Ursus marijanus
"Fairly Firm Belief"
Leads me to believe you realize there are some things shared regardless of culture or history, rationally can not disagree but taking it to that level I think is incorrect, Sure even the fundamentals vary to some degree but at the core they are the same. (Murder, Violence, Theft, etc)..No I don't think its too wide to hold leaders accountable for violations of ethics and moral rules, I don't think it is required for a non-hierarchic society to form for these things to happen.
I do not think there needs to be some great metamorphisms or change the way the world is today, or that we have to go live in communes and "share" and everyone will get a long like happy little fluffly bunnies.
I just think that everyone should be treated equally and held accountable for their actions based on established moral principals, that’s all.
The trouble I have with this is that I have read about societies who have attitudes toward murder or theft or sex or ... that are pretty far out from the center of gravity. Very few of what we call "moral perversions" weren't accepted at some time, in some place, that has made it into the hands of the anthropologists.
I do of course agree that there are rules, the ones you've parenthesized, that are shared by most known societies. But to qualify as "natural law" or "morally universal", i still stipulate it would have to be unanimous.
We could discuss pathological societies, like the Branch Davidians or the black Nike comet cult. The force of moral suasion wielded by one charismatic but sociopathic individual trumps all moral restraint. This capacity to embrace a mob psychology that doesn't begin to stand up to sober, solitary reflection is a serious impediment to a society of free agents. I would suggest that a prerequisite to belonging to a society of adults is to think about what one does, to consider the consequences. But when you look around ... it isn't what people do.
<add> The practicality of holding leaders accountable for their actions is something I question. If it could be done, authoritarian and especially totalitarian forms of government would be stillborn. cn