I did show respect and i always appreciated his posts, he doesn't see eye to eye with me on this and i was making peace, all your doing is instigating nothing? If i was a mod, i would have done the same he did, disagreed, and then let others get emotionally charged. Racerboy is an example to all of you that just want to get onto something to flame, say your opinion, respectfully. this is a damn community with common interest man, im not trying to fight with any of you. I was just saying im upset and feel betrayed by the whole situation... no need for this man.
I respect all of you guys moreso than friends i see in real life, for you to sit there and tell me to end myself, to do this or that, real big of you. another kid grows up without a father... your part of the problem not the solution....
Your kid already doesn't have dad dumbass! The problem is you!