Day 64
Temp : 25C
RH : 55
Light : 100% @ 60cm for 18h (average of 35.000 LUX)
Water : 2500ml once
EC : 1.4
Video update :
Today we flushed our magnesium deficient girl with 10L of ph'd RO water. After that we gave her a 2,5L feeding at 1.5EC
We also clipped away all the affected leafs on our calcium deficient girl, hoping to see improvement.
And our big girl we start introducing OVERDRIVE!
Nutrient solution
Sensi Coco Bloom A : 2ml/L
Sensi Coco Bloom B : 2ml/L
B-52 : 2ml/L
Bud Factor X : 1ml/L
Big Bud Coco : 1,5ml/L