erm, in a word - no.
we don't know what we are doing. we have no idea of anything. we have had about 1ml to 1l of water, and one plant, the lemon skunk, seems fine, the other less so.
so, erm, your guess is as good as ours!
the AMS seems to have developed a magnesium defficiency, so we have sprayed with epsom salts. that has made, give or take, roughly, i would estimate fuck all difference.
next time we will only grow one plant, we think, and then we can adjust the actual magnesium content of the nutrient solution, but as the other, bigger, better looking plant is ok, we don't want to do that yet.
my best advice for you is ask someone who knows something!
if we were to advise you it would very much be a case of the partially sighted leading the blind.