Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
played volleyball in highschool. became major lazy stoner gained 7 to 10 lbs and working it off... i wasnt FAT. but i had a big butt and really big boobs.
my friend started the atkins diet or watever but switching to no carbs is bad for you.
so i just cut back on them... A LOT!
and the funny thing is, the stuff with all the carbs is the stuff with a lot of fat and other shit. i eat... tuna, lots and lots of salads, fruit, veg's, turkey, meat, chicken... everything homemade. and i drink tea all day long with out sugar, so i use splenda. works great. drink 8 cups of water a day.
i've lost, almost 7 lbs in a week. and i'm gunna stick to it mostly.
The volleyball crew I know is pretty bad ass... and all the REALLY big boobs I have encountered are cool too..
