Fuck .. woke up this morning only to find out that my son left the sunroof upon on our truck. Normally, not a bad thing - BUT IT RAINED ALL FUCKING NIGHT!!!! AAAARRGGHH!!
Ah well .. onto better news, here is today's update!

Looks like she's taken to the LST, I can see her pulling up to the light. I don' think that I fim'd her ok. I only see regular leaves coming out. Ah well, if it doesn't work this time, I'll try it again in the next grow.

She's not looking as bushy as her sister (both germed and planted on same day). I LST'd her this morning, by tonight, she'll be pointing up to the light.

In their home.

I was working cab yesterday, I had a hard time getting the doors on and I fucked up the cut, not a big deal, just means I need to do a little McGyver'ing to get it light locked.
The issue I'm having it the false drawer fronts, I was using "L" brackets and went to screw it in and the drawer face cracked. I don't think screwing will work, I'm going to have to glue it down.
I'm a few steps behind, so I don't think I'll have it done today. Still have my fingers crossed.