First Grown! 400W Mixed Strains

those plants are far to small to be using nutes though, and for 3 weeks they look like seedlings, at 3 weeks i was allready on my 5th set of leaves.
if this is the real size of ur seedlimgs then stop feed everything n anything to those poor babies. ur going to kill them! u already stunned them enough by feeding them thats y there so small and weak lookin! really though no more feedings untill they start growing again!!!! seriously! straight water please!!!

Well you guys i just went to check on my babies this morning and took a couple of pics so here they are. Progress is looking good, cant wait until the final product so we can all smoke some of that muy bueno.
:twisted:this is my seeds at 7 days today!!!!!!! if yo shit dot look like this in 7 to 10 days then yo shits fucked up playa!!!!:evil:


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They didn't even hardly get that much nutes they got less than a 1/4 of what it was called for, and this is week 3 from the second they showed a sprout, then they were in the peat pellet germination for a week until transplanted into a cup, then at the start of week 3 from frist sign of germination this is where they are, and trust me there is no way i could over feed them or even have came close to givin them to much. Their roots are just now starting to grow out in search of food from me teasing them a little bit with the organinc nutes, so they will spread out insearch of food so by the time they are ready for a full feed they will have a mass root system to soak up all the nutes that they need. I also water with good water with a ph of 6 even no cholorine in it at all. which is what they mainly get.
look if u want help so ur shit can look like mine let me know.

when to nute depends entirely on the plant and the medium. 3 weeks old in a nutrient free soil is fine to nute... 3 weeks in is not long enough for soils like FF OF etc. that are packed full of slow release nutrients... if your using pure coco coir and perlite, for example a feeding may be required in less than two weeks.....

Let him make his own mistakes and let him learn from them if he doesn't want to follow your advice.... its all good...

Im not saying either of you are right... I don't know what kind of soil he is using.....
I am using Compost, Scotts Premium Topsoil, EarthGro Humus and Manure, Perlite and Vermaculite, none of which have slow release nutrients in it, which is why i gave just a small dose to them. The pH of the soil has stayed steady at 6.2 since they have been transplanted into the bigger pots. I just went and thoroughly flush each pot so to get out any nutes that were in there so we will se what happens.
yeah i feel you bro.....

but u and i both know that those plants were not ready for foilar feeding or even nutes.....

good luck ne ways droskie.

when to nute depends entirely on the plant and the medium. 3 weeks old in a nutrient free soil is fine to nute... 3 weeks in is not long enough for soils like FF OF etc. that are packed full of slow release nutrients... if your using pure coco coir and perlite, for example a feeding may be required in less than two weeks.....

Let him make his own mistakes and let him learn from them if he doesn't want to follow your advice.... its all good...

Im not saying either of you are right... I don't know what kind of soil he is using.....
I will take your advice conusoner, and just water with neutral pH water for the next week and see where things go, and then start nutes back at 1/4 strength to start them off. Hopefully they will get to where they are supose to get, and i do appreciate all the advice, i'm not trying to be a smartass or anything. I don't know everything and i'll be the first to admit it so don't take me the wrong way i just thought that it was time to give them a small dose of nutes because my soil setup doesn't have any nutes in it. I was starting from a neutral medium.
I am using Compost, Scotts Premium Topsoil, EarthGro Humus and Manure, Perlite and Vermaculite, none of which have slow release nutrients in it, which is why i gave just a small dose to them. The pH of the soil has stayed steady at 6.2 since they have been transplanted into the bigger pots. I just went and thoroughly flush each pot so to get out any nutes that were in there so we will se what happens.

Some of these things are slow release organic nutrients.... ph doesn't matter if your ppm is through the roof.
What is ppm, and how do i tell how much i have in my mix???

Parts Per Million, particles in air, water, soil, everywhere. There are ppm readers that read the ppm of different nutrients, salts, gasses, etc. A wise investment for you would be a grow book (like the CannaBible) to read front to back and over again. Once you do that you will know a hell of a lot more, and be able to grow better, ;), trust me....
dont worry man everythings cool...

i use 5.6 to 6.0ph in hydro n 6.8 to 7.0ph in soil works great though ur plants will gro at 6.0 i think they might gro a lil faster if u raise the ph on them next watering. also i just yahooed the earthgro humus n manure n it said it has natural fertilizers in it. it even gave me the ratio strengths when mixed in soil it was 0.5-0.5-0.5 which is perfect for seedlings so ur good with that. you'll know when ur plants are growing at optium levels bcuz you'll see a new internode sprout every day or every other day at the longest.
also you'll know when ur plants are hungry for nutes bcuz they will start to look more on the yellow side. if u see this happening then yes water with nutes at quarter strength but chances are they wont need any for about another week. i found that straight water work bests for the first 4 to 7 days. as long as there is small amounts of natrual fertilizer in ur soil ur str8.

also if ur using the 400mh for them then make sure its at least 20 inches away untill they start growing faster then u can lower it a lil closer to the tops of ur babies. make sure ur temps are under 79. they'll real small n heat stress can really stun their growth. once they get bigger they'll be stronger so they'll handle heat a lil better for short periods of time if u happen to have trouble with ur temps. my temps stay between 68 to 74. they love it sometimes the ones closer to the a/c turn purple from the cold weather.
ur ppm is how much nutes u have in ur water. it measures how strong ur nutes are mixed. like alot of grow nutes will tell u, they say it on the feeding chart/doses something like this 1table spoon/5ml to every gallon of water equals 400pmms. its basically telling u that if u mix at these ratios ur ppm reading in the water should be approx what they listed. get it? i know its kind confusing. but ur soil's ppm is another story but u dont have to worry about the soil really. just the water ur putting in the soil matters. so u dont really need one right away if u follow the directions on the bottle at half or three quarter strength u should be alright with the ppms. but remember were not feeding right now so u really dont have to worry about ppms right now. when the time comes for nutes will know just try to post pics every day or every other day. n i'll check on ur grow everyday n see whats going on.

What is ppm, and how do i tell how much i have in my mix???
Well i have read alot of grow books, and grow videos and all of that, i'm not just jumping in and growing i have some know how just lacking the xperience that comes along with it. I appreciate all the help, and i will keep everything posted so you can see how things turn out along the way.
Well i have read alot of grow books, and grow videos and all of that, i'm not just jumping in and growing i have some know how just lacking the xperience that comes along with it. I appreciate all the help, and i will keep everything posted so you can see how things turn out along the way.

Trial and error man. I killed off half of my first batch of seeds with nutes and shocked the rest so they didn't do anything for 2 more weeks.
And as for lookin like cronusoner's at a week, you might need an aerogarden for that. Those are pretty sweet youngins. And from personal experience the aerogarden will rape soil growth.
Well i'm not just a complete noob, i research everyday how mary works, and what to do, also i read up on what other people have done and their grow setups as well. So its not like i'm just planting seeds and watching them grow. I have store bought great water that they get. A nice soil mixture, a pH tester to make sure the soil stays where it should be, i just need a lil input at a time whenever ya'll can help and i really appreciate it. Hopefully the end product will show all of our work together. Thanks Dr0sKi.
So its not like i'm just planting seeds and watching them grow.

Yes, it is... lol, :P...... your doing great bro.... taking good advice is the hardest part.