Wait a flipping minute here.... why do the instructions specificly say even before mentioning roots mix and spray on foliage.... kids I'm telling you you'll probably say it's safer to piss on your weed View attachment 5228987View attachment 5228988
No shit it's the same thing as the other thing I'm telling people to use in the same sentence mr nobel prize winner this is only HALF my statement I'll get GW on the horn and have more pix to come yet, why would mold survive in their presence and 2 air purifiers running and ozone often.
I could crap on a bun and sell you a hotdg couldn't I you really seem that stupid
You claim there's only 1 ingrediant in great white but looking reveals your too poor to buy it and and there's benificals benificials strong enough you don't need massive levels you probably know nothing of bio... neither do I but I'm scintisting this shit out before our eyes as we speak and figuring it out you're still like durrrr my names silly Susie not Tommas I've ALWAYS claimed the benificals on the leaves is marijuana leaf porn, it's OK if you never understand there's levels too this and I'm already ahead of you on my level 1 wtf
All my new cuttings from starting my lollipopping all 6 of the ladies in first week flower and using them in clonex gel this time, soaked root riot in aloe vera powder chitosan at a 2 vera 1 chitosan ratio used half a teaspoon 4th teaspoon chitosan added 4th teaspoon great white and a dash of kelp meal in a mix soaked the root riots fresh cuttings over my 400 dollar Flow hood for you know original intent is Magik so steril as a mf dipped in clonex gel threw in dome aaaaaaaaaaaand sprayed all clones rooted unrooted misted their inside dome and soil got the baby autos and fresh clippings and dome 2.
What have yall done for scintisting today calculate urine results on your Reggie weed
For when my jewler loop just isn't enough
What again I ask is your type set up or system to go with that urine?
And isn't it better in your opinion when you shower with it, you can remain annoymous might be affecting your penal gland tho hence the stupidity???
Do you listen to R Kelly my guy??
Where did she hurt you..... because I see it in your heart your a little confused n ignorant it's OK
For when marijuana is perfected got 6 boxes, I'd invite you over but I don't listen or like people who bump r kelly or drink pee or use pee for anything but a gd toilet
I'm laughing as my baby girl gets better and better as I pour love into her yes yes I do think she will produce fire it's a pheo shell flower when I say so and she's nice and healthy, ima rookie but I'm guessing in 2 weeks she'll be ready and BEAFY for a mini bonsai cabels soup Is gonna sue me for infringement because I expect not fire but mmm mmm good
Keep stalking my 2nd attempt ever to clone and removed dome over night I'm LEARNING while you .... your hardly paying your rent and have no plants foing and when you do it's Reggie bush yall keep doing you I'm already levels above your knowledge what a terrible shame
Little ladies men like you guys piss on your weed and use bro science I scientifically research and experiment and I'm learning yall just some broke bitchs that gotta go to work and barley pay your rent with no fun money what a shifty life
You guys see the mold growing even more even thp I sprayed the water aswell with bacteria lol probably too ignorant to understand but thatsbyou guys
I know you've never grown before but I'll educate you I gotta put her under 12 hours of light for a week sister she's on 18 hours don't be a ignorant cuck
(I better hold onto my seat while these crossdeessers google pix to claim as theirs)
You guys don't have time for this shit you should be at work barley surviving
I'm busy doing my true scientific research shit and yall on some I'm 12 and talk shit while never doing shit stuff... what a shame see you all on the other side of things (aka not broke not struggling and actually growing a mass if plants tall fake af)
We run scientifically round here quality tools mixed with learning provide great results level 1 nake a dollar level 2 buy equipment level 3 experiment you guys haven't even reached level 1 grfoh
I know you've never grown before but I'll educate you I gotta put her under 12 hours of light for a week sister she's on 18 hours don't be a ignorant cuck
(I better hold onto my seat while these crossdeessers google pix to claim as theirs)
You guys don't have time for this shit you should be at work barley surviving
I'm busy doing my true scientific research shit and yall on some I'm 12 and talk shit while never doing shit stuff... what a shame see you all on the other side of things (aka not broke not struggling and actually growing a mass if plants tall fake afView attachment 5229080
Go to work broke bitchs like I said there's levels and you can't even reach level one let alone level 2 where I'm ONLY what a true shame, time to get back to my education later lil girls go chase that dollar you just cant seem to catch maybe ill be waiting for you at the top with that got that money to blow shit