First Official cfl grow


Definitely subscribing...lookin good. I want my plants to look this good at the stage you're at! Check out my grow...


Active Member
Hey, thanks everyone, for the replies! I appreciate it! I am finally at Day 30. The Day I have been waiting for. Sadly, right now I am toasted, so I am going to make this short and sweet lol. I wanted to see Day 30, because now I can officially start nutes, and I want to see what affect it has on the plant. So that's cool. The plant needs to be LST'ed again. But here she is. I tried to get my camera to take a close up shot, but it failed, and I am way to wasted to attempt to mess with the settings on it right now lol.
Day 30 1.jpgDay 30 2.jpgDay 30.jpg


Active Member
Thanks, assasinofyouth420! I certainly hope she puts out some dense sticky bud lol. I didn't get my LST done yet, need to do it tonight for sure, and then water with nutes tonight too. Going to start the good ole feeding cycle lol.


Active Member
High and Hello to all my folks out there! It's Hide the Bud time again! On today's show, we have a freshly LST'ed cannibis plant. I pulled back a few of the branches today. It was needing it. I am a bit confused, since the top 2 branches that used to be the main stem before topping, are now 2 separate branches; I don't know what to do with them except pull them in 2 different directions. In the LST tutorial I saw, it went around in a circle. Well, mine is going to be 2 circles lol. One from the left, one from the right. The 2 main branches lol. I believe I have preflowers, but I can't get my camera to take the right kind of pic to show everyone. It's bumming me out big time. But, I did take some pics today. Today is Day 31, I watered and nuted her today. First nutes since that mess up in the 3rd wk or so. I plan on nuted her every other watering. That's what the directions say, so that is what I shall do. 3 TBS to one small watering can. About half gallon. It's 1/2 cup once a wk if heavy nute, or 4 TBS per gallon for regular nute. So, I had half gallon, did 3 TBS. Approx. right, I think lol. Anyhoo, I was glad to finally be able to start nutes. And I LST'ed her a bit today before pics.
So, without further ado, here is Hide the Bud time!!!!!! :)
Day 31 001.jpgDay 31 002.jpgDay 31 004.jpgDay 31 005.jpgDay 31 003.jpg


Active Member
Ok all. High! and Good Afternoon! I believe these pics might help to explain what I think are preflowers. And I think alternating nodes too. I am really hoping these are preflowers, and I hope the nodes really are alternating! Cause if so, then it's time to flower!! Check out the pics, tell me what you all think! Pls.
Day 32 alt nodes.jpgDay 32 preflower plus alt node.jpgDay 32 2.jpg


Active Member
High Everyone! I see people have been absent from newb class lol. Can't say I blame ya lol. It's kinda boring here in the 30 to 60 day veg stage lol. I'm in Day 35 right now, and I took some pics. I have been doing LST as much as I think possible, and it's going to be time to do it again soon. As soon as I see positive proof of alternating nodes, I am going into flower stage. But here she is. Day 35.
Day 36 (2).jpgDay 36.jpgDay 36 (1).jpgDay 36 (3).jpg


Active Member
OK, I have decided to do it. I am going to put her into flower stage. It's Day 36, it's a Monday, so easy to remember the start of flowering, Mon, Oct. 11. And I can always check this post if I forget lol. I did some more LST on her, tied down quite a few more branches. Re-tied some others that needed it. Took off some dead growth towards the bottom, where the light is apparently not reaching. She is starting to look more spread out and kinda ugly this way, lol, but if it works, that's the idea. She will look much better with buds reaching up to the light :) I will post pics later on. Just not happpy with my camera at the moment. I am tired of taking such sucky pics. I want clearer pics!! lol. So, I will wait for the lights to come on, 7 pm ish, and then get some wtih the good lighting.
Also, for flowering, I have changed the lights. I took out 2 of the 6500K, and put in 2 fresh 2700K, 23W. As well as 1 mini 2700K 19=75 Watter. Hoping that will help just a bit. So, I have 2 6500K, and 5 2700K. basicly. It's a bit over 10,000 lumens still, I believe. I am concerned with space now a bit. If it double during flower, I might just be able to tie her down enough. If it triples, well, I will be screwed lol. I can try to squeeze another inch of height out of the lights, maybe. But an inch isn't really worth it. So we will see!


Active Member
Hello, Howdy, and HIGH All! How's it going Assasinofyouth420? I'm doing great I think!! I have some new pics to share today! It's watering day, and nute day as well. Will do that later. But I did get some pics since the last LST, and also the change today to 12/12. It seems she likes it!! A lot!! I got some massive growth today!! Awesome growth. It's starting to look like super cool, with like 7 cola's coming into being. Maybe a few more. But whooo looking good! yeah, I'm proud of her lol. First plant that has gotten to this stage. It's amazing. What a beautiful plant!! So here are 2 pics from today!
Day 31 009.jpgDay 31 010.jpg


Active Member
Hello, Howdy, and HIGH All! How's it going Assasinofyouth420? I'm doing great I think!! I have some new pics to share today! It's watering day, and nute day as well. Will do that later. But I did get some pics since the last LST, and also the change today to 12/12. It seems she likes it!! A lot!! I got some massive growth today!! Awesome growth. It's starting to look like super cool, with like 7 cola's coming into being. Maybe a few more. But whooo looking good! yeah, I'm proud of her lol. First plant that has gotten to this stage. It's amazing. What a beautiful plant!! So here are 2 pics from today!
View attachment 1208699View attachment 1208700
I hope my LST is as good. looks great


Active Member
Howdy all! Thanks for the awesome comments! It is a beast for sure bogan lol. Easy and Assasin, how ya doing? I took some pics tonight, she is getting tall! I took it all the way off the books a while back, and it was staying fairly short still, but since I went to 12/12, damn. Talk about an explosion of growth!! Just growing like bat shit out the top.
DAy 39.jpgDay 39 1.jpgDay 31 025.jpg

So there you have it. The first pic, I am hoping it shows the alternating nodes. I can see them, for sure. So I know it's sexually mature, which I am very happy about. Means I will be seeing preflowers in about 5 days or so. I say 5, which is short, because of how much light I have in there. I have 1 plant, and like 7 lights, from 75 watt to 100 watt. Only 1 is 75W. I have 5 2700K, and 2 6500K. I have read that this type of mix will make dense buds. Grow space is still an issue. I tied her down again tonight, she was trying to escape into the light lol. So I forgot 1 main stem though lol. I will have to tie her down again in a few days anyways. She is growing like mad right now. Insanely. She has been short this whole time, now she is reaching for the stars lol. Literally. And it's a problem lol. In some ways. Not with the growth, that's kick butt. But space, hmm, nother matter.
Well, that end's today's edition of The No Name yet Plant. lol. Keep the comments and info coming, I need it. it's great. :)


Active Member
Hey, any idea why I see such light green color in the new growth out the top? Is it just because it's new, or is it because a cola is going to start there? I hope the cola theory lol. Idea's? Quickly! lol. For real, quickly lol.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
the light areas are where your colas are going to start! i lst'ed my 3 babies and they each are gonna have around 10 colas each. looks good!


Active Member
Thanks d r0ck! I was thinking it might be the start of some cola's. Hoping so anyways lol. I had to do more LST on it tonight, and in one of the pics, i did my best for a close up, and I see something growing. I am not sure if it's the start of a cola or branches or what. It's on the tip top of a branch, in the middle. Any ideas what it is? I am a total newb, I know lol. So, here is some pics from today! After LST.
40 1.jpg40 1 (4).jpg40 1 (7).jpg40 1 (9).jpg40 1 (6).jpg40 1 (8).jpg


Active Member
Hello all. Hasn't been much to post until today. Today, I found out, I have a girl!!!!! yep, I finally saw the white hairs. So I know for sure now. What great news! Planted 1 seed, got 1 female plant. Good odds lol. I am sorry, but my pics are blurry. I have been sick all wk, and my hands are a bit shaky right now. But she is growing for sure! And she smells like a beaut! Yummy! Wow, all I can say is, I can't wait to taste this herb! What sweetness it will be!! My very own homegrown cannibis, not stepped on, not over dried or harvested too early. Just right. Wow. Very cool. So here are my blurry pics from Day 11 of flowering.
11 days flower 006.jpg11 days flower 003.jpg11 days flower 005.jpg11 days flower 004.jpg11 days flower 001.jpg11 days flower 002.jpg

So there we have her. I had to LST her all over. I had to cut off all the old ties, and redo the whole thing. It was getting too close to the lights. So I fixed it.