Okie doke guys here's a big post...
Here she is this morning from the top and the side:
Here's a markup of the top shot showing all of the budsites.. the red arrow is the main cola.
Here's a series of closeups of the different budsites.
Here's a shot of the main cola.
and a shot of the rival (second biggest)
some other budsites
and some closer shots of some buds starting to develop:
And now here's some macro shots.
This first shot is to give you an idea of how small of an area is in focus at this magnification. (Probably a few millimeters)
One of the shoots shot up overnight right into a light, so it got burned pretty bad and I pruned the most burnt fan leaves.. It's just one out of 13 budsites so I'm not really upset, but I hope it gets better