first grow


Active Member
NAw dude, it doesn't look bad, just looks slightly over/under watered. Usually the droopy leaves indicates that, and it's not a big deal by any means


Active Member
yeah idk how much to water it, i just water some and watch how fast the dirt gets dry. so i just go off that. other then the spotting on the leaves its looking amazing.


Active Member
few pics update its been about a week. looking healthy giving a small dose of power bloom every 2-3 watering. i dont know why the other two are attached they are older pictures.
#2 l.jpg#2 l1.jpg#2 l2.jpg



Active Member
added in 2 42 watt 2700 bulbs and 2 42watt 6500 bulbs, then an additional 4 26 watt 2700 bulbs

so now i got 6 42watt bulbs and 4 26watt bulbs. for a total of 356watts of cfl. i got about 5weeks left of flower. hopefully the new addition helps put some weight on them buds
i went with 2 of the 6500k bulbs cuz i hear mixing the different kalvens make some crazy good bud growth? ill give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
She's coming along man :) You still have lots of time left for them buds to fatten up.
I have only been giving mine small doses of ferts too. She has never had a full dose, but today she will get double the amount.
I think I have 5 weeks left on my grow too.

Good luck!!


Active Member
is using different spectrum's good for budding?

i also have a folder on my computer im going to post after its all done.
ill add detail into it for a neat little journal

my plant doesn't have much smell. just smells like fresh green.


Well-Known Member
Yes dual spectrum is good, but if you have too much 6500k then it wont be so good.
You need the right ratio of 6500k to 2700k. I think I read that its 1 6500k bulb for 3 2700k.

My plant has no real smell either. The trichomes are forming so the smell will come soon.


Active Member
ill just stick with 2700k. gonna change out the 42 watt lights for 23's, the 42's put out too much heat my for small area.

okay well hopefully my plant doesn't smell too much. i do smoke down everyday when im home.


Well-Known Member
actually you know my plant does have a smell now. lol
I just took her out of the tent, and as soon as I moved her I got a whiff.
She's getting trichomes now, so they must bring the smell. lol It's a nice pine smell I think. lol It's like the next step up from fresh green. lol

The weed I've been smoking has a very strong smell. I could have a gram in my pocket and you'd smell it. lol
I don't get company so no worries yet.


Active Member
yeah i pulled mine out for a quick picture for my personal journal. some days the smell is stronger then others.

i just cant wait for the buds to start getting thicker.


Well-Known Member
i just cant wait for the buds to start getting thicker.
I hear you, but it's hard to see the growth if we are always looking. lol
I think the last three weeks they really fatten up.
I use unsulphured molasses too.


Active Member
i am only using pure blend soil formula PRO bloom its a 1-4-5 mix

25ml to 1gallon of water.
when i use it, i use 1 cup of the 25ml/1gallon mix, and another 1cup of distilled water.

i do that every 3 waters.

other then that its pure water. and cfl lights. ;D


Active Member
its been 5 days since last update. #2 n.jpg#2 n1.jpg#2 n2.jpg#2 n kola1.jpg
the plant is about 17" tall. i am super excited still. around 4 weeks, hard to judge harvest time on this unknown strain. so im waiting till about 3/4 of the hairs are brown / gold

wonder how much i might get off this. still got a few weeks to go.


Active Member
nothing much has happen since last update. i assume the buds are going to start getting bigger. so i poped in my 42watts, going to go get an extra fan for the extra heat.


Active Member
yeah man im stoked for it to be done. not really sure how much longer for flowering, but the hairs are starting to get the brown/ Golding on them. i hear once its about 3/4 filed then its harvest time


Active Member
You can fine tune your harvest timing with a pocket microscope. I got one from radio shack for $15 and it has really allowed me to manipulate the type of high my final product produces.


Active Member
Look at the trichomes (chrystals) they look like mushrooms when magnified. Look at "bulb" on the trichomes and if they are clear don't harvest. Cloudy or opaque means you will get a cerebral racy kind of hi and then amber (my favorite) best described as couch lock stage. I try to check several areas on the buds for a consistency of trichome development, and I always go for more amber than cloudy and my last few strains would smooth sit me down. If you google trichome development there are some cites that reall show a good picture of what to look for.