Again you are going into the realms of fantasy and borderline psychosis. Are you actually able to read something and write it as it actually is, or do you always change it to something completely different. No wonder Michigan med grower said "Never bother to comment on what I actually said" it seems to be common problem with you. While we are discussing these quotes, why do you feel the need to to have them at the bottom of your posts?
The title of this thread is actually .....
Florida is set to arm teachers ...Discussion in '
Politics' started by
Feb 28, 2018.
Please show me where that bit "instead of enacting rational gun control" is, apart from in your post and confused mind. Do I need the same magical glasses to see it, or perhaps I need to bury me head in the toilet and huff scrubbing bubbles like your Bogdog avatar.
"in the midst of complaints by myself and others who claim rational gun control measure are a solution, you go on and on about how video games desensitize people"
I am sorry, I did not see the rules that say I have to check with you and your buddies, as to what I can and can not post, and what words I can use, that don't confuse your limited understanding of vocabulary, and your laziness to read someones post, due to your gnat like attention span, when block text is used.
I did not go on and on unless you believe one sentence is going on and on, just like you believe the title of this thread is something different. If I am am guilty of going on and on, so is every other poster on here, about everything, that has been written about, including yourself.
"I speak out against this implication because it's a red herring"
What is this fetish you have with smelly red fish, you have mentioned it millions of times, in all your posts. Everyone one is getting sick of you going on about red smelly fish, don't you have anything else to think about.
"Also you damn well did say video games are part of the problem of gun homicides."
Please don't cry Bogdog, here's your dummy back, that you just spat out. No, again you are still sniffing to many red herrings and scrubbing bubbles in your toilet.
I said and I quote " The film and computer gaming industry de sensitize the emotional aspects of killing"
"Contrary to your claim, there is no direct evidence video games are a part of the problem"
Contrary to your claim there is.
Here are several studies, from different experts in this field, under the heading and web address below. I am excited and looking forward to reading what your psychosis changes this into, don't disappoint me now

Perhaps it will be pink flamingos instead of red herrings.
If you wish to show me the studies you have read that show the desensitization of violence from violent Computer games and films having no impact on people, please do.
The Impact of Electronic Media Violence: Scientific Theory and Research
On a side note, you should seriously seek out some professional help with your problem, its not all psychological, your are probably a Neurophysiological Developmental Delay sufferer as well, which causes problems with understanding and conceptualizing things, like the written word.