Fuck it/Enough is Enough

Lol read your own failed posts. They are a string of fallacious twaddle. If you are such a fool that you see the splinter in my eye but ignore the plank in yours, you are a hypocritical waste of all of our time.

Awesome ad hom, bro. Care to actually tackle the subject at hand? You know, just for laughs.
I was referring to the folks on this forum, not in my "neck of the woods". I care about all people. Wars are bad, and war mongering is just as bad. This thread is advocating for war mongering.

I'm new here. I don't know what your forum thinks of the wars. I was talking about the Western World.
Awesome ad hom, bro. Care to actually tackle the subject at hand? You know, just for laughs.
You don’t even know what an argumentum ad hominem actually is. Strike one.

You brought a dog-barf argument against xtsho built on more emotionalized irrelevancy. Strike two.

Then you called me a damned racist for pointing out that you expected a link but have provided none of your own. “Yer oudda heah!”

Cool. Go tell the Japanese that they shouldn't be caring about this war because they're not white, ya mad racist. :clap:
Actually the reason the Japanese care so much is that they are in conflict with Russia. Everyday poot-poot insists on stepping on his dick, the odds increase that some of the troops trying to hold the Pacific islands will have to be shipped to Ukrane. If enough of them have to leave, Japan might just decide it is safe to retake the islands that Russia is trying to hold.
Actually the reason the Japanese care so much is that they are in conflict with Russia. Everyday poot-poot insists on stepping on his dick, the odds increase that some of the troops trying to hold the Pacific islands will have to be shipped to Ukrane. If enough of them have to leave, Japan might just decide it is safe to retake the islands that Russia is trying to hold.

So, by your logic, black people don't care about Ukraine and the Japanese only do because they hate Russia?
It's not binary, there is a ton of nuance. We would be naïve to think that being white had nothing to do with it, for some(or many) people. We know it's not the only factor, because Russians are white and we hate the shit out of them right now. So, it's not nothing and it's not everything.
It's not binary, there is a ton of nuance. We would be naïve to think that being white had nothing to do with it, for some(or many) people. We know it's not the only factor, because Russians are white and we hate the shit out of them right now. So, it's not nothing and it's not everything.

I've got no doubt that some people do look at the war in Ukraine with greater importance than other wars mainly due to the fact it's a "white" war, but to pretend that the entire Western World is like that is just some virtue signalling nonsense.
Not really. It's a fact that an orange is orange. I don't need to provide proof to back that up. If you think I'm wrong, the burden of proof is on you to prove that I'm wrong.

Yes really. Otherwise, I have this Flying Spaghetti Monster to tell you all about. He created the universe I hear.

If you claim something is a fact, it is on you prove that fact. I can't believe I need to explain this to an adult.
So, by your logic, black people don't care about Ukraine and the Japanese only do because they hate Russia?
No, by my logic governments always do what they think is best for them. People on the other hand are easily led by fear and anger, often without even realizing it is happening. Differing degrees of pigmentation is always an easy way to generate both. Similarities in pigmentation is an easy way to generate good will and trust.

In the early days of the war there were lots of TV talking heads who said, "these people have blonde hair and blue eyes. They look like us." I'm sure they were not trying to show pigmentation based bias, but that is what it was.
No, by my logic governments always do what they think is best for them. People on the other hand are easily led by fear and anger, often without even realizing it is happening. Differing degrees of pigmentation is always an easy way to generate both. Similarities in pigmentation is an easy way to generate good will and trust.

In the early days of the war there were lots of TV talking heads who said, "these people have blonde hair and blue eyes. They look like us." I'm sure they were not trying to show pigmentation based bias, but that is what it was.

As well as being absolute blabbering bullshit, that post hasn't anything to do with what we're talking about. I haven't ever heard anyone say "these people have blonde hair and blue eyes. They look like us."

You said that people only care about the Ukraine war because they're white. This logic tells me that you think black people couldn't give a fuck about Ukraine.

Is this still your opinion?
Yes really. Otherwise, I have this Flying Spaghetti Monster to tell you all about. He created the universe I hear.
So, are you claiming that to be a fact, or just something you heard? Either way, you would be acting disingenuous to make such a statement, so your theoretical point is moot.
I've got no doubt that some people do look at the war in Ukraine with greater importance than other wars mainly due to the fact it's a "white" war, but to pretend that the entire Western World is like that is just some virtue signalling nonsense.

I'm not sure virtue signaling the correct term, but I don't think what he's talking about is actually very conscious. I think you're interpreting it as something too sinister. I live in a rural area and am an overweight middleaged caucasian male, so if I get pulled over in town by a cop that happens to also be an overweight middleaged caucasian male, there's a subconscious empathy that occurs because of our similarities, and the odds are, I won't get a ticket if it's over something trivial. Now do the exact same thing with a young black kid and the odds are his chances of getting the ticket is much higher. Many people would say it's racism, which it very well could be, but odds are the ticket comes from a lack of empathy due to a lack of relatability. When people in Europe see Kiev, the city and people look just like them and theirs and the subconscious empathy shoots way up.
I'm not sure virtue signaling the correct term, but I don't think what he's talking about is actually very conscious. I think you're interpreting it as something too sinister. I live in a rural area and am an overweight middleaged caucasian male, so if I get pulled over in town by a cop that happens to also be an overweight middleaged caucasian male, there's a subconscious empathy that occurs because of our similarities, and the odds are, I won't get a ticket if it's over something trivial. Now do the exact same thing with a young black kid and the odds are his chances of getting the ticket is much higher. Many people would say it's racism, which it very well could be, but odds are the ticket comes from a lack of empathy due to a lack of relatability. When people in Europe see Kiev, the city and people look just like them and theirs and the subconscious empathy shoots way up.
I think you're confusing empathy with fellowship.