First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

I'm subscribing to this thread for sure. I'm sold on using the LST method with my 150w HPS. I have 4 feet of height to work with, but with a small light I think it's best to keep them short and try to get as many bud sites as I can. What did you use for hooks?
I'm subscribing to this thread for sure. I'm sold on using the LST method with my 150w HPS. I have 4 feet of height to work with, but with a small light I think it's best to keep them short and try to get as many bud sites as I can. What did you use for hooks?
Yeah man you're definitely right about that.. bushy = more bud in less space...

For hooks I started using this garden tie stuff I bought at target (That's the green soft rubber wire you see in the earlier shots) but it ended up being too flexible and didn't hold the plant down as well as I had hoped. So from there i had some extra romex electrical wire, so I just cut off lengths of that and used them as hooks, they are much tougher and don't budge at all...
*egins to scroll through pictures.....scrolling down.....reaches pictures 4 and five...1 full body seizure and a new pair of pants later is posting this reply*
Dude.. it's RIDICULOUS.. i'm so high and I just hit my greens hit of the second bowl of the entire day.. I've been baked all day.
Do you think 1 rubbermaid would give you enough vertical room? My partner just got paranoid and I have to move my rubbermaid grow.
Hard to say man, I'm already 1 inch or so over the lip of the first tub, and into the bottom of the second
Attic, thanks for letting me know what you used for hooks. I was thinking about using paper clips with the powder coating, but I'm not sure if 3" long bent straight is long enough. And I didn't want to pick something that ends up being toxic to the plants.
very true.. the romex cable is so insulated that I know it's not toxic.. It's just rubber...

3" might be cutting it real close.. most of my in the soil hooks are about 6 inches long with the hook at the end
Well guys today is picture day, and Chapter 1 of the Attic Bud Porn Extravaganza.

More on that in an hour or so.
Okie doke guys here's a big post...

Here she is this morning from the top and the side:


Here's a markup of the top shot showing all of the budsites.. the red arrow is the main cola.

Here's a series of closeups of the different budsites.

Here's a shot of the main cola.

and a shot of the rival (second biggest)

some other budsites

and some closer shots of some buds starting to develop:






And now here's some macro shots.

This first shot is to give you an idea of how small of an area is in focus at this magnification. (Probably a few millimeters)






One of the shoots shot up overnight right into a light, so it got burned pretty bad and I pruned the most burnt fan leaves.. It's just one out of 13 budsites so I'm not really upset, but I hope it gets better ;)
Wonderful pics yet again Attic, she is a beaut. HeHe so I must remember that strain an get some when my local club ever gets some. Looks superb. So would ya mind tellin me what SLR you use and your opinion of the camera and the company that made it.
Those pics are awesome. Let the buds begin! I picked up some Jack Herer earlier in the week. I've never smoked it before, but it's fantastic.
Oh god, I can't wait till we start seein' the trich's pile on this plant. This zoom is gonna make me boom!
Mind me asking what nutrients you used? and do you think they are sold at lowes? Liquid or powder? and how much do you add? how are you sure your not over feeding it?
sorry for the questions i will me making a journal here soon seeing as yours has turned out wonderfully.
