts.......
I'm in the same boat. I'm saving up to buy some thick mylar. Right now I am using an emergency blanket. They are large and cheap.
that's actually a great idea. I also heard the windshield sun shades at wal-mart are another good alternative