First grow, in greenhouse, from bag seed


Well-Known Member
....I was a little frustrated so I took a bit of a break from posting so my bitterness wouldn't spread. ;)

I chopped one plant that was definitely male out of the Earthbox. I have 3 plants left in it now - one that is kind of showing male and two little tiny ones that are definitely female. I know I should kill the male as soon as I'm sure, but I'm experimenting with spraying Reverse on them (with Penetrator). At this point those plants are marginal at best, so they are good for experimenting with.

I would like to officially note that I wouldn't reccomend putting cannabis plants in an Earthbox. Because it's 24/7 moisture feed, they don't get the dryout that they seem to like when they are in soil. I am considering taking the two little females out and putting them in pots. But it's so flippin hot here that doing anything outside for more than 6 minutes is good for 2 hours of cooling off (for me, not the plants). It's only getting down to 82 at night right now and we're on day 29 or 30 with no moisture to speak of.

I got 4 little plants from a friend who was growing from the same bagseed I had - he and his wife weren't having any luck with them or giving them the care mine get, so they passed them on to me. They were rootbound as hell and small but I repotted them and they are doing really well now.

The mutant - what happened to the mutant, you ask? Well, poor little mutant had the exhaust fan drop on it and that broke it in more than half. I tried to keep the top alive, but it did eventually die. What was left in the pot was doing fine until a deer ate it. The deer usually don't come so close to the greenhouse, but it is so dry here that they are getting desperate and they are going wherever they can get something with any moisture in it. I was saddened to see the empty pot but oh well. Poor little mutant.

So it was clear that I needed to do something beyond the lame cage I had around the plants - both for privacy (since it was clear at 50 feet what they were to anyone that was in the know for better or for worst) and for protection as they got bigger. I had taken them all out of the greenhouse because it was too hot in there. After much debating with my husband about what kind of thing we could build, I decided to just take some roof panels off of the greenhouse. Problem solved. The greenhouse isn't quite as much as of an oven as it was and everything is protected from those damn deer.

So what do I have now? I have the 3 in the Earthbox, 2 good fluffy PHAT leafed plants that are so happy that it's unbelieveable, a little one, and the 4 orphans. I really hope that out of those I'll get at least 2 good size females. I'm due. I've learned alot but I need Mother Nature to show me some love. I've put alot into these plants and would really like a little benefit from them!

Here's the babies with one of the phat fluffies in the background. Yes, I will be repotting them soon.

Here's that one in the back a little closer - it's a shitty photo but trust me, it's a happy plant.

Here's the other phat happy plant. It has GIANT leaves. (See next photo)

Here's my foot so you can see just how big this plant's leaves are. I'm a size 8.5 if you wanna know how big the foot is (I'm tall - I need big feet.)

That's it for now - happy growing! Keep wishing female for me! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nice grow dude sorry for the hermie is it possible to get a clear plastic to get more light in there im sure they'd love it


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd put a couple of better ones up of the one plant that was in the shade when I took photos earlier today.

It's reaching for the sun!

I mean REALLY....isn't it deliciously green?!?!?! :weed:


Well-Known Member
nice grow dude sorry for the hermie is it possible to get a clear plastic to get more light in there im sure they'd love it
Yeah, well, I'd love to have clear sides and a white top, but my husband picked up the fiberglass and thought green was good because it's a greenhouse (?!?!!? really, he is smart, but NOT about plants or sun or plants and sun and heat!). I kinda had to let things happen so he could see it fail on his own (he's one of those guys that you let think everything is their idea - it's easier). But I do plan on getting clear and or white either soon or into next year - the green will be great for the winter though.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody - I know. Long time since I've posted, but there wasn't much to post - the orphans are coming along nicely, just repotted them into some bigger pots. Had a little funky discoloration going on and figured that they were probably root bound and had an OD on nutes (my bad - should not fert while having cocktails).

But, besides a little trouble with leaf miners (bastards!) the plants are looking GORGEOUS!

These are the same 2 plants that I was drooling over above!

This is the one in the terra cotta colored plastic pot in the earlier post.

This is it's neighbor - it's really getting BIG at a rapid rate these days! Had to transplant it into this recycling bin (there are holes drilled into the bottom, thanks to my husband) - the handling of it out of a pot was scary, but it did fine!

This is the biggest "small" plant, I'll move it to a bigger pot as soon as I get more soil (I hate the options at our Home Depot and want to bo about 20 miles to get the good soil I like). As you can see, this one is next to a very happy basil plant - pesto on a stalk! mmmmm!

This is one of the orphans - you can see that it's grown in an odd way - but that was pre coming to my care. It will be interesting to see what happens with it.

What have I been using? A tad of Super Thrive (not too much or it will warp your plants) and a dose of John's Recipie organic fertilizer - it's got good stuff in it. Smells like HELL, but plants seem to love it! Here's the URL John's Recipe™ Liquid Fertilizer

Forgot to add - still have 3 plants in the EarthBox, but compared to the other outdoor plants, they plain don't compare. I'm actually thinking about repotting them into their own containers instead.

Happy growing, keep hoping for one of these flippin' plants to be a GIRL for me! :weed: :weed: :weed: :weed: :weed:
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Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting with Dutch Master reverse on this plant. This is the large plant in the EarthBox. I sprayed the first evidence of balls and now this is what I have...which looks different than the balls/flowers I had on the hermie.



Well-Known Member
I swear these things are growing like weeds! Wait they are weed....ahhhhh!

So the poll said what I'd sadly suspected. The above plant is a boy. Bummer. There was a time in my life when being surrounded by multiple young healthy men would have been a dream. Now it's just a pain in the ass.

First order of business today was to chop down that one stinky boy.

Second order of business was to go check on everybody - got more soil yesterday, mixed it up with extra pearlite and seed starter so that the young'uns I transplant have room to settle in to their new containers. As you can see, they are surrounded by an assortment of other plant friends, some basil, an eggplant plant, etc.

The two in the top right are the largest - the one in the recyling bin is gaining on the other. After seeing the roots on them, I went w/ recyling bins for containers for a couple reasons. 1) They are cheaper than big pots if you can't scavange anything for free & 2) I noticed that pot plant roots like to go wide rather than deep - that might be due to the fact that mine are potted and do get regular water, but I figured a wider space might benefit them more than a deeper space. Make sense?

The one in the very top right in the terra cotta colored pot has THE BIGGEST leaves. Seriously. They are past the size of my foot and are now almost as big as my hand! This plant and it's neighbor big one smell sort of like chocolate or coffee right now. Very nice and mellow smell. I'm just hoping one will be a female.

Here's a close up of those beautiful leaves. I could just stay in there and stroke them they are so nice...but that would be weird, wouldn't it?!?!? They look extra green 'cause of the green fiberglass on the sides of the g'house, but it is ultra-green. So purty!
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Well-Known Member
just distributed some home made compost that I've had goin' for over 2 years around each plant. I've discovered that it's way too rich to mix into's better on top where it repels bad bugs and trickles in it's goodness over a long period of time. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Glorious rain came down upon us yesterday - about an inch. Boy did we need it. Our water tank was getting very low. All of the plants were happy to get rainwater out of the sky and a bit of a rest from the 100 degree temps.

Here's the two "big" ones today. Sorry about the bar - it's a support for the interior of the greenhouse and doesn't come out/off.

Here's a couple of the orphans, growing happily!

Here's another one of the orphans.

and last, but not least (if they turned out to be girls, that is!) - the two remaining in the Earthbox. Poor little stalks. I should probably take off that support and beef them up, but I'm still considering transplanting them to individual pots.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone - It's ok to comment in my journal. It makes me feel like I'm sharing rather than just logging info for my own use, so say somthing! Am I alone in here?

The plants are loving this weather - overcast, humid, 90 degrees. I swear they are growning so much every day. They are starting to smell, but no distinct signs of sex yet, at least not in my eyes.

Mmmmm, greeeeeeen leaves!

And my spider pal is still around. I love him for eating any bugs! Wish I could have a whole crew of spiders, trained, of course.


Well-Known Member
damn, everything is so happy right now - my plants are going CRAZY.

even the little ones are growing a big measurable amount every day!

It might sound funny, but I think these plants really like to let their roots go wide instead of deep. I think this because I noticed that my plants root balls did that when they were smaller, even though they were in deep pots. Also thought it might be availability of water, but when I see the difference between plants in something WIDE vs. something DEEP, I gotta think for what I'm doing, wide is the way to go!

My husband got to work at Willie Nelson's 4th of July pic nic but I stayed home w/ the dog. He brought me the BEST souvenier, though!

And got another cool one - from our friend who is a friend of Willie's.



Well-Known Member
crap - clicked post accidentaly.

You just can't believe how lucious these leaves are. They are almost blue they are SO green. I gave everyone nutes today - some organic fert that I love, John's Recipie by Lady Bug Brand, it's working great for's almost like compost tea in a bottle.

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0%
Available Phosphate (P205) 1.5%
Soluble Potash (K20) 2.0%

and last, but not least, the two lightweights in the Earthbox...still haven't decided what to do with them.

I think between light getting shorter, they are starting to crank to flower.
They really like the 1nce a week nute/fert - but since mine are organic and kind of mellow, there's no scary nute suprises. I want it to be smooth sailing from here.

I also think that the big growth I have seen could be due to using the Penetrator product; I got it to use with Reverse (both by Dutch Master) but then was reading somewhere that Penetrator just allows the leaves to process everything they bring in with much more intensity and to the best benefit of the leaves. I think it works - the leaves are so healthy now that they seem to not be getting ANY pests (knock on wood) - including those damn leaf miners. Just a stoney theory. We've all had 'em, right?

Let me know anything - advice most certainly welcome - opinions too! :)

:peace: & :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey joebuck, those plants are kicking ass! Looks like they are taking well to the fertilizer. Have you done anything new to keep the heat down in the greenhouse?

Just tried an early sample of my purple plant and am pretty high. Can't wait to see what this stuff smokes like in a few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Hey Crackbaby Bulldog - To keep the heat down in the greenhouse but still keep the protection and containment it brings (seclusion, protection from deer/coons), I took some of the roof panels off - so now it's got big sky but 4 walls - the windows and doors are all screened, so it still gets nice breezes too. It's worked GREAT. So much better than building some new corral for the plants - and I'll just put the panels back this winter for my fall veggies and stuff.

I got some sort of purple goodness in a bag from a friend and it's totally COUCH LOCK...or wherever you are - it was desk lock for me the other day....enjoyed some at my desk and couldn't really do anything else for about an hour. Enjoy! :)