Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

I did show respect and i always appreciated his posts, he doesn't see eye to eye with me on this and i was making peace, all your doing is instigating nothing? If i was a mod, i would have done the same he did, disagreed, and then let others get emotionally charged. Racerboy is an example to all of you that just want to get onto something to flame, say your opinion, respectfully. this is a damn community with common interest man, im not trying to fight with any of you. I was just saying im upset and feel betrayed by the whole situation... no need for this man.

I respect all of you guys moreso than friends i see in real life, for you to sit there and tell me to end myself, to do this or that, real big of you. another kid grows up without a father... your part of the problem not the solution....

Your kid already doesn't have dad dumbass! The problem is you!
Your kid already doesn't have dad dumbass! The problem is you!
no one has a choice at what lying bitch they knock up, and no one has to agree with or get along with said sperm donation center of a slut they fuck. unlike you. your noble, all hail.... um... you.
she does have a dad, although i will have to legally go through courts to get custody instead of the old style of beating there head in with a rock to get custody... time change, i get it.
you are one of those stay with the knocked up sluts, got it... feeble... oh so feeble. you have no real love integrity, you let your semen run your life, i dont... /end

no one has a choice at what lying bitch they knock up, and no one has to agree with or get along with said sperm donation center of a slut they fuck. unlike you. your noble, all hail.... um... you.

I fucking love Christmas. This thread just keeps giving! Your so incoherent, I'm surprised your were able to get your dick out of your pants without permanent damage.
I'm not judging you and everything I am about to type out I don't mean any disrespect or to cause you any anger.

Your at a Y in the road. If you drop the anger at your mom and baby mama and even suck up your pride no matter how hard it is so you can be a part of your daughters life it will be the best thing you could ever do. Change to be the man your daughter needs and it will make you a better person. Your story is not unique but talk to an old guy who stepped up and did everything for his children VS a guy who said feck it and walked away... You will never find a guy who stepped up that regrets it.
give cunt my number.She sounds ok to me.I bet she gives great helmet,pyschos usually do.IDM a little kid running around
give cunt my number.She sounds ok to me.I bet she gives great helmet,pyschos usually do.IDM a little kid running around
and you could teach that kid some real live skills, while eventually taking some of the work load off your shoulders like stacking some wood and snowblowing. I can't wait until the day comes where I can teach my kid the life skill of doing dishes after dinner so I won't have to!
I'm not judging you and everything I am about to type out I don't mean any disrespect or to cause you any anger.

Your at a Y in the road. If you drop the anger at your mom and baby mama and even suck up your pride no matter how hard it is so you can be a part of your daughters life it will be the best thing you could ever do. Change to be the man your daughter needs and it will make you a better person. Your story is not unique but talk to an old guy who stepped up and did everything for his children VS a guy who said feck it and walked away... You will never find a guy who stepped up that regrets it.

I agree with you, i just want to know a way to get over the hate i fear will never leave toward her mother. thats what i posted this fucking thread about that people seemto think im a dead beat from, if so, why not live up to dead beat status... after i heard news of this i thought of killing myself i did... ill be honest. i cant raise a kid today... her mother sticker her infront of the tv... man fuck that, i just cant overlook how doomed i think everything is, WHICH IS WHY I NEVER WANTED A KID. i would have killed it while it was still forming, for those that appose, suck my dick.
I agree with you, i just want to know a way to get over the hate i fear will never leave toward her mother. thats what i posted this fucking thread about that people seemto think im a dead beat from, if so, why not live up to dead beat status... after i heard news of this i thought of killing myself i did... ill be honest. i cant raise a kid today... her mother sticker her infront of the tv... man fuck that, i just cant overlook how doomed i think everything is, WHICH IS WHY I NEVER WANTED A KID. i would have killed it while it was still forming, for those that appose, suck my dick.

I did the same thing not so long ago. I am ashamed of it. Doubly so since my kids were alive and verbal. I have been colossally selfish.
This thread is a clear example of why you should talk to your children about how babies are actually made. Apparently no one told the O.P. and he was under the assumption a stork dropped the kid off. You were there, be responsible for your actions. It's called being a man.
I did the same thing not so long ago. I am ashamed of it. Doubly so since my kids were alive and verbal. I have been colossally selfish.

hey mr. bear, glad you changed your mind. I know I speak for many would be missed.

to the op.. so you hate your baby momma?? SO what? You are not unique. Man up, be a father, and stop bashing cunt. It really only makes you look bad.... I mean you inserted your penis into cunt creating baby. So if she is a bitch/cunt whatever, where does that leave you?

really YOU'RE to blame. Not her.