Five Cops Held Down Tyjuan Hill, a Sixth Shot Him in the Back of the Head

White people don't seem to mind. Otherwise, why aren't they complaining?
They don't realize it as every time they turn on CNN it's a dead black guy. But the numbers are there more white people are killed it just ain't reported.

CNN has a racist agenda most black people want a Democrat because they say blacklivesmatter when it really does not have much to do with color it's an American problem.

Sure not as many white per capita but what about lower class white people per capita? I bet the numbers change...
Because some people take into consideration what the person was doing when they got shot. Most of the time, white or black they were in the commission of a crime and/or resisting arrest.

If a white person gets shot and killed while resisting arrest it is their own damn fault. Most people understand this and therefore dont go nuts when a cop shoots someone.