Foilar feeding INDOOR

I have more lights than you and your growing friend combined ladies

For 4 days it's been in my garage with perfect Temps and humidity while I wait for my brand new 5x5 tent to arrive that's arriving late Tues or Wed it's getting enough light for bouncing back from trouble and a pheo I'll grow the bich for a year and flower her retards main thing is she's gonna flower and like that cuckold said be fire, this is my true first grow and while you retards do some hillbilly inbred trailer court shit like pissing on your weed all while your gf is out cuckolding you I'm sorry I have triple the set up you sisters have my bad 20221120_172752.jpg20221120_161305.jpg
I think most these femboys are just sad they either don't have a set up AT ALL or if they do a 1 type tent situation gtfoh and let me learn from the real pros who step in and actually offer correct advice and have knowledge things to talk about, the only thing you ALL have done is talk shit and say piss on my weed while never showing me your I mean googles pictures of "your" plants like I said probably don't got a set up or plants going but you all big talk in a forum with someone knocking it out the park for a first grow once this learning curve of a FIRST grow is over I'll already have surpassed you femboys

I still got a lot of learning and I'll get there but I get to look at my plants and smile and have pride yall take that I'm poor and can't afford systems talk elsewhere I'll buy one of e20221120_184634.jpg20221120_184805.jpg20221120_184812.jpg20221120_203558.jpg20221120_203547.jpg20221120_203628.jpg20221120_203637.jpg20221120_203706.jpgverything and still go eat sushi with your mom and never call her back
If you say so my plants speak for themselves while yours .. I'm sorry your poor and have 0 going keep hating ill toss you some change, meanwhile this is how my 5x5 tents 600w light looks your led bulbs the best light you got ? Lol kids ...
Don't forget my vipraspectra light waiting to even be used for first time, always nice have a spare in case shit happens unless your poor

And the 2 400 watt advanced specturm lights in my 4x4's yall boring meScreenshot_20221120_214509_Chrome.jpg20221120_172752.jpg
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Wait a flipping minute here.... why do the instructions specificly say even before mentioning roots mix and spray on foliage.... kids I'm telling you you'll probably say it's safer to piss on your weed 20221120_225645.jpg20221120_225654.jpg