Five Cops Held Down Tyjuan Hill, a Sixth Shot Him in the Back of the Head

or some are too stupid to understand the meaning of " Black Lives Matter "

White people don't seem to mind. Otherwise, why aren't they complaining?

White people don't care because there are more of them.

You get it now?

"There are more white people than black people so it doesn't matter that cops kill more whites than blacks."

WTF does BLM have to do with any of this?
You're a "punk". You'd last about 2 days.
Are you judging me against your assploitation record? I still think my ass would stay virgin way longer than yours.

Porque? Porque hay amigos pendejo. Como te lo rompieron? Con jabon, saliva, o seco?

Google translate is your only friend.
Are you judging me against your assploitation record? I still think my ass would stay virgin way longer than yours.

Porque? Porque hay amigos pendejo. Como te lo rompieron? Con jabon, saliva, o seco?

Google translate is your only friend.

Nope, you're a bitch. You'd last 2 days.