Foilar feeding INDOOR

That article never references foliar mycorrhizae. Now, there is plenty of research on foliar Trichoderma, but not mycorrhizae. My favorite foliar microbials are the cyst forming bacillus species like bacillus amyloliquefaciens and bacillus subtilis.

Nice. Why is this your favorite? How often do you use it?
I think I get it now, there is a lot to dig through in text.

Are you saying treating cuttings with mycorrhizae will help them root faster? Or help the roots grow faster once they start to form?

In that case, I would wonder how long those fungal propagules can survive in water without roots to infect, vs how long it takes a cutting to start forming roots. They're stored in a dry powder, I wonder if that's because they have a short shelf-life once you get them wet...

I've seen fuzzy stuff growing on my cuttings in water before, but they never rooted, I figure it was some sort of pathogen actually...

This actually happened to me one time and I thought the same - pathogen. I use an aerogarden to root (kicks ass too). They root and pop soo quick. The one hindu popped and had a thick white fuzz on it. On the stalk just below the first set of leaves. Didn't take chances. Tossed it.
Every plant I have has more than 18 .... even my bonsai tree that's being kept in veg until a FULL recovery she's named Xena because shes my warrior princess or it could be Tigger because she's on that bouncing back shit easily 20 plus hands gonna be fun flowering her eventually shen she says I'm ready daddy

This is why i am happy I got phenos for my first grow View attachment 5228877View attachment 5228878View attachment 5228879

While I applaud your efforts on your first grow, I fully anticipate bud rot once you flower, given their current appearance. if they make it that far. Keep at it. You'll get it. And there will always be more to learn. For all of us.
But again I'm finding a unexpierenced experienced grower you should research before opening your mouth myco isn't the ONLY thing in great white the benificals of hydro and GW is AMAZING via foliar yes they live on the leaves 2 aswell as transported in ... it's OK If you don't understand your probably not researching and learning via scientists and using that bro science

Doesn't take much looking to see the tricoderma or myco growing on my cuttings in plain water kid
You are truly special. I was busy yesterday and missed this gem of a thread.

I love you.
Haters gonna hate but I'm preparing for my great genetic seeds with all this practice and while I wait for my new 5x5 tent to come I got my garage kicking ass its a shame too see people hate using bro science over actual real science but maybe if you have a passion someday you'll learn ... maybe not View attachment 5228720View attachment 5228721View attachment 5228722View attachment 5228723View attachment 5228724View attachment 5228725View attachment 5228726
Is every single room in your house a complete train wreck?
Is every single room in your house a complete train wreck?
How's your set up karate man, thought we was friends and I was going to come kick your ass and eat your turkey tf sister ....

You should probably go back to being busy running around working chasing a dollar bill while I sit back on permanent vacation enjoying life smh

Talk that shit because I am daily dialing shit in better and better its a shame we can't truly learn to grow better and instead your egos run wild and you think you all have your bro science going on .

  • "Never pee on your cannabis plants, it could actually kill them! Urine contains lots of salts we must dilute before applying.
  • Only use urine if you are healthy. Don’t use it if you are on medication either"
Go to work broke bitchs like I said there's levels and you can't even reach level one let alone level 2 where I'm ONLY what a true shame, time to get back to my education later lil girls go chase that dollar you just cant seem to catch maybe ill be waiting for you at the top with that got that money to blow shit View attachment 5229087View attachment 5229089View attachment 5229086

So as you sit here and call us all broke bitches, I can’t help but look at your latest thread you made where your light didn’t even come with a end to plug it into the wall?
Sorry kids I've come to play be good girls and sit back and watch like you do, I got these creepy lady men dressing up as girls playing where's Waldo luckily tho I've found some great information from a few and share pms with a few others. Enjoy them panties dudes not my thing or your bro scienceView attachment 5228989
Is the butter included in your foliar spray?
You claim there's only 1 ingrediant in great white but looking reveals your too poor to buy it and and there's benificals benificials strong enough you don't need massive levels you probably know nothing of bio... neither do I but I'm scintisting this shit out before our eyes as we speak and figuring it out you're still like durrrr my names silly Susie not Tommas I've ALWAYS claimed the benificals on the leaves is marijuana leaf porn, it's OK if you never understand there's levels too this and I'm already ahead of you on my level 1 wtf
Put down the meth pipe.

I apologize if you actually have some sort of mental issue/deficiency and all of your incoherent ramblings aren't the result of drugs.
What a freaking joke. This thread sucks 100%

As you were.

Interestingly, it started off informative and helpful until this comment popped up yesterday at 10:16am. I challenge anyone to fact check this statement.


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