first grow


Active Member
Things to bear in mind for future attempts:

Red light doesn't make the plant flower, it just augments flowers that bloom. The photo period (hours of light/dark) are what shift the plant into flowering and what initially form flowers.

If you want a small plant you can't just veg a plant with alot of veg light quickly and switch it. Trying to make a plant mature fast is disaster waiting to happen, some strains may be able to do it, but it takes ridiculous genetics.

If you want a small plant look at it like fish, give it a small pot, and give it a restricted amount of light. 2000 lumens per square foot of SURFACE AREA. Lots of people look at this on a 2D plane because with HID lighting that is how you do the math. But with CFLs you need to account for the fact that you are direction ally aiming side lights so you need to factor in total surface area.

I treat 1 small plant like it has 3 square feet as an adult in flowering because of my directional lighting.

consider using reflectors. You can make reflectors for cfl lamps with energy drink cans (wash them thoroughly please) or beer cans, depending on the size / shape of the cfl bulb (they range alot).

Good luck, if you decide you want to try and recover the one you have I'll try to help yah, it's always good to see something all the way through the first time, there's more lessons to be learned, great idea to learn them on something potentially already lost.


Active Member
Well shit, i can toss it in veg. i got my lights still. but if its lost ohwell. lesson learned and many to come.


Active Member
My suggestion would be to cut all the leaves/stems on the lower 6-7 inches of the plant off, and repot it raising the soil level on the stem about 4-5 inches (make sure none of the new lowest leaves are touching the dirt), put it under veg lights and flush the soil with peroxide now.

If you can't find food grade the 3% stuff from a pharmacy or grocery store will work 1 part peroxide 3 parts water.

Stop using the flowering nutes and put it on 20/4 for like 4-5 days. then switch it to 18/6.

This should really help it. keep it under 6500 though. Veg it for another 2 weeks AFTER it stabilizes. It might take a week to stabilize and start producing healthy new growth.

After 2 weeks you can start dwindling the light hours down like i suggested, and in 4-5 weeks you could be in flowering with a much healthier plant. or scratch it and try again, up to you.


Active Member
the top is healthy, ill try cutting the damaged leaves, then peroxide it and see if that help. if it dont help ill just toss it. but ill have to wait to start another one.


Active Member
raise the soil level or give it soem supports. when u cut those leaves the stem is going to have structural shock, it needs to stay standing up and getting light for it to recover. So get some kabob sitcks and some twist ties or pipe cleaners.

I prefer kabob sticks and short pieces of pip cleaners because they are gentler on the plant.

If you don't support it before you clip off all those leaves by either raising the soil level or kabob sticks you're basically dooming it though.


Active Member
would i want to cut em off half way or right next to the stem? also could i use house hold 3% hydrogen peroxide or it got to be the plant food?


Active Member
Regularly topical hydrogen peroxide from a grocery store or pharmacy would work. None of the hydrogen peroxide is considered plant food, they just sell higher concentrations at hydroponic stores. They use it to clean fresh fruit.

If you're using household 3% hydrogen peroxide then just mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide 3 parts water meaning fill a bottle (whatever you water with) 1/4 hydrogen peroxide and 3/4 water and water with that.

As far as the cutting goes, i don't know man. I would cut them all about 1 cm from the base of the mains talk / stem. Basically leaving a small stubb. but that's not what I know to do, that's what I would call an educated guess.


Active Member
okay, well ill give it a mix of hydrogen peroxide and snip them down. i got 4 poped up on the bottom i left, to see how they grow and develop


Active Member
okay gave it a little hydrogen peroxide and got her cleaned up. i really hope she pulls through and produces a nice little bit. it all about the experience at this point:bigjoint:



Active Member
veg lights after clipping! trust me. even if you want to keep it on the old light cycle, blue light really helps them heal.


Its never too late to get different soil, I've done many transfers with no problem, Just get a bigger pot for flowering when the time comes and hit the hydro store and get some good soil, if you dont wanna worry about nute burn or any ph issues get -> View attachment 2430400 its cheap and the best soil i've used. Good luck!


Active Member
Awesome, thanks noobygrower. i am just gonna let it go keep my eye on it and water it when needed. i just want to get one plant successfully grown and flowered. the yield i could care less about.


Active Member
its been 2days. a few update pics

hanging light is a lower. got a bigger fan blowing heat out. stays around 81

got a few small spots on the leaves now. but keeping an eye on it. if it gets worse ill keep pics updated. so far it seems better


Active Member
those lights look yellow!

I see you trimmed up some leaves? looks like a few are cut in half. I wouldn't do that next time around, but we'll see how she does.

The lower nodes look healthy, try to get them some light, those could potentially add alot of flowers.

All in all it looks better, i would go spend 1 90 on some more hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy and do a pretty regular dosing of it. I do it every time I feed.


Active Member
yeah im going too. gonna do another dose tomorrow evening. yeah those big fan leaves were blocking some light to the smaller nodes. yeah the nodes got some flowering going on atm. ill post some more pictures in a couple days

The lights are 2700k lights. i only ran 6500k for 2 days.


Active Member
if you want an experiment, read up on cloning, and try to splice the lower 2 nodes off and root em (kind of similar to germinating)

Since you know it's a female, and those lower nodes don't appear to be flowering.


Active Member
awesome, your plant looks great! i learned a lot and will have a way better plant next time around. But im not going to cut off any more nodes, those two were the biggest and healthiest ones got rid of the other ones that were smaller.

unfortunately, we are planning on moving mid February, so i plan on harvest around the 2nd week of the year, or late 1st week. then pick back up on growing once we get moved and settled in.
I may upgrade to HPS lights and see how that goes, id just hate to spend hundreds of dollars and have a small yield for first grow.