First Grow, going indoors and outdoors with this one


Well-Known Member
Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ablebodied Loser. :):):) Lol , Tick's Wh Wh Wh What U Mean... Ticks N N N No Nottttt Me??? O O O O Oh! Uuuuuuuu Mean Th Th Th The Ddddddog Kind. J,j,j,j,j,j,j,j,j,just Ppppprotien Lol Db. :)


Well-Known Member
Well im back and NO TICKS YAY!
anyways so her they are at 28 days from seed and the look to be doing ok.
what do you think so far any tips?

Oh and once again i dont know how to set the date on my cam so


so this is my feild:
the feilds.jpg

the feilds...jpg

the feilds..jpg

Patch 1:
patch 1.jpg

Patch 2:
patch 2.jpg
patch 2..jpg

Patch 3:
patch 3.jpg

Patch 4:
patch 4.jpg

Patch 5:
patch 5.jpg
patch 5..jpg
patch 5...jpg
patch 5....jpg

Patch 6:
patch 6.jpg

Patch 7:
patch 7.jpg

Patch 8/ the bucket:
the bucket.jpg

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Very Nice Gggggggggggamble, Like The Field Pic's "jelous" And Happy Aboot The Tic's Too, I Hate Them Things, Ustoo Be A Country Boy. Miss It Bad.

Junkys' Deep Breath Here!!!:):):) Keep It Coming. Db.:)


Well-Known Member
was also thinking on digging up the small seedlings from the side of my house and putting them out in the feild, but not now, early to mid june.

Also really need ideas for low key pest and insect controlle.
any ideas?


Active Member

I'm a few days behind you on my outdoor grow in containers, your plants look great!

I saw a post about using Neem oil for pests, you might want to search it.


Well-Known Member
all looking really good man. i like everything so far. i germed a whole bunch of seeds (like 65) and threw them into some nice soil mix outside. My area should be getting alot of rain the next few days so well see if they sprout.


Well-Known Member
Read your entire journal. I'll keep up with it. Our plants are about the same size it looks. Good luck and thanks for the posts in my journal. I chopped one of my hydros's drying right now. ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Gamble Check The Pest Strips In Me Journal, I Got One In The Garage, Ill Read It, They May Work For Ya Outdoor Gro... Db. With A Little Mod, Im Sure We Could Get Results For Ya. Jmt's. Think Cintranilla Based And Then Make Them Work For Ya.!!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet dude, finally some pics! They are looking good man, those bitches are going to get REAL big!

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Hey Gamble, Your spot looks really good, a very nice green, they should be well camouflaged. And they look good and healthy. Mine are maybe a few weeks older than yours but i think yous are similer in size, i put seedings in the ground outside because there was no way for them to be inside, Good luck with the grow and will be watching for sure!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good man! I'm jealous of the field!!! I wish I could at least experiment with outdoors but that ain't happening where I am!! Guess Ill have to live vicariously through you!


Well-Known Member
* update *

well the plants in the hanging bucket are doing the best at the moment. they seem to have made the most progress out of everything i have just transplanted. the 3 in my backyard are also growing quit good. the bunch on the side of my house are not growing at all, they are under some bushes and dont get much light( i dont even think they get direct sunlight) but are staying alive and looking healthy. I have just Snuck a seedling back indoors to my grow box without my old lady knowing:smile:and have put it streight into 12/12. well see what happens.My field of happiness i have not visited since the time i took the last pictures. i have had some shitty last few nights , temp wise. mid 30's - 40's. but now have some nice warm days for them so i can only hope for the best. i think i might go check them in a few days after some nice dry weather. i will go and feed them some nutes when they need water after these dry days and then let nature take its course. (for now)i will also take some pics then of everything but for now i will post some pics of everything at the homebase. I will post some tomorow as it is very late here and will not be able to see. Hope that explains ma situation , and hope to hear some comments!
Peace, and be exellent to each other!


Well-Known Member
nice looking foward to the pics! I dont know how ya can days without seeing ya plants! I check on mine like 5 times a day min..


Well-Known Member
man its the fucking Ticks, they drive me nuts everytime i go.when i took the last pics, i ran through the feild with my hood on plant to plant and then mad dashed it out of there and that was the only way i got out with barely any ticks on me.