First Time AF Grow


Active Member
It's looking like that main cola is going to be pretty nice when it fills out and your secondary sites aren't bad either.

Looks healthy to me, sir!

(turn off your flash!) lol



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment. I tried turning off the flash but don't have a steady enough hand to keep the photo from being blurred. I need to get a mini tripod!


Well-Known Member
day 52 pictures...sorry for the quality, but my already not so good camera was hi-jacked by family and should be returning soon as it returns, I'll try for some better photos. Just so that you know, these photos were taken with a Nintendo DS...not too shabby if I do say so myself :-P


The bud sites are slowly but surely closing up and I think there's the potential for at least one or two nice size buds on the main cola. Plus there are some secondary sites that I might need to stake pretty soon as they are starting to fill out as well and I don't want to risk them bending or even breaking.
My only concern it that she doesn't drink very much and it throws off my feeding schedule because I can really only water her every 10 days or so. I'm trying to avoid goin overboard with the nutes, so my schedule was 1/4 strength every 14 days, which has become about every 21 days because of the watering factor.
I'm thinking of just using molasses from now on when I water and stopping the nutes. I expect to harvest in about 3 to 4 weeks at this point.
Any comments are welcome and thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
Gosh that thing is short! Looks good buddy!
yeah, she's always been a little dwarf. In compensation, there are many secondary sites in flower that are actually filling up nicely. She's actually about 40cm from soil to top, so I think the big pot and poor camera make her look smaller than she actually is. (at least that's what i tell her when she's feeling down ;-)!)


Well-Known Member
Day 65 update: Finally got the camera back and took some photos. My photo taking skills aren't the best in the world and without the flash and without a tripod, my hands aren't the steadiest...sorry for some of the blurred ones...


As you can tell she's filling up quite nicely. She's always been a little girl (I started her too close to the light at the beginning and the nodes were really tight) but the bud sites are numerous and the main cola is all joining together to make one big ol' stick of sensi!
As far as feeding goes, I give her a little (less than 1/4 strength) Bio-Bizz bloom every 10 days with her watering and, for about 2 weeks, I've been mixing molasses in with every watering.
She has been requiring a more frequent watering than the beginning, but I guess that might just be a characteristic of the strain as well as the fact that it's gotten a bit warmer in the past month...
Well, any suggestions comments or ideas? They're always welcome!


Well-Known Member
they drink alot while flowering
grow is looking great youll get some good smoke from that one it always tastes better when you grow it


Well-Known Member
Quick question...should I consider adding a bit of pk 13/14 to the next feeding? I add molasses with every watering and don't know if adding PK 13/14 might affect the grow negatively at this stage...


Well-Known Member
Quick question...should I consider adding a bit of pk 13/14 to the next feeding? I add molasses with every watering and don't know if adding PK 13/14 might affect the grow negatively at this stage...
I posed this same question just a couple of days ago, and the response I got was I could do whatever I do with photo's, just lower strength levels.


Well-Known Member
Well, I supposed that was the case but I guess I subconciously wanted someone to give me some horrendous story about how they added just a little pk 13/14 with their molasses water and the whole grow went south... I would immagine that if something does go horribly wrong, I can always harvest early and cut my losses! The next and pretty much last feeding is scheduled in two days (which I think will be about 2/3 weeks before harvest), so I'll give the little girl some pk 13/14 with some bloom nutes and we'll see what happens! :-? I always go light on the nutes anyways...thanks for the reply!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'd hit em' with 13/14 this late in the game. I use it right after the stretch has ended for a couple wks everyother feeding, and stop with at least 3wks to go.


Well-Known Member
i use nutes aslong as it feels right
then literally put them in the bathtub and flush like crazy for a couple waterings then what ever waterings i have left let about 1/2 the pot run off before i stop waterings all together
if you have been feeding them and they like the dosage then why stop
you can run almost right up until flush
DONT DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! your plants might like it :P
or may not never know
but if they look like they could use it then why not IMO


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info. I think I'll hold off on the 13/14 this time cause I expect to harvest in a little. I also haven't been feeding them that much throughout the grow. I'm thinking of changing the lights to 12/12 not really for the auto but for the photo which I have in the same grow box...would this affect the auto that much (Max 2 weeks and the auto's done...)?


Well-Known Member
So, starting from tomorrow, I'm switching from 18/6 to 12/12. The auto should be finished in no more than two weeks...just waiting for that last impatient surge...


Well-Known Member
temptation is hard to resist some times
i clipped what ended up being about 3 grams dried it looked no where near that much wanted about a gram to sample
i think the la frutta i have going would probably drop 3 oz or so if i had more light its just getting really dense still kinda fluffy but alot denser then i was getting from the
for too long
way too long
cant wait for the new light :D


Well-Known Member
wait or don't wait...that is the the main cola pretty much maxed out:


I looked at the trichs through a pretty low power scope (30x) but they are all milky...i could wait for a couple of ambers but really the trichs turned from all clear to milky in the span of 2 days...i don't want to risk them all turing amber on me...

But the middle of the plant has some still developing buds...the trichs look milky through the chinese scope but the white pistols say otherwise...

DSCF0115.jpg DSCF0116.jpg

Shall I harvest the top cola and leave the bottom buds to develop? or should I just harvest the whole plant? I need the space for my photo which is taking hold and wants all the space I have (which is small to begin with)...

Here's the little dwarf in her entirety...

I'm leaning in the direction of full harvest because the lower buds aren't that big and i don't know what would happen if I cut off top of the plant and let the other fry under the lights...if anyone has another idea or experience...please let me know!


Well-Known Member
quick dry a sample from a lower bud site and you be the judge :)
just cut it up real fine with scissors put it on a sheet of paper and spread it thin it will dry in 15-30 mins or so
then smoke a bowl


Active Member
I'm not really much on giving you advice since I don't know what i'm doing either, but it looks real good man! I'll be looking forward to a smoke report soon!