First outdoor grow 2017!

I added an ingredient i made called lactobacillus it makes things odorless and is supposed to chelate organic nutes for you, part of korean farming pretty cool. Thats crazy definitely alot of wildlife almost been attacked by a boar already and stumbled across this baby rattler. Need to get some pants even thiugh its about to be 100 plus Sorry for shitty pic it was running away toward the shed and i wanted snap pic before it was executed lol.


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Ive read that I can sex a clone w.o it rooting. Can you support or deny this claim? Was hoping i can once theyre of size take a cutting throw into a cut of water and flip the light on them until they start showing sex.
LOL, ya I couldn't believe it, I live in Ontario so who would have thunk lol. Must have put the plants in a fucking breeding area lol. I should look into the additive as I just never used the stuff again and that was a few years ago. When I was younger we would harvest cormerant shit by the boat load for our fields :).
Ive read that I can sex a clone w.o it rooting. Can you support or deny this claim? Was hoping i can once theyre of size take a cutting throw into a cut of water and flip the light on them until they start showing sex.
I've always rooted them then switched but it could work if they stayed alive I guess.
You can clone at any time, it's dependant on if there is enough plant to take clones, we would start as soon as we could, numbers was the goal. Do you have raccoons, skunks, etc. there? Watch the fish nutrients, I've had really shitty luck with them due to animals digging up the plants. I really hope you've thought about what you'll need at the end to process those girls. Also we had way more success with clones for our big grows if only for consistency. Our last grow was overrun with rattlesnakes hiding under the pots lol.
As far as drying and curing I have and im super worried. Partner is talking about making a ghetto greenhouse or w.e i really dont like the idea. We cant really build a permanent structure because we would need a permit out there. Im growing on my bosses property this is his 4th year there and he is letting me set up my own thing this year. That is one thing I am worried about truly, I know a bad cure will make the prettiest flower a F- lol. Any suggestions?
LOL, ya I couldn't believe it, I live in Ontario so who would have thunk lol. Must have put the plants in a fucking breeding area lol. I should look into the additive as I just never used the stuff again and that was a few years ago. When I was younger we would harvest cormerant shit by the boat load for our fields :).
You feel it was from that fish fertilizer??? Or just trying to stay cool in general? Lol. First time ive seen one definitely startled me, I hear babys are worse they dont control the amount of venom they inject. You seem to be experienced enough to give me a ballpark of with the track im going what I could hope to expect? I dont want to sound like 99 percent of first time growers, im simply asking because i have alot invested. If it becomes an even wash I will be ok with that as this has been a dream of mine for awhile now, dont want to think what if. you know?
LOL, ya I couldn't believe it, I live in Ontario so who would have thunk lol. Must have put the plants in a fucking breeding area lol. I should look into the additive as I just never used the stuff again and that was a few years ago. When I was younger we would harvest cormerant shit by the boat load for our fields :).
Natural repellant? Haha was it because it was bird shit? Or that species? Im guessing you had plenty available lol.
As far as drying and curing I have and im super worried. Partner is talking about making a ghetto greenhouse or w.e i really dont like the idea. We cant really build a permanent structure because we would need a permit out there. Im growing on my bosses property this is his 4th year there and he is letting me set up my own thing this year. That is one thing I am worried about truly, I know a bad cure will make the prettiest flower a F- lol. Any suggestions?
Well to be honest, when I was doing the big ones, cure was not the concern. Losing the crop to mould before we could process it was. Hanging a 500 plants and getting them dried before it happened was a big concern. Trim, dry, bag, and freeze, that's what we did lol. Now I cure in glass jars but for personal only pretty much :)
You feel it was from that fish fertilizer??? Or just trying to stay cool in general? Lol. First time ive seen one definitely startled me, I hear babys are worse they dont control the amount of venom they inject. You seem to be experienced enough to give me a ballpark of with the track im going what I could hope to expect? I dont want to sound like 99 percent of first time growers, im simply asking because i have alot invested. If it becomes an even wash I will be ok with that as this has been a dream of mine for awhile now, dont want to think what if you know?
No no fish nutes at that grow, staying cool I think. We averaged, and could count on it every year, a half a pound per plant but these were huge Garilla grows so they weren't tended to as well as what your doing, and for the most part, pure blueberry, hence the large numbers planted ;). You could be in to some large numbers if your tending them regularly.
Well to be honest, when I was doing the big ones, cure was not the concern. Losing the crop to mould before we could process it was. Hanging a 500 plants and getting them dried before it happened was a big concern. Trim, dry, bag, and freeze, that's what we did lol. Now I cure in glass jars but for personal only pretty much :)
Woo 500 you guys were doing it big lol. You must of had a good crew with you. Im worried about the sheer space required to dry lol. I was going to look into a bunch of food grade containers just cut the nugs off the stems into them and cure while we trim. My bosses run last year still isnt finished process and he let it sit out for way too long smells like hay...what a shame. I definitely dont want the same result lol. We still have to grab our clones im debating going for a few blue dreams just for producers just because i feel like were behind as far as plant size is concerned. Any suggestions on some standout strains youve ran outside?
No no fish nutes at that grow, staying cool I think. We averaged, and could count on it every year, a half a pound per plant but these were huge Garilla grows so they weren't tended to as well as what your doing, and for the most part, pure blueberry, hence the large numbers planted ;). You could be in to some large numbers if your tending them regularly.
I will be out there quite often for sure I still have that beginner anxiety gotta check on them every so often make sure the fan didnt chance direction or what have you lol. Ill be posting pictures regularly you should definitely hang around. Id like to get suggestions along the way from an experienced outdoor grower like yourself.
subbed. currently got 20 outdoors in a secret lil spot. gave them a watering with veg organics when i planted and treated the ground with lime, fish bloodn bone meal shit i picked up cheap. will get some pictures this weekend,
subbed. currently got 20 outdoors in a secret lil spot. gave them a watering with veg organics when i planted and treated the ground with lime, fish bloodn bone meal shit i picked up cheap. will get some pictures this weekend,
Thanks for stopping by swims:blsmoke:. Yea let me know when you get your journal setup ill check it out.
first time with old timer. and the plants love it. i was a doc hornby man before that. (medi-one). ive noticed that the kush strain im growing is a lot sweeter smelling than before. its almost over powering the pine smell which i had previously growing it. i know that the old timer range has mollases in there blend so im thinking this is contributing to the sweetness. ive found that you coco isnt as forgiving as soil mediums. you have to keep up with the nutes as although they are organic. there not available 2-3 days later. its wierd.... ive never grown organic/hydro before so this is all new to me
I added an ingredient i made called lactobacillus it makes things odorless and is supposed to chelate organic nutes for you, part of korean farming pretty cool. Thats crazy definitely alot of wildlife almost been attacked by a boar already and stumbled across this baby rattler. Need to get some pants even thiugh its about to be 100 plus Sorry for shitty pic it was running away toward the shed and i wanted snap pic before it was executed lol.
Dude,you guys have it rough with the rattle snakes.I was wondering where would a grow that size could be done.Is that right on your property or hidden in the woods?I wish I could pull that off.I am stoked for you.