A quick background. I spent a bunch of time designing my own environmental controller for a DWC setup. Built everything and set it up and tried to germ my seeds. Turns out my dwc worked and by the time I knew I had spores my entire apartment building smelled like unwashed feet. Days later the landlord notified me not to have "furniture wholly or partly filled with liquids" lest I be financially responsible for any repairs. So my 6 months studying into dwc flushed and I realized with the new lease terms I could do nothing..... without written permission. So I asked. And got permission for hand watered soil based "house plants" and he never told me it couldn't be a 5 foot tall pot plant. So here I am having gotten a crash course from random hippy who taunted me with pics of nugs the size of my arm, in soil growing.
By the time I had learned about sanitizing my equipment to prevent spore outbreaks that smell like feet ...
I had murdered the first two seeds. Turns out rockwool kinda sucks first prep it with 5 or 5.5 water or you will spend all your time chasing ph and your seeds will die when you put them in the rockwool. Next you gotta seriously swing them and let centrifugal force dry them out or seeds die. I figured out I did not like rockwool and decided to try both rapid rooters and a trick my buddy told me to put hot water on the seeds to crack them. I have 100% germ rates up till trying one in dirt with hot water tonight.
First two seeds died due to failed rockwool prep raising ph and , the second batch I seem to have overwatered the first and realized i did ,so the second one i swung around till it changed color it was so dry and set it on a plate in the humidity dome so it would not be in the water. The first was sitting in the puddle and drowned . The second which i was sure was gonna die broke thru.
Its official... Ive 'grown pot' . Im great at murdering sprouts but this last one is so robust i cant kill it.
My setup:
3x3 tent
315 cmh3100 (i think 3400 might be pref) Next time i get one with the duct in the reflector
fox farms happy frog
calimagic blue world
GH tripple
Small led grow light that claims to be 900 watts (yeah its bs for sure) that cost 30 for germ/ seedlings and a 60 wat incandescent that heats , i am convinced this is what got my sprout to break ground.
I mixed 1 gal and put 2 ml of micro 4 ml of calimagic and just a bit of the other two. Mixed it good with another gallon of water .
My water is phd to 5.8 -6.2 it is chicago tap water thru britta filter resulting in ph of 7.0 and ppm of 90 .
The nute mix above after diluted 50% used on rockwool cubes. ppm was 109 combined base 90 plus nutes diluted to the point I figured i was gonna starve them but there is enough stuff to leave salts in the bottom of the pan at 109ppm when it evaps.
First one broke ground and I transplanted it to jiffy pot because it had a 1 inch root out the bottom of the cube . All of the growth happened in 12 hours today.
I have a 1 gal smart pot bag and more foxfarm happy frog incase I cant kill it before it gets 6 inches tall.
Im a total noob , Im getting good at killing em but want to get good at growing em so feel free to chime in. I kinda knew what i was doing with dwc but i pretty much know not to use nutes in the foxfarms for 3 weeks or so and thats it with soil. I had to adapt to the landlords permission.
I worried I drowned her so I stuck the fan on and elevated the jify pot to let it wic some water out till I could see the plant starting to perk up a bit. when the cotydilions started to spread and reach for the light I turned the fan off.
This might sound batshit crazy but I can see it grow when its working right. It kinda wriggles around . I have absolutely no idea what I am doing if im being totally honest but when I get things right she rewards me with a good show. When I waterlogged her after transplanting to jiffy pot She went limp. but when the fan pulled the right amount of moisture out of the pot she started perking up rapidly .
really surprised too. Each pair of seeds I take one fat striped dark one and one skinny deformed one that has less stripes. One of the best one of the worst. The one that i cant kill is the worst seed in the pack. Skinny almost white little thing. It broke ground with true leaves. Itty bitty ones that were folded like tacos telling me I over watered.
By the time I had learned about sanitizing my equipment to prevent spore outbreaks that smell like feet ...
I had murdered the first two seeds. Turns out rockwool kinda sucks first prep it with 5 or 5.5 water or you will spend all your time chasing ph and your seeds will die when you put them in the rockwool. Next you gotta seriously swing them and let centrifugal force dry them out or seeds die. I figured out I did not like rockwool and decided to try both rapid rooters and a trick my buddy told me to put hot water on the seeds to crack them. I have 100% germ rates up till trying one in dirt with hot water tonight.
First two seeds died due to failed rockwool prep raising ph and , the second batch I seem to have overwatered the first and realized i did ,so the second one i swung around till it changed color it was so dry and set it on a plate in the humidity dome so it would not be in the water. The first was sitting in the puddle and drowned . The second which i was sure was gonna die broke thru.
Its official... Ive 'grown pot' . Im great at murdering sprouts but this last one is so robust i cant kill it.
My setup:
3x3 tent
315 cmh3100 (i think 3400 might be pref) Next time i get one with the duct in the reflector
fox farms happy frog
calimagic blue world
GH tripple
Small led grow light that claims to be 900 watts (yeah its bs for sure) that cost 30 for germ/ seedlings and a 60 wat incandescent that heats , i am convinced this is what got my sprout to break ground.
I mixed 1 gal and put 2 ml of micro 4 ml of calimagic and just a bit of the other two. Mixed it good with another gallon of water .
My water is phd to 5.8 -6.2 it is chicago tap water thru britta filter resulting in ph of 7.0 and ppm of 90 .
The nute mix above after diluted 50% used on rockwool cubes. ppm was 109 combined base 90 plus nutes diluted to the point I figured i was gonna starve them but there is enough stuff to leave salts in the bottom of the pan at 109ppm when it evaps.
First one broke ground and I transplanted it to jiffy pot because it had a 1 inch root out the bottom of the cube . All of the growth happened in 12 hours today.
I have a 1 gal smart pot bag and more foxfarm happy frog incase I cant kill it before it gets 6 inches tall.
Im a total noob , Im getting good at killing em but want to get good at growing em so feel free to chime in. I kinda knew what i was doing with dwc but i pretty much know not to use nutes in the foxfarms for 3 weeks or so and thats it with soil. I had to adapt to the landlords permission.
I worried I drowned her so I stuck the fan on and elevated the jify pot to let it wic some water out till I could see the plant starting to perk up a bit. when the cotydilions started to spread and reach for the light I turned the fan off.
This might sound batshit crazy but I can see it grow when its working right. It kinda wriggles around . I have absolutely no idea what I am doing if im being totally honest but when I get things right she rewards me with a good show. When I waterlogged her after transplanting to jiffy pot She went limp. but when the fan pulled the right amount of moisture out of the pot she started perking up rapidly .
really surprised too. Each pair of seeds I take one fat striped dark one and one skinny deformed one that has less stripes. One of the best one of the worst. The one that i cant kill is the worst seed in the pack. Skinny almost white little thing. It broke ground with true leaves. Itty bitty ones that were folded like tacos telling me I over watered.