Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

I am the eye in the sky,
Looking at you--
I can read your mind;
I am the maker of rules,
Dealing with fools--
I can cheat you blind.
lol, posts with symbolism

just for those who can't read between the lines huh?

or can't understand song lyrics.

i've always found a lot of "truth" in music. guess i'm a hippy.



"Just Look Around"

The question they keep asking me
how can one so young be so bitter and angry
well, the answer is plain to see
maybe if they wern't so blind they'd see what i see
i see the homeless livin' out on the street
on every corner they're asking for money
i try to help them whenever i can
but sometimes i can't afford to help myself
i see diseases and modern plagues of our times
the greed of our leaders has made them blind
to our problems
they spend millions overseas,
people right here are fightin' wars everyday

I see the whites that hate the blacks
blacks against the jews, race against religion
and the're all too blind to see

When we fight each other it puts all of them at ease
it keeps us so busy, so they can do what they please

election time comes and they're out for votes
that's when you see and hear from them the most
this is what they're calling a democracy
that's just another word for hypocrisy
we keep fallin' for the bait
when we realize, it's always too late

I see the whites that hate the blacks
blacks that hate the jews, brother against brother
and they're all to blind to see

As the rich get richer, the poor goin' hungry
i've seen the toll it takes on the workingman's family
education system that's obsolete
can't hold a kid's interest or keep 'em off the street
see a father's fear, hear a mother's cry
what kind of a nation lets their children die
government's corrupt and full of red tape
then you're gonna ask me why i hate

Why don't you open up your eyes so you can see
open up your ears so you can hear
take a look around and you will find
take a look around and you will find out why
What Iam talking about is more like Peyote and sunrise fasting and taking herbs (hmmmm?) Mushrooms and Vortex Points and TAKING Mushrooms on Vortes points or even Peyote on Vortex Points Mother Nature and Miracles and even all that at once!! Wow!
What Iam talking about is more like Peyote and sunrise fasting and taking herbs (hmmmm?) Mushrooms and Vortex Points and TAKING Mushrooms on Vortes points or even Peyote on Vortex Points Mother Nature and Miracles and even all that at once!! Wow!

will it lead me to the messiah? :eyesmoke:
Dude all you do is spam. Post something relevant to the discussion? :-|

kid fdd says more in a youtube video than you say in a thread! it sad you had to point out to him that your youtube videos arent spam, and they ALL mean something relevant to the subject

--yogi, i just figured out today where your alien rights BS came from. the previews for that delta 9 movie. i ll give you a little props for seeing that preview kinda early, but dude its a movie, there are really no aliens to give rights to
kid fdd says more in a youtube video than you say in a thread! it sad you had to point out to him that your youtube videos arent spam, and they ALL mean something relevant to the subject

--yogi, i just figured out today where your alien rights BS came from. the previews for that delta 9 movie. i ll give you a little props for seeing that preview kinda early, but dude its a movie, there are really no aliens to give rights to

What, Alien Rights?

Is he talking about District 9? I want to see that movie. It looks kind of interesting...
District 9 looks pretty cool, for a trailer anyways. hopefully the movie is as good. :cool:

alien rights, hellsa funny. :clap:
Some people need pharma meds for real mental problems like paranoia and obsessions with things like conspiracy theories. A gun won't help unless you turn it on yourself.
Some people need pharma meds for real mental problems like paranoia and obsessions with things like conspiracy theories. A gun won't help unless you turn it on yourself.

Speaking from experience there are you O-M?

Tell me, what was it like realizing that you'd blown the best part of your brains away?
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the full lenght video here.

youve gotta be the dumbest person i know....
i bet if jesus was president youd figure away to make him look evil

geez man not everyone in the government is corrupt ....
go listen to some imortal technique or something kid...
its not cool to just be against anything that is government...
i never thought id tell someone this .. but you smoke entirely to much weed.