Florida Republicans fight to keep medical Marijuana off ballot


Well-Known Member
Democrats are pushing a statewide referendum on medical marijuana that supporters of the Republican Governor, Rick Scott, say threatens to tilt the race against him. Republicans have filed a legal challenge to keep it off the ballot.

Typical Republican move right thuuur.

What's wrong with it? Other than you have a different opinion. A good portion of republicans, particularly southern republicans, do not favor marijuana use. They have the right to have their concerns voiced by the political elite.
What's wrong with it? Other than you have a different opinion. A good portion of republicans, particularly southern republicans, do not favor marijuana use. They have the right to have their concerns voiced by the political elite.

Neither side has the right to take my property that I play nicely with. Not my joint nor gun.
What's wrong with it? Other than you have a different opinion. A good portion of republicans, particularly southern republicans, do not favor marijuana use. They have the right to have their concerns voiced by the political elite.

I don't think he said anything is wrong with it.

just that it was a typical republican move....which it is.

A good portion of republicans, particularly southern republicans, do not favor marijuana use. .

what? republicans don't like pot?????

Say it ain't so
I favor weed, more specifically, I think you should be able to buy land and use all of it to grow it, and sell it, and maybe let the state gov't put a tax on it.

That being said, it isn't something I think is my god given right.

When a substance is capable of impairing you, and you have a society where pretty much everyone has a 2000 pound plus hunk of metal and plastic on wheels that goes as fast as you want then society has a big interest in saying what goes and what does not go.

Substances that impair you enable you to get into your car and kill my family. Society has an interest.

Back in the horse and buggy age you could walk into a pharmacy and buy heroin. Modern technology changes things.
Society does not have an interest unless society is paying damages...The one that caused the damage and the damaged are the only concernees.

Its just like talking on a cell and driving some can some can't. Some can't ride motorcycles, some can.
What's wrong with it? Other than you have a different opinion. A good portion of republicans, particularly southern republicans, do not favor marijuana use. They have the right to have their concerns voiced by the political elite.

floridians have right to REEFERendum!!!!:cuss:
I don't think he said anything is wrong with it.

just that it was a typical republican move....which it is.

what? republicans don't like pot?????

Say it ain't so

oh trust me joe..plenty o' doctors and attorneys here in sofla love their dope just like the rest of us:wink:
My rights blah blah blah.

Society does pay damages in plenty of ways. If you get stoned and crash, the local town and/or state has to expend resources to clean up the mess. If you get stoned and your crash involves another car, society chips in in many cases with the medical bills (in a round about way, particularly if the victim, or stoned driver is uninsured), if they have auto insurance society also pays, and the same government entities still have to clean up the crash. Very often traffic is blocked for some time, which according to the left is a terrible sin. If caught driving stoned, society bears the cost of the jail sentence imposed upon the guilty driver. And I think society takes a pretty big fucking hit when any members of said society are murdered by an impaired driver.

But you are right, if the stoned driver who harms another motorist happens to be a person of some wealth, society does not pay money to the victim on his behalf.

When all these are potential harms, society is interested.
While what you say is true BnB, crashes from pot smokers is minimal when compared to those who are taking legal prescribed drugs.

What worries me about the new laws that will undoubtedly arise because of legal mj will be made by those who have no clue about mj use. As much as I have smoked, I could get pulled over 3 weeks from now and test "impaired".

I don't even pretend to have the answers to this, I just fear some of the "solutions" that will most likely be implemented.
While what you say is true BnB, crashes from pot smokers is minimal when compared to those who are taking legal prescribed drugs.

What worries me about the new laws that will undoubtedly arise because of legal mj will be made by those who have no clue about mj use. As much as I have smoked, I could get pulled over 3 weeks from now and test "impaired".

I don't even pretend to have the answers to this, I just fear some of the "solutions" that will most likely be implemented.

You don't have to convince me. I'm pro pot, in any aspect.

But if pot is your right, then so is heroin and crack.

Although the level of impairment is low, it still exists and to act like it wouldn't make the highways just a little more dangerous is to deny reality. I'm not saying they will turn into killing fields, but society has an interest in anything that affects it.

As to the op, I'm sure if pot is popular enough among the people of Florida, those who represent them in state government will get the hint. I am sure there exist some measure to bypass this republican road block. Perhaps it might take 2/3 or another super majority number. But if it's popular enough with the people it will get through.

I'm in the same situation in my state. A couple of years ago a bill was introduced, but it's popularity among the people isn't high enough yet for it to get pushed through.
You don't have to convince me. I'm pro pot, in any aspect.

But if pot is your right, then so is heroin and crack.

did you really just compare mj to heroin or crack???

you did

yaahhh sure, you sound veeery pro pot ~nods head emphatically~

how many DARE classes did you attend as a kid?

  • When all these are potential harms, society is interested.​

Yes, you have valid points however in these days "society" is over-charging the weed crowd. The cost to society of using alcohol and tobacco products are way out of hand compared to any sin taxes that are collected. Society does have some costs associated with pot but mostly it's is under the enforcement costs. IMHO weed has probably saved more lives on the highways due to stoned drivers not wanting to drive or someone that usually drives stopped drinking so fucking much and got stoned and stayed home. There are statistics that show reduced vehicle deaths in the states with legal (med) weed. But yeah, our rights are limited and will be more limited in the future as technology rolls on.
You don't have to convince me. I'm pro pot, in any aspect.

But if pot is your right, then so is heroin and crack.

I'm actually on board with this. I'm not saying it's a right, but I'm saying heroin and crack should be decriminalized also. We need to stop approaching drugs from a legal aspect and approach them from an educational and health aspect.

Nobody should ever be locked up for a victimless crime in this country... ever. Prohibition has never been a positive, that I can come up with anyway.
I favor weed, more specifically, I think you should be able to buy land and use all of it to grow it, and sell it, and maybe let the state gov't put a tax on it.

That being said, it isn't something I think is my god given right.

When a substance is capable of impairing you, and you have a society where pretty much everyone has a 2000 pound plus hunk of metal and plastic on wheels that goes as fast as you want then society has a big interest in saying what goes and what does not go.

Substances that impair you enable you to get into your car and kill my family. Society has an interest.

Back in the horse and buggy age you could walk into a pharmacy and buy heroin. Modern technology changes things.

We as a country do not have the forbearance to make potential illegal. We do not prohibit drinking just because we also drive. We prohibit the consumption of alcohol while driving or driving while under its influence. We do not prohibit firearms because they CAN be used in the comission of a crime, we penalize after the fact and make it known that we will do so. Society has an interest in many things, some outweigh individual rights, but the consumption of certain substances do not show the balance you state.
So we got the beer drinkers claiming that THEIR drug is ok, but pot kills people and is an abiding interest to the state. Now we got the pot smokers saying that THEIR drug is ok but heroin and crack kills people and is an abiding interest to the state. I am sure that heroin users will be pointing to the meth users and the meth users to the steroid users.

All or nothing folks, there are not good drugs and there are no bad drugs, there are only balances that each user negotiates with himself. Either the state should have no interest or every drug should be shelved.

this is the crux. The U.S. never wanted and does not now want to win the war on drugs. If it did, it would leagalize every drug and at the same timey stigmatize their use. This includes coffee, nicotine and liquor. No advertisement what so ever, all drugs sold in brown boxes or bags in the back of stores, no ads, no commercials except for what the taxs on these substances are spent on that stimatization. Two generations and there would be no problem

Figure that is going to happen? I don't.