Fuck it/Enough is Enough

you watch too much news it seems. Maybe get something more beneficial in your life,it'll do wonders.
Yea, I do watch the news.
Maybe you should pull you head out of your asshole and observe the world surrounding us or is it maybe you don't give a fuck, then my friend, don't be coy & cute to me, really/clearly displaying a dim wit.
I thank you before hand
They’re white?

Unfortunately it doesn't matter to some people unless they are.

A young 25 year old musician knew it did back in 1984. Not much has changed since then other than technology. People still think the same. :-(

"Martin Gore penned lyrics that convey a message that people shouldn't judge one another. The lyrics question and condemn unfound hate. The song asks that humans put an end to superficial differences and unjustified violence or prejudice. Gore touches upon racial discrimination, homophobia, and religious intolerance in simple, easy to understand words."

Razor clamming has been great on the Oregon coast. I haven't gotten out to do any digging yet but I will. When I do I'll be posting the spoils in the food thread in TNT. I just use some cajun seasoning and coat them in Panko.

Last time I went clamming I limited in well under an hour. Fried those suckers up and ate them for dinner. Some tried to run but they couldn't hide in the sand.
Razor clamming has been great on the Oregon coast. I haven't gotten out to do any digging yet but I will. When I do I'll be posting the spoils in the food thread in TNT. I just use some cajun seasoning and coat them in Panko.

Last time I went clamming I limited in well under an hour. Fried those suckers up and ate them for dinner. Some tried to run but they couldn't hide in the sand.

That's awesome. I like 50% cracker crumbs and 50% panko with a little salt myself
That's awesome. I like 50% cracker crumbs and 50% panko with a little salt myself

I like them many ways. A cornmeal breading is good as well. I do make my own Panko though so I have it around. I take it you're talking about just plain saltines for the cracker crumbs.
This is what happens if you watch tv news smoking and drinking, kill mf Russians? Bunch of kids sent to their deaths by Putin? Armchair generals are two a penny, so here’s mine, I’m for detaining his daughters and using them as leverage to stop atrocities but he probably doesn’t give enough of a fuck about them.
There is only one difference between the people of Ukraine and other countries that have been suffering just as bad for years. Does anyone know what that difference is?

How do you know no one gave a fuck about those other wars? Fairly certain I did. If you didn't that's cool, but don't pretend that extends to the rest of the world. No one likes war and to shoehorn racism in here is pretty shameful.
This is what happens if you watch tv news smoking and drinking, kill mf Russians? Bunch of kids sent to their deaths by Putin? Armchair generals are two a penny, so here’s mine, I’m for detaining his daughters and using them as leverage to stop atrocities but he probably doesn’t give enough of a fuck about them.
Let me know if this happens. I have some out of date soup to send.
How do you know no one gave a fuck about those other wars? Fairly certain I did. If you didn't that's cool, but don't pretend that extends to the rest of the world. No one likes war and to shoehorn racism in here is pretty shameful.

It's not shameful at all. It's the truth. Racism plays a large role in people's sympathies for others. It always has. I don't recall 24/7 coverage of what was occuring in Yemen or Syria. A 20 second blurb on the evening news was about it. Now the people in all western countries have joined together in solidarity. Where was that solidarity before when similar atrocities were happening?

Pull your head out of the sand. Or do you feel shame?
It's not shameful at all. It's the truth. Racism plays a large role in people's sympathies for others. It always has. I don't recall 24/7 coverage of what was occuring in Yemen or Syria. A 20 second blurb on the evening news was about it. Now the people in all western countries have joined together in solidarity. Where was that solidarity before when similar atrocities were happening?

Pull your head out of the sand. Or do you feel shame?

Tell me; which of those wars had the potential to kick start WW3? You think people are only interested because it's a white war? Speaks more about yourself than the western world tbh.
Tell me; which of those wars had the potential to kick start WW3? You think people are only interested because it's a white war? Speaks more about yourself than the western world tbh.

Oh good grief. That's your generic response? WWIII? I'll be sure to start digging my nuclear bunker today.