FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!

Looking awesome as allways Flow. The more I see your girl, the more I want to try out a large plant under my 1000w.

Here is a Fire OG that I have going, think it has about a week left before cut.


yum! :weed: and yea man 1000watt monster plant would be siiiiik! a much deeper canopy and probably better spread with the right hood, but i still here 2 x 400s is the way to go for good even light spread, i almost don't think a 1000 watter is needed! if my colas got any bigger i would seriously worry about mould towards week 6-7
I cant wait to give this a try, sounds to me like its 10x easyer to maintain then DWC (tried that and scrapped it) But seeing this makes me want to get back into hydro and give it a shot. Would love to see how my prize GDP Strain responds to this, its never let me down yet.
U wanna get everyone stoned on it!! Join the circle guys i got green hit! That shit looks so dank brotha i love to toke it
Jessica-Jane Clement....there are few women that can pull off that seductive look and still look soo innocent! she makes things twitch that's for sure

OK people get ready to cringe!!! some people are going to spew when they see this. Just how many little jacks could i grow from all this pile :p and this is the 2nd cleanup!! 1 more to go soon. She's stressed a little as you can tell from the leaves stance. All for a reason i assure you. That's alot of growing tips.....but they were all getting no where near sufficient light to produce even close to the type of nug that i'm after!

im gonna have trouble with pruining late in the game man ..... i cant stand letting weed die .... i wish i had a giant field where i could throw all my misfits and cuttings always have trouble killing plants haha but if it is for the greater good then i shall do it none the less.
oh and weeds is a great fucking show ....... word to all the hot single moms out there ....start growing weed! haha :D
She's smokin Flowa!! Did you see the pic i posted in aussie thread of the aussie synchronised swim team?
Thanx man! lol, yeah i seen the swimsuit pic in the aussie thread :p as they say whatever floats your boat hehe! I been a bit out of action, got something goin on my neck, makin me feel shithouse. Glad to know you guys keepin my thread alive! This jack is going to be a bit of a monster, i trimmed a hell of alot of branches off yesterday and it looked like i could of gone 3 x the amount! why did this grow bush out soo much more than last grow? and i don't know if it's a positive thing for yields or not as i still feel a little :fire: when i got 'tree choppin' lol
I just gifted these to a new home because I hate to see clippings go to waste. There are 3 in the pot on the left and 2 in the pot on the right.


Hey Flow, hoping you can help me out again. I have my mothers in a pearlite drip setup. The drippers are 2gph and I am running it on 30 mins on 2.5 hours off. Leaves are all really droopy and I cant read what is going on like i can with soil. Whats the best way of telling over water vs under water in pearlite, and do you have any sugestions? Thanks bro!

Thanx man! lol, yeah i seen the swimsuit pic in the aussie thread :p as they say whatever floats your boat hehe! I been a bit out of action, got something goin on my neck, makin me feel shithouse. Glad to know you guys keepin my thread alive! This jack is going to be a bit of a monster, i trimmed a hell of alot of branches off yesterday and it looked like i could of gone 3 x the amount! why did this grow bush out soo much more than last grow? and i don't know if it's a positive thing for yields or not as i still feel a little :fire: when i got 'tree choppin' lol

LOL yeah man I'm a dirty perve for those chickies, they can synchronize a job for me ;)

Yeah I dunno why she bushed out on you so much hey. In my outdoor experience, the more bushy a plant was the thicker the buds were, but also took slightly longer to finish! May be the same for you, who knows. Either way your girl looks bloody fantastic, I'd be stoked with it :D
Hey Flow, hoping you can help me out again. I have my mothers in a pearlite drip setup. The drippers are 2gph and I am running it on 30 mins on 2.5 hours off. Leaves are all really droopy and I cant read what is going on like i can with soil. Whats the best way of telling over water vs under water in pearlite, and do you have any sugestions? Thanks bro!

depending on how powerful your lighting is, if not much heat is made try feed less often perhaps, your leaves maybe droopy because they want more food :P perlite is a hefty system and because you feed often you can have the strengths quite high as everything flows really well... could be light height, climate conditions... very hard to over water in perlite as long as you have an air stone in the res :)
depending on how powerful your lighting is, if not much heat is made try feed less often perhaps, your leaves maybe droopy because they want more food :P perlite is a hefty system and because you feed often you can have the strengths quite high as everything flows really well... could be light height, climate conditions... very hard to over water in perlite as long as you have an air stone in the res :)

No airstone in the res yet, havent made it to the store for more tubing lol
Hey Flow, hoping you can help me out again. I have my mothers in a pearlite drip setup. The drippers are 2gph and I am running it on 30 mins on 2.5 hours off. Leaves are all really droopy and I cant read what is going on like i can with soil. Whats the best way of telling over water vs under water in pearlite, and do you have any sugestions? Thanks bro!

hey J my guess is they are being over watered. I say that because I know they are still young cuttings and only under cfls.. I would only water once or twice a day untill they show good signs of growth.
hey J my guess is they are being over watered. I say that because I know they are still young cuttings and only under cfls.. I would only water once or twice a day untill they show good signs of growth.

I think your right, I turned it off completely last night and then put it on 15 on 3 hours off today and the leaves are losing the droop. I may change it to 15 every 4 hours if they dont start looking like I want em to. Thanks both to Flow and Reggae. I was starting to worry.
