Five Cops Held Down Tyjuan Hill, a Sixth Shot Him in the Back of the Head

Yo I got some lil debbies for some of that fdd ass action.
How many does it take fdd and which one of these bulls is your handler?

You said you had never been to jail, yet here you are asking to have jail sex with another guy and pay for it as well. Who did this to you? Were you over 18? Was he?
You said you had never been to jail, yet here you are asking to have jail sex with another guy and pay for it as well. Who did this to you? Were you over 18? Was he?

Weak as your attempts at an erection. I just wanted to know what he was worth since in the outside world he is worthless.

And don't worry I have had multiple people try to rat me out but they eventually knew better.
Why would I be mad? I'm white.

I got pulled over and got a ticket last week. The cop handed me my copy and said "Have a good day".

I'd rather keep my big dick and talk my way out of it like I have in the past.
Sucks to still be you.
And how the fuck is that rat fuck fdd allowed back after he compromised the security of the website?

Most likely, because ignorant halfwits listen to the bullshit of the village idiot and believe it. Then they ask questions that make them look like they are the recipient of a recent lobotomy. See above ⇧